Proektirovanie pedagogicheskogo protsessa v nachal'noi shkole v ramkakh novykh FGOS
Theses of Report
- Published in:
- International Research-to-practice Conference «Pedagogical innovations: from theory to practice»
- Author:
- Getman S. V. 1
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- Общее направление
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- Article accesses:
- 1836
1 MBOU "SOSh 2"
For citation:
Getman S. V. (Jan 1, 1900). Proektirovanie pedagogicheskogo protsessa v nachal'noi shkole v ramkakh novykh FGOS. Pedagogical innovations: from theory to practice. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC. Retrieved March 29, 2025, from https:/
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At present, the question of designing the pedagogical process is topical. The priority direction of the activity of the Secondary School No. 2 in Builder, Belgorod Region is the preparation of the student for creative activity in the system of his further education and professional activity. Practical exercises are presented in the article, as well as examples of work on designing the initial classes in the teaching process in the teacher.
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