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Study of the problem of pedagogical control and its provision in the activity of a teacher of biology

International Research-to-practice Conference for students «Scientific research and developments of students»
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International Research-to-practice Conference for students «Scientific research and developments of students»
Magomedova R. R. 1
Work direction:
Биологические науки
Article accesses:
Published in:
1 MBOU SOSh 16
For citation:
Magomedova R. R. (2019). Study of the problem of pedagogical control and its provision in the activity of a teacher of biology. Scientific research and developments of students, 7-10. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.

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The article "Study of the problem of pedagogical control and its provision in the activity of a teacher of biology" states that the control of students' knowledge is an integral part of the learning process. Pedagogical control and assessment are indispensable satellites of the educational process. The article describes in detail the functions performed by the control. Everything that is connected with pedagogical control is described, it also speaks about the differences in the concepts of assessment and grading. The advanced set of methods of pedagogical control and assessment allows us to see a fairly accurate and objective picture of the quality of student learning.


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