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Publication date: 16.03.2018
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Ekaterina A. Loseva , educator
Municipal Autonomous Institution "Information and Methodological Center" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Interdepartmental interaction model on the extracurricular activities of students in the city of Surgut in the quality management system of the municipal state institution "Information and Methodological Center»

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In this article the author considers interdepartmental interaction model in the field of extracurricular activities of students in the quality management system. The topic is examined on the example of the municipal state institution "Information and Methodological Center".

Publication date: 14.03.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 2)
Teodora D. Valova , doctor of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
Medical university - Pleven , Bulgaria

«Interaction among lecturers and students within the frame of Bulgarian language blended learning for foreigners»

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The use of electronic platforms and applications to continue audience training in Bulgarian language for foreigners is reviewed as modern form of University education. Blended learning is flexible technology to acquire knowledge about foreign languages-content, structure, language norm and implementation of pedagogic interaction in electronic educating environment, where cooperative activities and individual learning are taking place, employing educational resources preliminary prepared by lecturer.

Publication date: 14.03.2018
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Ekaterina O. Kuniaeva , postgraduate
Samara State Institute of Culture , Самарская обл

«Current issues of decorative and applied arts studio heads preparation for their professional work»

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The article deals with current issues related to the readiness of future heads of the decorative and applied arts studio in the context of modern professional education. Leading approaches of research are the ideas of integration, system, competence, personal and activity approaches, theoretical positions and scientific provisions on professional activities. The idea of ​​creating a system of readiness formation for professional activity, which is capable of improving the educational process in higher educational institutions, is being put forward.