List of publications on a keyword: «loneliness»

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Publication date: 08.11.2019
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Patimat G. Gasanova , master of psychological sciences , associate professor
FGBOU VO "Dagestanskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet im. R. Gamzatova" , Дагестан Респ

«Experience of Loneliness and Subjective Well-Being of a Person»

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The primary purpose of this article is to study the relationship between the individual components of the complex experience of loneliness and the indicators of subjective well-being of a senior individual. According to the obtained data, an overall view of oneself as a lonely person is accompanied by low levels of subjective well-being, changes in the mood and the significance of one’s social environment. People who do not have a family experience more negative feelings associated with being alone than those who have a family.


Publication date: 17.05.2018
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Tatiana V. Markova , candidate of philosophical sciences
Evgenii S. Martianov
FSBEI of HE "Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev" , Нижегородская обл

«Virtual reality as a social phenomenon»

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The article is devoted to the study of virtual reality as a social phenomenon. Through an appeal to the past, its genesis is analyzed, as well as its significance in modern realities. The latter is viewed from both a social and a personal point of view. Comparing the number of supporters of virtual communication with the number of people of conservative views, conclusions are drawn about the tendency to depart from the usual communication. It allows to assert that the problem of the termination of live communication is relevant to this day. Inferences allow us to assert that the problem of replacing real communication is different. After looking at the positive consequences, the introduction of the mind into virtual reality, it is affirmed that there are good sides to this action. Through analysis, the causes of entering the World Wide Web are generated. In conclusion, the question is raised about the need for virtual reality in everyday life, its problems, as well as the prospects for development.

Publication date: 09.04.2018
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Tatiana V. Markova , candidate of philosophical sciences
Denis A. Shcherbatykh
FSBEI of HE "Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev" , Нижегородская обл

«Philosophy of social networking»

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The article is devoted to the study of social networks impact on an individual, which are an important part of a modern society. Through reflections the reasons of the popularity of the phenomenon of virtual communication in the 21st century are determined: what drives a person when he / she registers on the sites for communication, premises for his / her actions and consequences. The latter is viewed from both a social and a personal point of view. After analyzing the charts of social networks popularity, the authors come to the conclusion that there is an increase in the population of the virtual communication supporters. It allows to assert that the problem of the termination of live communication is relevant to this day. Dualism of social networks influence on the consciousness of an individual is stated: together with negative consequences positive aspects are considered. By analyzing social media researches, as well as by the means of a survey, the dominant reason for the world wide web entering is identified. After that, it is clearly shown what a typical site for communication is; as a result, the pros and cons of such time spending are specified. The conclusion states the predominance of the Internet dependence over the other types of dependencies, also forecasts are made for the future of both social networks and the people caught in their web.

[19.00.00] Психологические науки

Publication date: 04.07.2017
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Yulia S. Chernaya
FSBI “Saint-Petersburg V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute” , Санкт-Петербург г
Sergey P. Shklyaruk , candidate of medical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«The dynamics of socio-psychological adaptation of adolescents engaged in artistic creativity»

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This article presents a study of the dynamics of socio-psychological adaptation in adolescents during the course of pictorial arts. 60 teenagers aged 13 to 17 years have been participating in a longitudinal study for three years, systematically involved and not involved in pictorial art. It has been found that the creative adolescents have lower level of neuro-psychological adaptation and higher level of subjective feelings of loneliness than non-creative adolescents. But creative teenagers have significantly higher self-esteem, level of aspiration and satisfaction in achieving success and lower anxiety in relationships with adults. The influence of the creative group reflected on such personal qualities as: self-confidence, credibility among peers, ability to do things with their hands, social identity, loneliness, frustration needs in achieving success, problems and fears in relations with adults. The personal characteristics of creative adolescents have been identified. These characteristics distinguish them from others teenagers, and the effect of the creative group and creative activity indirectly on the personal qualities of adolescents.


Publication date: 03.05.2017
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Yulia S. Chernaya
FSBI “Saint-Petersburg V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute” , Санкт-Петербург г
Sergey P. Shklyaruk , candidate of medical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«The influence of creativity on the process of adaptation in the period of teenagers’ crisis»

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This paper studies the influence of regular pictorial creativity class and the environment of creative groups on overcoming the adolescent crisis. Each of 60 students was given a battery of tests. Psychological adaptation, self-esteem and level of aspiration, identity, the subjective sense of loneliness and school anxiety have been studied. The data of descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U criterion for nonparametric tests for two independent samples has been processed. It is concluded that adolescents in non-permanent creative groups have a reduced level of neuropsychic adaptation and self-esteem and also high levels of subjective loneliness and frustration in achieving success, compared with adolescents from the constant creative and uncreative groups.