List of publications on a keyword: «basic values»

Общие вопросы народного образования и педагогики

Publication date: 16.07.2018
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Iuliia V. Okhotnikova , candidate of architecture , доцент
FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«Network cultural and educational projects of the children's school of design «Lines» at the Pacific National University»

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The educational events of the school of design Lines at the Pacific National University and the Khabarovsk Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church are presented in practice by joint conferences, festivals, educational events. In the formation of national consciousness of schoolchildren, it is necessary to base it on the values ​​inherent in Christianity. Occupying this position, the school of design Lines at the Pacific National University forms and conducts joint projects with the Khabarovsk eparchy, contributes to the education of schoolchildren and the popularization of Russian culture.

Социальная психология

Publication date: 28.10.2016
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Anna N. Zakharova , candidate of psychological sciences , associate professor
Galina S. Dulina , candidate of psychological sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия

«Гражданственность и ценностные приоритеты студенческой молодежи в условиях регионального полиментального образовательного пространства»

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The article provides the current state of analysis of scientific research on the issue of citizenship. Empirical studies the level of citizenship and patriotism, value priorities of students in the conditions of regional polymental educational space is devoted the article.