List of publications on a keyword: «religion»


Publication date: 16.11.2018
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Aia M. Adzhigova , candidate of historical sciences
FSBEI of HPE "Ingush State University" , Ингушетия Респ

«Islam and woman»

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This article describes the basic rules and regulations prescribed in the Quran and shows that the Quran is the main holy book, which contains the basic ideas and principles of the teachings of Muhammad, revered in Islam. Based on primary sources, in particular, relying on the teachings of the Quran, the position of a woman in Islam, her rights and obligations are shown.

Философские науки

Publication date: 25.05.2018
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Iana I. Krensler , студентка
Liudmila V. Kriukova , candidate of historical sciences , доцент
Institute for Service, Tourism & Design (branch) of FSAEI of HPE "North-Caucasus Federal University" , Ставропольский край

«Wheel of Sansara as the meaning of life»

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The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the Sansara cycle. The authors do not just talk about the oldest world religion - Buddhism and study the "Wheel of Sansara" - a phenomenon that represents an endless cycle of soul rebirths, but also affect eternal problems. For example, the problems of reincarnation, life after death, being, and many others. All these problems are directly related to the Wheel of Samsara. Therefore, the authors study and describe the origin of the Wheel of Sansara, its classical and iconographic images, consider all twelve plots of the circle and the symbolism of each of them. Drawing conclusions, the authors show their views on the Wheel of Sansara and the path of Enlightenment.


Publication date: 24.11.2017
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Uliana S. Pertseva , bachelor of sociological sciences, master of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Orenburg State University" , Оренбургская обл

«Актуальность исследования религиозной безопасности общества»

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The article examines the problem of increasing interest to the phenomenon of spiritual security, the essence of the key problems of this issue and define the role of religious security in the life of Russian society from the point of view of social philosophy.


Publication date: 09.03.2018
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Aleksandr V. Nikishkin , candidate of juridical sciences, corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences , старший преподаватель, подполковник полиции
Igor V. Stepanov , candidate of juridical sciences , доцент, полковник полиции
FSEI of HE "Saint Petersburg University of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs" , Санкт-Петербург г
Olga A. Popovich
OMVD Rossii po Ust'ianskomu raionu Arkhangel'skoi oblasti , Архангельская обл

«Religious extremism, history of origin»

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The article raises the question of the emergence of religious extremism as a terrorist movement. The history of its origin and variety of forms developing in three main religions are considered: Islam, Judaism and Christianity.


Publication date: 02.02.2017
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Pavel E. Suslonov , candidate of philosophical sciences
Departament vnutrennei politiki Gubernatora Sverdlovskoi oblasti , Свердловская обл

«Государственно-конфессиональные отношения: понятие и формы»

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В статье раскрываются сущностные признаки феномена государственно-конфессиональных отношений, определяется их предмет, выделяются три исторически сложившихся формы отношений между религиозными объединениями и государством.

[19.00.00] Психологические науки

Publication date: 13.04.2017
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Aleksey A. Tupitsin
Centre for Civic Assistance , Иркутская обл

«The religious cult and ritual among adherents of Christian denominations: the experience of Ust-Kut city (Irkutsk region, Russia)»

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The proposed paper deals with the results of a sociological survey conducted in 2015 among the population identifying themselves as followers of the Christian faith in Ust-Kut city, Irkutsk region. It describes the demographic composition of those surveyed and analyzes preliminary data from the study. As the results show, there is a religious illiteracy among the followers of the Orthodox denomination, and commitment to all sorts of religious practices shall be declared more decorative rather than a deep awareness of the principles and tenets of faith. It is concluded that this may lead to the almost complete exclusion of the faith and to the entropy of society in the future.

[07.00.00] Исторические науки и археология

Publication date: 23.12.2016
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Zarina Z. Knyzhova , candidate of political sciences
FSBEI of HPE "Saratov State Academy of Law" , Саратовская обл

«The Eleusinian Mysteries in narrative tradition»

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The article is devoted to the Eleusinian Mysteries and their roles in ancient literature. The researcher analyzes texts of ancient authors, revealing the myth’s plot about the Persephone kidnaping by Hades and Demeter's search for her daughter. In addition to the myth, the Eleusinian Mysteries appear in ancient literature of various genres very often – from comedy to philosophical treatises – as the circumstances of the action or context of religious and existential issues.


Publication date: 03.10.2016
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Valeria V. Grichanina , teacher of russian language and literature
MBEI "Comprehensive school №4 named after G.K. Jukov" , Московская обл

«The study of interaction between Russian Orthodox literature and culture as a fundamental prerequisite for education of pupils»

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The article analyzes the issue of interaction between Russian Orthodox literature and culture. The author presents innovative technologies and various techniques used in the training of children in literature classes.


Publication date: 22.03.2016
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Mariia G. Kuprova
Iuridicheskii institut FGAOU VO "Severo-Kavkazskii federal'nyi universitet" , Ставропольский край

«Становление и развитие уголовно-правовых норм о преступлениях против основных прав и свобод человека и гражданина (X – нач. XVIII вв.)»

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The article investigates the processes of the formation and transformation of the criminal law protection of a number of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The analysis of the first regulations of ancient Russia, which had an impact on this process in the Russian legislation. The author notes that in the conclusion, the legislator to beg. XVIII already recognized the importance of protecting certain rights and freedoms, which by that time had not yet been declared.

Наука и инновации в современном мире и изменения социальных ценностей

Publication date: 28.01.2016
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Mahail B. Zykov , doctor of economic sciences, doctor of philosophical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл

«Обоснование, теория и практика Третьей мировой революции в философской трилогии Льва Толстого»

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Three kinds of life – biological, social and spiritual, – the basic items of the Author’s doctrine of human life – are considered in connection with the problem of the efficient governing by the behavior of social entities and of the human beings, using spiritual values. It’s shown that the first fundamental ideas in the field were put forward by Russian writer, philosopher and scientist Leo Tolstoy who predicted the Third World Revolution to implement the spiritual values to the humankind’s life.