the article shows the experience of assessing the achievement of personal universal educational actions, the author's method, used in the implementation of quality assessment system of education in FAEI TD "Physical and Mathematical School", namely expert survey method using the developed in school "List of system analysis and evaluation of the didactic play efficiency".
the article provides a model of methodological support of educational activities, which is implemented in the activities of the municipal treasury office "Information and Methodological Center for the Development of Education" (IMCDE) of Purovsky district. The authors generalize the experience of IMCDE and model the possible development of institution points from the position of the current state of education system in the Russian Federation.
в представленной научной статье отмечено, что формирование математической культуры – это специально организованный, планомерный, целенаправленный и поэтапный процесс присвоения личностью производимой культурой идеальной предметности.