Pruzhinina Marina Viktorovna

Place of work

FSBEI of HE "Irkutsk State University"
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(2)

Prognozirovanie protsessa razvitiia nepreryvnogo professional'nogo fizkul'turnogo obrazovaniia na sovremennom etape

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в статье рассматривается качество профессионального физкультурного образования, которое характеризуется обновлением в нормативно-правовом поле образования в России и требует расширения границ деятельности педагогического работника в области физической культуры и спорта, параллельно «повышения ответственности за результаты своего труда, предъявления требований к его квалификации, с предложением критериев ее оценки».

Psychological characteristics of children with severe speech impairments in the process of physical education

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Abstract: today, the key purpose of educational institutions of preschool education is to create such conditions for a subject-development environment that would contribute to the development of the personal potential of students. The educational space acts as a field for the development of the child, contributes to the creation of higher values and meanings, the formation of independence and designates zones for the development of a socially successful and physically developed personality. Studying the educational space from this point of view, the process of physical education of children wi...