статья посвящена проблемам поиска эффективных моделей проектно-исследовательской работы обучающихся в условиях образовательной организации. В работе рассматриваются формы, методы, условия реализации, соотношение понятий «проектная деятельность» и «научно‐исследовательская деятельность».
The problem of formation of the person as a citizen in a regional educational polymental space is viewed in the article. Psychological and socio-cultural discourse of problems have been revealed in this research. The article is devoted the results of empirical research of value priorities of students according the psycho-diagnostic methodic of S. Schwarz.
The article provides the current state of analysis of scientific research on the issue of citizenship. Empirical studies the level of citizenship and patriotism, value priorities of students in the conditions of regional polymental educational space is devoted the article.
The results of an empirical study of value priorities of students in the conditions of regional polymental educational space with the help of the association experiment provided in the article.
the results of empirical studies on the formation of civic identity of student's youth in the conditions of regional educational polymental space discussed in the monograph. The study, which was attended by 300 university students of the Chuvash Republic, was aimed at studying the civil and ethnic identity, civil identity characteristics (strength and valence), factors of consolidation, responsibility for what is happening on the different social distances, significance human rights and freedoms in the representation of student youth.
The article analyzes the research scientists devoted to the constructs "educational space", "regional educational space", "multicultural education space." The authors propose to use the term " regional polymental educational space" as a scientific category, are sufficient to show the various manifestations of the Russian mentality, which must be taken into account in education to ensure save of national, regional values and traditions in a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-confessional Russian society.