Ilina Evgeniia Vladimirovna

Author's articles(2)

K voprosu organizatsii samostoiatel'noi raboty studentov v protsesse muzykal'no-instrumental'noi podgotovki v kolledzhe



To teach students to use time efficiently for self-study training solution – one of the conditions for the rational organization of the independent work. With the aim of enhancing the knowledge of new material and mastering professional skills and abilities at the initial stage musical and instrumental training are encouraged to organize a large part of students ' independent work in the form of clear algorithms.

Formirovanie professional'nykh kompetentsii u studentov v muzykal'no-instrumental'nom klasse



The competence approach is considered as an effective means of the formation of performance and accompaniment skills of the student in terms of individual learning, which allows to simulate the situation of the lesson, allowing the student to act in the role of artist, and Illustrator, and accompanist, as well as to design lesson model home exercises for developing independence of the student.