List of publications on a keyword: «Russian literature»

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 23.09.2019
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Iuliia I. Olkhovskaia , candidate of philological sciences
Kuibyshevskii filial FGBOU VO "Novosibirskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet" , Новосибирская обл

«The development of literary competence of students in the study of genre syncretism in The early works of M. M. Prishvin»

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The article discusses the genre characteristics of the essay "Adam and Eva" M.M. Prishvin, which first manifested features of the parable of the second Adam. When connected with the myth, parable becomes one of the important philosophical principles of artistic and aesthetic system of the writer.

Филология и лингвистика

Publication date: 19.12.2017
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Mikhail A. Ganzha
Mikhail A. Ganzha
, Москва г

«On the Chronological outline of the life and work of A.A. Block»

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The project “Chronological outline of the life and creativity of A. A. Block”, supported by RFBR (Department of Humanities and social Sciences). The project aims to create a systematic collection of information about the life and work of the great Russian poet Alexander Alexandrovich Block (1880 – 1921) in the form of biographical Chronicles (the Chronicles of life and creativity). The result of the project should be a thorough, multi-volume historical-biographical and bibliographic w

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 12.10.2016
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Elizaveta A. Izmailova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Alla E. Ktavchenko
FBEI gymnasium №540 of Primorsky district , Санкт-Петербург г

«Meta concept analysis of an artwork on the lessons of the Russian and foreign literature»

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This article discusses a new approach to the methodology of teaching literature, based on the study of artistic concepts, and proposes a new method for the analysis of the artwork - meta concept analysis. The authors presented a detailed description of the implementation meta concept analysis on the example of studying the novel by Boris Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago."


Publication date: 03.10.2016
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Valeria V. Grichanina , teacher of russian language and literature
MBEI "Comprehensive school №4 named after G.K. Jukov" , Московская обл

«The study of interaction between Russian Orthodox literature and culture as a fundamental prerequisite for education of pupils»

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The article analyzes the issue of interaction between Russian Orthodox literature and culture. The author presents innovative technologies and various techniques used in the training of children in literature classes.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 04.05.2016
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«Изучение факультативного курса «Образ России в русской словесности» в современной школе»

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What is new, you can learn about our country, about ourselves, if we consider all this through the prism of Russian literature? The school in the study of the elective course "The image of Russia in the Russian literature" under the guidance of the teacher, each student will be able to realize Project- research on a given topic, on the results of which are held regional and national competition "Homeland: near and far."