Monthly international scientific journal
Issue 4
Editor-in-chief: | Tatyana V. Yakovleva, general director of the LLC "Scientific Cooperation Centre “Interactive plus” |
Deputy editor-in-chief: | Svetlana Y. Semenova, выпускающий редактор Центра научного сотрудничества «Интерактив плюс» |
Chairman of Editorial Board: | Oleg N. Shirokov, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, dean of the History and Geography Department at FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University”, member of the Public Chamber of the Chuvash Republic |
Editorial Board: | Lyudmila A. Abramova, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the Department of Pedagogics and Education Development at FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” Lyudmila V. Antonova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the Department of Foreign Languages at CCheboksary Polytechnical Institute of FSBEI HE «Moscow State Engineering University (MSEU)» Rahym A. Beknazarov, Doctor of historical sciences, professor of Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov Svetlana V. Berezhnaya, д-р филос. наук, профессор, декан исторического факультета ХНПУ имени Г.С. Сковороды, Украина Fedor P. Vasilev, д-р юрид. наук, доцент ФГКОУ ВО «Академия управления МВД России», член российской академии юридических наук (РАЮН) Lyudmila I. Gerasimova, д-р мед. наук, профессор, академик, член-корреспондент Евразийской Академии Медицинских Наук, ректор автономного учреждения ГАУ ЧР ДПО «Институт усовершенствования врачей» Министерства здравоохранения Чувашской Республики Vitaly A. Grinchenko, Candidate of technical sciences, deputy dean for research activity at FSBEI of HE «Stavropol State Agrarian University» Aleksandr Y. Ivanitsky, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, dean of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Physics and Information Technologies at FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” Valery A. Kisliakov, д-р мед. наук, заведующий отделением гнойной хирургии ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница им. А.К. Ерамишанцева Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы», Член Европейской ассоциации сосудистых хирургов, Член Европейской Академии Естествознания, заслуженный деятель науки и образования РАЕ. Baktybek K. Meimanov, doctor of economic sciences, professor, member of the Academic Board of Research Institute of Innovation Economics under the Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov, Vice-President at the International Institute of Strategic Researches, Kyrgyzstan Elina N. Riabinina, Candidate of economical sciences, professor Luybov M. Yakovleva, Doctor of biological sciences, candidate of medical sciences, professor at FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” |
Designer: | Nadezhda V. Firsova |
Executive Secretary: | Tatiana A. Shabalina |
Interactive science. – № 4. – p. 140. – ISSN 2414-9411. – DOI 10.21661/a-294. |
p-ISSN 2414-9411 (print)
e-ISSN 2500-2686 (online)
DOI 10.21661/a-294
The scientific works of famous and beginning researches are presented in a monthly international scientific journal. The articles are combined by the main theme of a modern vision for science and education development.
It is intended for the general public.
Cheboksary , 2016
Table of contents
- Тема номера
- Viktor I. Kulik, Ivan V. Kulik On the oscillatory motion of a celestial body, time, speed, and the forces acting on a body moving along the solar system orbit 8-17
- Биология
- Safar Z. Zaynudinov, Fajzali S. Komilov, Saidalo H. Mirzoev, Fotekh Akobirzoda Development of a fishpond ecosystem’s conceptual model and its quality stability research 18-22
- Медицина
- Guli M. Saatova, Baktygul T. Zhanturaeva Main ecopathology syndromes of children living in the area of nuclear waste tailings 23-27
- Педагогика
- Nadezhda E. Varshavskaya Implementation of situational approach to teaching «Psychology of intercultural interaction» course 28-30
- Goar S. Galoyan, Tatyana N. Ishchenko, Olga S. Muhametrahimova Students’ brain building as a means of safe behavior 31-34
- Vera P. Kirzhaeva, Oleg E. Osovskiy, Alla I. Marinichenko N.A. Hans activity in the magazine «Sovremennyje zapiski» 35-38
- Irina V. Kurdyukova Specifics of website development for children's computer courses 39-41
- Oleg E. Osovskiy, Svetlana P. Gudkova, Vera P. Kirzhaeva, Alla I. Marinichenko N.A. Hans’ pedagogical legacy in the educational space of Russia and West in 1920–60s 42-44
- Olga V. Perevozova Re-engineering in educational process as a condition of managers’ competitive advantages formation 45-47
- Veronika K. Pereprosova, Natalya A. Romanova Learner-centered developing education of junior school pupils while implementing Federal State Education Standards 48-51
- Marina S. Smirnova Textbook as a means of developing future elementary school teacher’s way of thinking in terms of methodic 52-53
- Политология
- Anna Y. Dokshina, Zarina A. Fardzinova The analysis of government-sponsored schemes for young people and children's non-governmental organizations of the Far Eastern Federal District support 54-56
- Психология
- Kristina I. Marcih Features of parasportsmen’s coping behavior 57-60
- Социология
- Anastasiya A. Aleksandrova Corporate pension fund: the world practice of pension funds’ investment 61-67
- Nadezhda I. Sevryugina Culture and social interaction 68-70
- Технические науки
- Maksim V. Laptev The impact of noise disturbances on the quality of signal processing in the acoustic sodar 71-73
- Pavel E. Sokolov, Aleksandr S. Butov, Ilya S. Peplov RTL design techniques of asynchronous FIFO memory blocks with area and power consumption optimizations 74-78
- Филология
- Zhanat A. Aymuhambet, Zhuldyzay K. Kishkenbaeva Binary-dyadic substructure of modern poetry and its mythical foundation 79-82
- Irina V. Ivlieva The semantics of «lacuna modifications» (a case study for the verbs of sound) 83-90
- Vera A. Rozhina Representation of the concept “Child” in Russian and English proverbs: compliance correlates 91-93
- Olga D. Tarasova Ecology criteria as an important concept for emotive lingvoecology 94-96
- Экология
- Viktor A. Rybak, Anna Grib, Ahmad Shokr Analysis of "green economy" phenomenon and tools of environment quality management: a case study for the Republic of Belarus 97-107
- Экономика
- Fuad Z. Abbasov Agromarketing system-aim and assessment of efficiency 108-110
- Sergej V. Balko, Sabri S. Aliev Improving the management of agricultural enterprises potential 111-114
- Anna A. Volodkina Competitiveness regulation of dairy products production in the Crimea 115-117
- Elena A. Debryanskaya Correlation and regression analysis of indicators of nuclear power plants efficiency of the Russian Federation 118-121
- Aleksandra Y. Kasaeva, Evgeniya A. Kuznecova PR methods and tools for the formation of a company popularity 122-123
- Fidail A. Muhametov Tax incentives tools for innovative activities 124-127
- Darya A. Sviridenko The priorities of Russian migration policy in terms of external labor migration management 128-131
- Sergey A. Yazykov Greenhouse gases’ inventory control – carbon policy – competitiveness 132-135
- Юриспруденция
- Shaojia Wang On the obstacles and solutions in the application of Chinese criminal legal aid system 136-139