List of publications on a keyword: «winter»

Технические науки (электромеханика, приборостроение, машиностроение, металлургия и др.)

Publication date: 21.01.2020
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Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Iurii V. Sukhanov , candidate of engineering sciences
Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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In Russia and CIS countries I operate road trains consisting of old trailers and semi-trailers not equipped with ABS systems, the development of inexpensive and easily mounted on trailers and semi-trailers of various designs of the device, which allows to signal the driver of the road train about movement with a blocked wheel, seems to be a pressing task.

Весеннее настроение

Publication date: 01.06.2018
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Alla E. Tolkacheva , 7 класс
МАОУ "СОШ №50" , Томская обл

«Spring mood or how to lift your spirits in the spring after the long winter»

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In Siberia the winter is long, the spring is cold, the summer is short. It doesn't lift the spirits. There comes time when it is impossible to be optimistic and energetic without additional efforts. Therefore I have decided to conduct a research and to find out what will help to remain vigorous and optimistical after long winter waiting for the warm abd sunny weather.

Сельское хозяйство

Publication date: 13.11.2017
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Konstantin A. Galimov
Galina N. Potapova , candidate of agricultural sciences
Andrey V. Bezgodov , candidate of agricultural sciences
Tatiana V. Skakovskaya
FSBMI "the Ural Research Agricultural Institute" , Свердловская обл

«Yantarnaya is a new variety of fodder winter rye»

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The article has evaluation of four years observation of the prospective varieties of winter rye Yantarnaya in comparison with the standard in the nursery of the competitive variety trial of the Ural Scientific Research Institute for Agriculture in Yekaterinburg and the results of a two year test in the system of FGBU «Gossortkomissiya». A winter rye is widely used for bread baking mainly. This culture has resistance from negative environmental factors. The main cause of limited use of a winter rye grain for forage is high content water-soluble pentosans over 1.5%. They reduce availability of nutrients to an organism. Creation of varieties with low content of water-soluble pentosans is the rational solution of increase in use of parts of grain of a winter rye in forage production. Together with VIR, a variety with the required characteristics was transferred to the state grade testing. The observation took place in 2013–2017, with contrasts on the weather conditions. According to FGBU «Gossorgkomissiya», the variety has high potential productivity and significantly exceeds same low pentosan variety in the yield.

Publication date: 24.10.2017
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Galina N. Potapova , candidate of agricultural sciences
FSBMI "the Ural Research Agricultural Institute" , Свердловская обл
Mariia S. Ivanova
Urals State Agrarian University , Свердловская обл

«The influence of sowing period and seeding norm on autumn vegetation, winter hardiness and yield of winter cereal crops»

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The winter wheat and triticale in the middle part of the Ural Mountains haven’t been seeded before. The technology of winter crop cultivation should be improved due to the production of new varieties of winter rye. Winter hardiness and yield of winter rye are higher in comparison with winter triticale and especially with winter wheat. The sowing period and the seeding rate influence the amount of yield and winter hardiness. The winter hardiness of winter cereals and the yield of the rye variety Iset sowed on August 25 and the yield of the triticale variety Bashkir short-stalked and wheat Kazanskaya 560 sowed on August 15 were higher. It is important to sow winter grain in local conditions in the second half of August. The sowing this period allows to provide plants with the necessary amount of positive temperatures (450–500 °C). This helps the plants to form 3–4 shoots of tillering and a mass of 10 dry plants reaching 3–5 grams. The winter grain crops in the middle part of the Ural Mountains should be sown with seeding rates of 6 and 7 million of sprouting grains per 1 ha, and the seeds must be cultivated with fungicidal preparation before seeding.

Технические науки

Publication date: 25.01.2017
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Marina I. Afonina , candidate of engineering sciences
Institute of Construction and Architecture FSFEI of HE “National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering” , Москва г

«Modern trends in the use of artificial relief in winter recreational and sports centers»

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The article presents original design and technological recreational and sports facilities for winter sports with artificial relief. Based on the examples of existing facilities the author examined quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the complexes that determined the scope and relevance of the data of natural and technical systems. The material contains photographs of objects in different periods of their life cycle in the construction and operation. The basic trends of the innovative sports building on the example of Moscow have been identified and formulated.