Markova Tatiana Vladislavovna

Place of work

FSBEI of HE "Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev"
candidate of philosophical sciences

Author's articles(6)

Ценностные ориентиры современной молодежи



в данной статье исследуется структура ценностных ориентиров современной молодежи и причины их изменения. Авторами выделены «сквозные» ценности личности, которые являются основными в любой сфере деятельности человека.

Новые технологии в современном образовании: положительные и отрицательные аспекты



данная статья посвящена влиянию новых технологий на современное образование в России. В работе рассматриваются сильные и слабые стороны внедрения инноваций в образовательный процесс.

Philosophy of social networking



the article is devoted to the study of social networks impact on an individual, which are an important part of a modern society. Through reflections the reasons of the popularity of the phenomenon of virtual communication in the 21st century are determined: what drives a person when he / she registers on the sites for communication, premises for his / her actions and consequences. The latter is viewed from both a social and a personal point of view. After analyzing the charts of social networks popularity, the authors come to the conclusion that there is an increase in the population of the vi...

Analysis of the suicide causes in psychiatry, psychology and philosophy



present article is devoted to the consideration of philosophical aspects of suicide causes. The suicide problem is one of the most urgent problems of the modern world. Attention is drawn to different points of view regarding this problem. As an example, the thoughts and arguments of philosophers of different times are given. Having considered the views on this problem, the authors cite the relationship between the causes of suicide and the social phenomena of society. Particular attention is paid to the causes of teenage suicide, as well as the impact of social networks on the worldview of ado...

Virtual reality as a social phenomenon



the article is devoted to the study of virtual reality as a social phenomenon. Through an appeal to the past, its genesis is analyzed, as well as its significance in modern realities. The latter is viewed from both a social and a personal point of view. Comparing the number of supporters of virtual communication with the number of people of conservative views, conclusions are drawn about the tendency to depart from the usual communication. It allows to assert that the problem of the termination of live communication is relevant to this day. Inferences allow us to assert that the problem of rep...

The influence of computer games on the development and degradation of society



the article is devoted to the study of the influence of game industry products, both on the individual and on society. For a full analysis origin of such phenomena as computer games is represented. After that, the growth rate of the "players" is seen. Revealing the most popular game theme, the thesis about the harm of computer games for a number of reasons. The relevance of studying the harm resulting from the products of the gaming industry is argued. Having reviewed the positive effects of the games on the person, the presence of the good sides of this action is claimed. In conclusion, the q...