Discussion of implementation of physical exercises from pedagogical point of view to develop the methods of hand to improve preschooler’s speech culture
Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-118699
Open Access

- Published in:
- Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
- Author:
- Shamkanova G.Zh. 1
- Work direction:
- Педагогика
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- Article accesses:
- 2966
- Published in:
- doaj
- eLibrary.ru
1 Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev
For citation:
Shamkanova G. Z. (2017). Discussion of implementation of physical exercises from pedagogical point of view to develop the methods of hand to improve preschooler’s speech culture. Interactive science, 83-85. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-118699
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UDC 376:3:373.2:15154.6
DOI: 10.21661/r-118699
This article discusses the issues of a comprehensive program of sensory-motor development aimed at the development of rhythm and hand movements by means of physical education and by creating a zone for the development of all aspects of the mind, speech and motor skills of the child.
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