Показана недооценка потенциала гусеничных движителей лесных машин, вызванная активной пропагандой и серьезной работой зарубежных машиностроительных компаний – производителей техники для лесосечных работ. По природно-производственным условиям лесозаготовок существенный потенциал имеют гусеничные движители. Даны рекомендации по выбору компоновки и параметров лесных машин с гусеничными движителями.
Рассмотрены направления исследований проблемы рециклинга отходов лесозаготовок, показаны факторы, сдерживающие решение этой проблемы, включая отсутствие государственного стимулирования создания производств, заготовляющих и использующих эти отходы.
В статье затрагиваются проблемы улучшения инвестиционного и предпринимательского климата и создания инфраструктуры для инноваций Республики Карелия, выделяются потенциальные для развития республики кластеры.
в статье показана возможность создания и использования базы данных на объекты интеллектуальной собственности в целях улучшения производительности процессов горнодобывающей промышленности. Описывается опыт формирования базы данных на объекты интеллектуальной собственности для улучшения технологий дробления твердых горных пород с целью получения кубовидного щебня. Результаты патентных исследований позволили сформировать патентно-информационную базу для разработки и патентования новых решений, направленных на снижение энергоемкости процесса дробления.
в статье рассмотрены направления формирования и охраны новых объектов интеллектуальной собственности для сквозных технологий лесной промышленности и лесного хозяйства в Петрозаводском государственном университете. Как считают авторы, разработанные и запатентованные технические и технологические решения могут быть использованы проектными, научно-исследовательскими организациями для создания новых видов техники для лесной промышленности и лесного хозяйства.
проанализирована база данных на объекты интеллектуальной собственности, направленные на повышение производительности щековых дробилок для дезинтеграции горных пород.
в статье показывается, что в стране интенсифицировано создание интегрированных лесопромышленных структур. Это, в свою очередь, обусловило усиление внимания к выбору эффективных методов для научного обоснования эффективных сквозных технологий для лесного сектора экономики.
авторами статьи представлены запатентованные решения, в которых герметичность и долговечность задвижек трубопроводной арматуры повышают наплавкой керамических колец, дополнительных уплотнительных элементов, изготовления шибера задвижки из износостойкого материала, напылением защитного покрытия газотермическим методом и электроискровым легированием электродом из материала на основе меди.
авторами статьи показано, что в современных условиях формирование и охрана новых объектов интеллектуальной собственности являются важнейшей основой повышения конкурентоспособности российских университетов.
в статье показано, что патенты, повышающие качество дробления в щековых дробилках, в основном направлены на уменьшение истирания дробимого продукта, снижение выхода кусков некондиционной формы и управление показателями дробления.
в статье описаны результаты анализа патентов на щековые дробилки, при проведении которого выявлены основные направления повышения их надежности при дезинтеграции горных пород.
в статье показаны особенности совместной работы инжиниринговой компании и университета над созданием современного производства шиберных и клиновых штампосварных задвижек многоцелевого назначения.
автором статьи показано, что в 1927-1930 годы на базе осуществленных организационных изменений, реализованных жесткой директивной системой, лесная отрасль прошла основной этап подготовки к индустриализации.
в статье описаны патенты на изобретения, направленные на повышение степени дезинтеграции горных пород. Рассмотрены предлагаемые модернизации применяемых щековых дробилок.
в статье рассматривается целесообразность включения самбо в список испытаний комплекса физического воспитания ГТО, так как в ходе тренировочного процесса вырабатываются те навыки, которые будут необходимы для физического развития испытуемых.
в статье показана целесообразность учета при внедрении комплекса физического воспитания ГТО региональных аспектов подготовки к сдаче норм ГТО и тестирования, особенностей подготовки допризывной молодежи и включения в качестве дополнительных элементов национальных видов спорта.
в данной статье авторами поднимается актуальная проблема необходимости обоснования и разработки инструментария для классификации инноваций в разрезе видов экономической деятельности и в разрезе видов (типов) инноваций с разделением их на соответствующие структуры. Даны предложения по развитию методологии классификации инноваций путем построения матрицы инноваций в разрезе видов инноваций и секторов экономики и социальной сферы.
в статье на основе терминологических исследований в сфере лесопромышленного комплекса даны предложения по классификации структуры технологической сети лесопромышленных производств.
статья посвящена проблеме тушения лесных пожаров. В работе рассмотрена задача интеллектуального управления процессами предотвращения и тушения лесных пожаров. В итоге авторы приходят к выводу о необходимости разработки по специальным моделям алгоритмов, которые будут составлять ядро блока управления интеллектуального устройства.
в данной статье автором поднимается актуальная проблема необходимости формирования отечественного кластера лесного машиностроения в рамках поиска путей адаптации отечественного машиностроения к рыночным условиям. Рассмотрена перспективность создания карельского кластера лесного машиностроения, предложена стратегия формирования такого кластера.
в статье рассмотрены некоторые направления исследований в сфере моделирования процессов функционирования щековых дробилок на основе анализа зарубежной научно‐технической информации.
в статье рассмотрены особенности обучения знаниям и компетенциям по дисциплине «Современные проблемы науки и производства в области оборудования лесного комплекса» в Петрозаводском государственном университете.
на основании научного задела, сформированного в Петрозаводском государственном университете (ПетрГУ) в сфере лесного сектора экономики даны предложении по повышению эффективности лесопользования в Республике Карелия.
в работе показана необходимость оптимизации режимов лесопользования в лесных экосистемах на основе исследований влияния лесопользователей на внешнюю среду с учетом принципов добровольной лесной сертификации и обоснования возможностей трансфера инновационных методов лесозаготовок.
в работе рассмотрены перспективные направления разработки объектов конкурентоспособной техники для экологически безопасных и экономически эффективных лесозаготовок, включая за-готовку деловой и энергетической древесины.
проведен исторический экскурс, направленный на оценку особенностей организационных и технологических трансформаций, происшедших в лесном секторе экономики России в 1917–1930 годы.
данная статья посвящена вопросу включения инноваций в создание беспилотной техники. В работе отмечено, что в последнее время в России и за рубежом усилено внимание к поиску новых организационных, технологических и технических инноваций в сфере создания и организации выпуска различных видов беспилотной техники, включая автомобили, летательные аппараты и др.
в данной работе рассмотрен опыт создания машин для заготовки пнево-корневой техники, реализованный с использованием функционально-технологического анализа.
в данной статье авторами на основе функционально-технологического анализа показана возможность интенсификации и повышения качества учебно-тренировочных занятий самбистов.
на примере популярного во многих видах спортивных единоборствах приема «мельница» показана возможность приложения функционально-технологического анализа к анализу приемов самбо.
в данной статье автором предложена концепция использования элементов национального вида единоборств «самбо» в качестве дополнительных нормативов при сдаче норм ГТО. Предложены меры по реализации концепции в Республике Карелия.
в статье показано, что совместная интеграционная деятельность университета, промышленного предприятия и инжиниринговой компании эффективно влияет на повышение уровня образовательной деятельности в университете, повышение качества знаний и компетенций преподавателей и студентов, повышение готовности студентов к практической деятельности.
в данной статье показана необходимость ускорения работ по созданию беспилотных лесопожарных наземных машин и летательных аппаратов, интеграции потенциала беспилотных лесопожарных наземных машин и БЛА.
анализ динамики трудовой миграции в 2008 году свидетельствовал о растущей заинтересованности работодателей и социально-экономической привлекательности Карелии для трудовых мигрантов.
в статье показано, что развитие лесного сектора экономики страны в послевоенные годы (1945–1960 гг.) в значительной мере обеспечено за счет серьезного вклада государства в развитие отраслевого образования и науки.
автор, опираясь на исследования в сфере трансформации целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности в 1945–1960 годы, доказывает, что развитие лесного сектора экономики страны в указанные годы обеспечено за счет серьезного вклада государства в этот сектор экономики.
статья посвящена развитию лесного хозяйства в послевоенные годы. Автор отмечает усиление внимания в стране к лесному сектору экономики в то время, но также и существовавшее игнорирование лесохозяйственных требований при недооценке позиций российских ученых лесоводов.
в статье показывается, что серьезное государственное внимание к реализации организационных и технологических инноваций для развития лесного сектора экономики, включая внимание к лесопромышленной науке, обеспечили позитивные трансформации этого сектора экономики.
в данной статье рассмотрено, что в числе методов коллективного решения научно-технических и организационных задач, положительно зарекомендовавших себя за рубежом и у нас, важное место занимает метод мозговой атаки, который к настоящему времени имеет несколько модификаций.
в данной статье рассмотрено, что растущий интерес, развитие и распространение методов коллективного творчества свидетельствуют о необходимости их активного использования в практической научной, инженерной и производственной деятельности. Актуальность владение этими методами приобретает в условиях интенсивного развития науки и техники.
в данной статье рассмотрено, что основная задача формирования творческих коллективов для решения изобретательских задач – создание рациональных условий для реализации творческого потенциал каждого сотрудника коллектива.
в данной статье рассмотрена методология формирования программы поддержки малого предпринимательства в сфере строительства. Реализация описывающегося в работе проекта позволит повысить конкурентоспособность и рентабельность малых предприятий строительного комплекса Республики Карелия и снизить на этой основе стоимости строительных объектов для конечных потребителей.
в статье показано, что лесной комплекс в составе лесного хозяйства, лесной, деревообрабатывающей и целлюлозно‐бумажной промышленности в XI пятилетке занимал ведущее место в экономике Карельской АССР.
в статье показан потенциал Онежского тракторного завода в сфере создания оборудования для предотвращения аварийных ситуаций и техногенных катастроф на действующих и строящихся линейных объектах путем их высокопроизводительной защиты от древесно‐кустарниковой растительности.
в статье рассматривается проблема совмещения учебно-тренировочного процесса и обучения спортсменов высшей квалификации. В данной работе предлагается введение в вузах специальностей, в обучении которым будут заинтересованы спортсмены и их родители, и новых форм обучения, включая дистанционное.
автором отмечается, что в республике недостаточно развита система медицинского лечения и восстановления ведущих спортсменов, обеспечения их необходимым питанием, витаминами, санаторно-курортным лечением. В данной работе рассмотрены некоторые направления законодательной и моральной региональной поддержки спорта высоких достижений в Республике Карелия.
in stone with significant resources of raw materials in Finland has created favorable conditions for economic development of the mining industry. This development is based on a long tradition, trained professionals in harvesting, processing stone materials, advanced engineering in this sector and infrastructure development.
The features and areas of training of highly qualified personnel in the department of technology and organization of forestry complex of Petrozavodsk State University.
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в связи с острой актуальностью защиты лесных ресурсов от лесных пожаров рассмотрены некоторые аспекты постановки научных исследований в сфере предотвращения и тушения лесных пожаров.
due to the urgency of protecting forest resources from wildfires some aspects of scientific work in the field of preventing and fighting forest fires.
An approach to the formation of the concept of expanding the functions of machines for the flexible technologies of logging, reforestation and forest fire fighting. The expediency of creation of such machines based on the technology of the Onega Tractor Plant.
It shows that the intensification of the formation of technological innovations in mechanical engineering is closely linked with the adoption at the national level contributing to the intensification of such organizational decisions.
авторами осуществлена проверка обратных затворов магистральных трубопроводов на патентную чистоту. В работе показано, что новые технические решения, разработанные при проектировании обратных затворов и их составных частей, следует защитить: запатентовать или распространить на них «ноу-хау».
it is shown that the application of the classical theory of resource approach need improvement in order to practice to rank companies by their degree of competitiveness of a number of reasons.
the prospects for economic growth in the Republic of Karelia in the theoretical and in practical terms associated with the prospects of investment and the proper functioning and development of the labor market.
a list of characteristics of the labor force accounted for the investment in the rankings, you can criticize and supplement. However, human resources are the most important and, according to the authors, critical indicator of investment attractiveness of regions.
an assessment of devices for clearing of trees and shrubs runs power lines, care for ordinary forest plantations on cuttings, removal of woody undergrowth on oil and gas pipelines, clearing zakustarennyh areas in agriculture.
it shows that due to the growing competition in the market of IT-products and IT-services is necessary to strengthen attention to the analysis of the specifics of the competition in various sectors of the economy.
It is shown that, without diminishing the vital role of large IT corporations, a major role in the industry of IT products and IT services are able to play at the university and started their small IT companies.
It shows that the selection of personnel and competent organization of work with them in largely determine the competitiveness of companies in the market of IT products and IT services.
it shows some of the results of theoretical and experimental studies aimed at improving the efficiency of cross-cutting technology procurement and ensure energy wood raw material regional boiler.
based on the analysis of research scientists of Petrozavodsk State University and study the Finnish experience shows some areas of research concerns the adaptation of families of migrant workers in the conditions of realization of large investment projects.
It shows that integration processes have an enormous impact on the transformation of the regional labor market, which leads to the need to bring the Republic of Karelia Petrozavodsk State University for advanced training.
shown that the integration of the universities close by the organization to the integration processes implemented corporations. The integration of universities is the result of deliberate government policy. States use these processes for the development of their economies and social spheres.
to solve the problem of creating the optimal portfolio, linked loggers and consumers of wood, the technique of forecasting the output of trunk wood with forest land according to the taxation data.
describes the features of the construction of the block diagram modeling the shape and volume of tree trunks to predict the output of trunk wood with forest land according to the taxation data.
research in the field of process improvement group debarking wood showed that the overwhelming number of patents directed to the evolutionary development of equipment for debarking group.
как отмечают авторы данной статьи, в области совершенствования способов групповой окорки преобладающее количество патентов направлено на их эволюционное развитие. Целесообразна разработка новых способов групповой окорки.
proposed installation which has advanced technological possibilities for studying centrifugal impregnation and drying processes and drying at the location of dried sawn timber at an angle to the axis of rotation.
streamlined installation process, improve the efficiency of the debarking of wood due to the fact that the cortex, located at the surface of the timber, will experience additional shear strain provided by longitudinal movement of debarking tools.
considered a range of technical requirements for the creation of machines for cutting of trees and bushes in a continuous motion machine in the protection of linear objects and creating firebreaks.
it is shown that the underestimation of the technological and organizational innovations had an impact on the life cycle of the domestic forestry tractors and led market transformation.
existing research does not fully take into account industry-specific engineering, the specificity of the post-Soviet enterprises, especially the Russian transformation of the economy, the need for a comprehensive impact on the company of technological and non-technological innovation, the relationship between innovation.
existing research does not fully take into account industry-specific engineering, the specificity of the post-Soviet enterprises, especially the Russian transformation of the economy, the need for a comprehensive impact on the company of technological and non-technological innovation, the relationship between innovation.
the aims and objectives of the research firm LLC "Trade House Fair" and Petrozavodsk State University, functional food production through technology capacities to enhance the food security of the northern territories of the Russian Federation.
The experience of the interaction of innovative firms LLC "Trade House Fair" with the university and research institutions to develop new and improve existing food products.
It shows that an important factor in the development of an innovative company "Trade House Fair" is the implementation of investment projects to develop high-tech manufacturing to develop new and improve existing food products.
considered problems of assessing inventive activity at the University. Displaying a weak influence of the University to promote invention and patenting of intellectual property.
The experience of the development of human resources potential of an innovative company "Trade House Fair" to improve competitiveness in the development of new and improved food products.
оn the basis of a brief analysis of scientific research in the field of prevention, detection and extinguishing of forest fires, modern approaches to solving this problem of forest conservation are presented.
A brief review of the research aimed at improving technologies and equipment for the removal of trees and bushes on felling and line facilities is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the machines for performing these operations with the continuous movement of the machine.
on the example of the Republic of Karelia there are regional organizational and technical solutions to the problem of forest fire prevention and suppression. The patented developments of the scientists of Petrozavodsk University are presented. An opinion was expressed on the need for industrial implementation of promising technical solutions for the prevention and suppression of forest fires.
data from Rospatent indicate a decrease in the activity of organizations and inventors when applying for patenting utility models and inventions. The ways of activation of patent activity of Russian organizations, enterprises, inventors are shown.
scientific organizations and universities of the country are actively searching for technical solutions to extinguish forest fires. At the same technical decisions of scientists are poorly used in practice. It is necessary to accelerate the creation of a basic tractor with increased cross-country capability with a set of multifunctional modules for performing reforestation, fire extinguishing, road construction.
the modern tendencies of creation of technics for clearing of cuttings down and linear objects are considered. Technical solutions for grinding trees, bushes and stumps using mulchers have been proposed.
based on the analysis of patent information shows a wide range of technical solutions to improve the patency of machines. Particular attention is paid to patents patented in Russia in 2015-2017.
it is shown that integration processes in industry and economy contribute to the creation of structures that carry out coordinated interrelated activities and to eliminate many market contradictions.
it is shown that the formed knowledge base is an important factor in the development of new technical solutions for the transportation and storage of spent nuclear fuel for reactors of nuclear power plants. The patented solutions are given.
it is shown that the most important direction of the Center for the Support of Technology and Innovation in Petrozavodsk State University is the development of youth inventiveness among students and young employees of the University.
the types and causes of violations of forestry requirements of forestry legislation in the course of logging operations are exemplified by the example of the Republic of Karelia.
In recent years, the system of preparation of logging areas for timber exploitation has been substantially transformed in Russia. The technique of formation of schemes of rational allocation of cutting areas and the order of their development is offered. The technique is worked out on the example of the timber enterprise "Shuyales".
when extinguishing forest fires, a large number of variable factors arise and spread fire, such as fire, terrain, transport infrastructure, weather conditions, the duration of a fire season, the type of forest, fire extinguishing methods and features.
in Russia is actively searching for innovative technologies and unmanned aerial and ground-based technical means for monitoring, preventing and extinguishing forest fires.
Karelian Research Institute of Forest Industry in the second half of the twentieth century created a system of machines for the mechanization of osseous logging and began to create machinery for harvesting fresh logs.
in the second half of the twentieth century logging wastes were considered as a serious resource of raw materials for industrial use. This led to serious research for logging residues.
In the second half of the twentieth century, the Karelian Research Institute of the Timber Industry for shredding stumps developed machine tools on a wheeled chassis with knives of power cutting.
shows the experience of using functional and technological analysis for the synthesis of new technical solutions to improve the design of the forwarder.
the analysis made it possible to identify the main shortcomings of the machine-building management system in the USSR, generated by systemic contradictions of the centralized economy and violations of its principles for the benefit of departmental or local interests. This caused noncompetitiveness of the Russian machine-building industry in the transition to a market economy.
technical solutions patented in the Russian Federation for end-to-end technologies for the production of instant food products in 2010-2017 are considered.
na osnove analiza tekhnicheskikh resheniy, zapatentovannykh v Rossiyskoy Federatsii v 2010-2017 gody, pokazany napravleniya razrabotki izobreteniy dlya proizvodstva pishchevykh produktov bystrogo prigotovleniya.
on the basis of the analysis of technical solutions patented in the Russian Federation in 2010-2017, the areas of development of inventions for the production of instant food products are shown.
on the basis of the detailed patent search, the directions of the development of technologies and equipment for the extraction of food ingredients for the enrichment of food products and the creation of functional products are examined.
on the basis of patent search, technological and technical solutions in the field of using ultrasonic extraction for isolation of biologically active substances from plant raw materials are considered.
it is shown that the improvement of the processes of liquid extraction for the food industry is aimed at justifying their rational regimes, accelerating processes, and automating them.
on the basis of detailed patent search, trends in the development of technologies and equipment for hydrothermal processing and dehydration of food raw materials in preparation for the production of food products are considered.
on the basis of patent search, physical effects and technical solutions in US patents for hydrothermal processing and dehydration of food raw materials are considered.
on the basis of the analysis of scientific and technical information given in the following article safety and monitoring of food and food ingredients in this field.
when forming the knowledge base on the basis of patent search, the directions of developing new technical solutions in the field of creating functional food products are considered.
with the use of the electronic database of FIPS, the dynamics of the development of intellectual property by forestry universities in Russia has been examined.
using the electronic database of FIPS, the directions for the development of new methods and devices of Russian forestry universities, patented in 2017, have been examined.
to ensure food security in the regions of the North of Russia, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the territories of these regions, including natural resources and natural and climatic conditions, the availability and prospects for the development of the economy and industry, the potential for implementing investment projects, and the state of the transport infrastructure.
the directions of research carried out by Petrozavodsk University on the development of end-to-end technologies for the production of functional products that enhance food security in the Northern regions of Russia.
the production of functional food products is one of the important directions in the development of the food industry, since trends in population demography, consumer welfare, raising the level of education, life expectancy require a full and balanced diet.
patent studies of the technical level and development trends in the field of technologies and equipment for extraction of functional food ingredients for the production of functional food products have been carried out.
patent researches of a technical level and tendencies of development of technologies and the equipment for reception of quickly restored functional food products are carried out.
the Russian experience of enriching food products and obtaining food concentrates has been examined. The organizational and technological solutions in this sphere are considered.
patents of Petrozavodsk State University in 2017. The patents received in 2017 are grouped according to the main areas of research and potential commercialization
the prospects of research on the development of end-to-end technologies for the production of functional food products for improving food security in the northern territories of Russia are shown.
with the use of the FIPS electronic database within the knowledge base, an attempt has been made to identify promising directions for the development of new technologies and devices by universities for the Russian forestry complex
the methodology of research on food security in the North of Russia should take into account the problems of food security in the country, innovative foreign experience, the specific nutrition of the indigenous population, large-scale migration flows, the fact that the population of these territories should be provided not only with the required physical volumes of food, but also with quality food.
for the formation of the knowledge base, new technical solutions for the storage and storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF), protected by Russian patents in 2015-2018, are considered.
it is shown that when choosing the shock absorber design transport-packaging containers (TUK) for ICE, pre-curved wood can be used as the damping layer.
the diversity of approaches to the notion of "innovation" is a serious obstacle to researchers trying to derive characteristics of all existing definitions of the features of innovation or to spread the existing definitions of key approaches.
в статье показано, что решение проблем лесопромышленного комплекса Карелии даст толчок по комплексному освоению северных территорий приросту мощностей и улучшению социально-экономической ситуации региона.
the regional plan in the Republic of Karelia in 2017 included 57 major events and events, about 60,000 people took part, and more than 25,000 children and adolescents in environmental education activities.
the method of preparation of transmission lines, oil and gas pipelines and roads with preparation of wood biomass removed from linear objects is considered.
contradictions in the norms of law contained in legal acts regulating relations in the field of forest legislation are noted, and in Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008.
on the basis of a brief survey of scientific and technical information, studies were considered, an output for solving the problem of the formation and use of germinating seeds in forestry, in agriculture and the food industry.
on the basis of a brief patent search of Russian inventions and utility models, the formation of a knowledge base in the field of the use of germinated seeds in the food industry was considered.
the necessity of methodological bases for justifying the directions of innovative development of machine-building enterprises in Russia is shown. This is the most important way of reproducing their life cycles.
the necessity of formulating methodological bases for justifying the directions of innovative development of machine-building enterprises in Russia is shown. This is the most important way of reproducing their life cycles.
for the development of a knowledge base in the field of the use of germinated seeds in the food industry, a brief survey of foreign studies was carried out.
rice is one of the main food products widely consumed all over the world. A brief review of foreign research in the field of rice and food fortification based on nutrients.
given analys of features and contradictions of integration development of forest machine-building complex of the Republic of Karelia in pre-reform economy of the USSR.
the need to form a methodology for the revival of domestic forestry machinery is shown. Some areas of scientific research and innovative developments in this area have been substantiated.
one of the conditions for the correctness of the adoption of transformational decisions is the analysis of the factors and causes that caused the subsequent features of market transformations of machine building in the post-socialist countries of Eastern Europe.
the issues of creating a knowledge base on the balance of production and consumption of wood in 2018-2019 are considered. on the territory of the Republic of Karelia.
an increase in the volume of felling of forests and reforestation will improve the breed composition of plantations, its commodity structure in the Republic of Karelia. At the first stage of the intensification, in addition, more than 1 million cu. m of wood, first of all, balance raw materials.
the forest complex of the Republic of Karelia is characterized by problems that hamper its effective, On the basis of the analysis of important problems of the forestry complex of the Republic of Kareli, some directions of solving these problems are shown.
In Russia, there are more territorial differences in the provision of food and security in various Russian regions. The problems of Russia's food security should be addressed at the national, ethnic and regional levels.
when training specialists of the timber industry complex, insufficient attention is paid to issues of economic security. The range of problems that are worth considering when improving the learning process is considered.
experienced and novice entrepreneurs pay little attention to their economic security. In their training programs, it is necessary to include sections that teach the security of the organization of external relations.
monitoring of agricultural areas is necessary for the formation of end-to-end technologies for the procurement of agricultural raw materials and the production of functional products.
Russian scientists and inventors are actively researching the development of new methods of inhibiting food production. The interest of foreign companies to enter the Russian market with their own developments was revealed. The developments patented for inhibition are given.
Russian scientists and inventors are actively researching the development of new methods. The developments patented for the use of preservatives in food production are given.
Russian scientists and inventors are actively researching the development of new methods for cooling and freezing food. The developments patented for cooling and freezing food are given.
A version of a modernized extruder with an input device for fluid components is proposed. The extruder includes a container for placing the component, a pneumatic compressor, a pipeline connecting them, a pipeline for introducing components connecting the internal space of the container with the internal working space of the extruder. A non-return valve is installed in the pipeline for the input of components, which ensures the free movement of the fluid component to the side of the extruder's internal working space and prevents its reverse movement.
it is shown that the processes of formation of import-substituting end-to-end technologies for the harvesting of food raw materials and its production of functional foods from it, along with the development of the agro-industrial sector in the regions of the European North, are the most important factors for improving the food security of the population living in these regions.
An optimal choice of the best options from the types of transport or their combinations for the transportation of food raw materials and functional foods is required. It is necessary to comply with the requirements that ensure cost-effective and environmentally safe delivery for their processing and use by the population.
knowledge bases are needed in scientific and technical search for the synthesis of new patentable technical solutions. A knowledge base is being formed on foreign equipment on the market for extractors of components of plant materials.
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has increased its attention to the creation of results of intellectual activity by the project executors. Of particular importance among these results are technological and technical solutions patented and tested for world originality.
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has increased its attention to the creation of results of intellectual activity by the project executors. Of particular importance among these results are technological and technical solutions patented and tested for world originality.
базы знаний необходимы при научно-техническом поиске для синтеза новых патентоспособных технических решений. Авторами статьи формируется база знаний об зарубежном оборудовании, представленном на рынке экстракторов компонентов растительного сырья.
oreign patents were studied to form a knowledge base in the field of developing technologies and equipment for enriching raw materials in the preparation of functional food mono-products.
in the framework of the basic operations of the timber industry, an important place is occupied by cutting operations of sawing raw materials. When cutting sawing raw materials into sawn materials, losses and the transformation of a certain part of raw materials into waste are inevitable. When supplying abroad, the need for a scientifically based classification of raw material and its waste is becoming more acute.
на основе анализа патентов Российской Федерации в области удаления нежелательных деревьев и кустов при непрерывном движении лесного трактора предложены и запатентованы новые технические решения.
the analysis of patents of the Russian Federation in the field of removal of undesirable trees and bushes at continuous movement of the forest tractor is given for formation of knowledge base.
dry mixing and dosing of components is recognized by many specialists as a universal method for producing some multicomponent products and is applicable for large and small food production.
for the development of metering equipment for food production, it is advisable to transfer technologies from other industries, taking into account the specifics of food production and the use of modern materials and coatings in the nodes and details of dispensers.
russian universities have stepped up the development of patentable intellectual property. The analysis of the patent activity of universities leading patenting in the field of the forest complex.
russian universities are actively developing patentable intellectual property for the economic and social sectors. The analysis of patent activity of federal universities in the field of protection of the results of intellectual activity was carried out.
Petrozavodsk State University has stepped up the development of patentable intellectual property. An important place among the results of intellectual property patented by the university is occupied by patents in the field of forestry.
The analysis of patentable objects of intellectual property of Petrozavodsk State University in the field of the forest complex is carried out. The main directions of development of patented by the University of intellectual property for the forest complex.
The analysis of patentable intellectual property objects of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (NArFU) in the forest complex. The main directions of development of patented by the University of intellectual property for the forest complex.
The objects of intellectual property (results of intellectual activity) in the field of the forest complex, patented in 2019 by the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (NArFU
variant of the design of a dual-purpose container for transporting and storing spent nuclear fuel has been proposed. It improves the manufacturability, reduces the mass of liquid iron for the manufacture of the casting of the hull, improves the degree of neutron protection and heat transfer characteristics without increasing the overall dimensions and wall thickness of the case.
describes the design features and the principle of manufacturing a dual-purpose container for transporting and storing spent nuclear fuel using high-strength nodular cast iron.
within the framework of the formation of a knowledge base in the field of the forest complex, intellectual property objects (intellectual property results), patented in the first half of 2019 by the Volga State University of Technology, were considered.
within the framework of the formation of a knowledge base in the field of the forest complex, intellectual property objects patented in the first half of 2019 by the Voronezh State Forestry University named after G.F. Morozov.
The issues of the formation of a knowledge base in the field of the forest complex on the example of patents of the Voronezh State Forestry University were considered. The main directions of development of patented by the university results of intellectual property for the basic operations of the forest complex.
the issues of the formation of a knowledge base in the field of the forest complex on the example of patents of the Volga State University of Technology are considered. The main directions of development of patented by the university results of intellectual property for the basic operations of the forest complex.
the issues of the formation of a knowledge base in the field of the forest complex on the example of patents of the Ural State Forestry University were considered. The main directions of development of patented by the university results of intellectual property for the basic operations of the forest complex.
the method of solving inventive problems implemented in Petrozavodsk State University is based on the use of functional and technological analysis and brainstorming. The methodology has been developed in the field of substantiating new equipment designs and functional food formulations.
green wood is one of the most important non-timber forest resources. The patent activity of universities in the development of patentable objects of intellectual property in the use of wood green in pharmacology, cosmetology, medicine, food industry is considered.
It is shown that with end-to-end technologies, the transportation of goods between geographically distributed suppliers and consumers of products play an essential role both for the agro-industrial complex and food production, and for the timber industry complex.
to form a knowledge base in the field of dosing food ingredients in the manufacture of functional foods, foreign patents in the field of dosing of liquid and bulk materials have been studied.
based on the analysis of the patents of the Russian Federation, a knowledge base has been formed in the field of methods and formulations for using the birch fungus chaga in obtaining new products and formulations for the pharmaceutical industry, medicine and the cosmetic industry.
using patent search, the main directions of patenting the results of research and development of scientists of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
based on the analysis of patents of the Russian Federation, the active participation of Russian universities in solving the problems of using wood bark in the production of composite, board, construction, furniture and other materials is shown.
patent search allows you to determine the patent activity of specific subjects of economic activity, to identify areas of their research and development. The directions of patenting the results of research and development of scientists from Petrozavodsk University are classified.
based on the analysis of patents of the Russian Federation, developments in the field of technologies and equipment for processing bark with the production of organic fertilizers are shown.
using patent search, the main directions of patenting the results of research and development of scientists of the Volga State University of Technology are highlighted.
using patent search, the main directions of patenting the results of research and development of scientists of Novgorod State University are highlighted.
рatents aimed at developing new intellectual property in the field of technologies and equipment for obtaining biologically active substances and valuable chemical products from wood bark were considered.
shows options for developing containers for transporting and storing spent nuclear fuel. Particular attention is paid to the patented design of containers, the creation of which used high-strength nodular cast iron.
a brief review of patents in the field of handling, storage and involvement in industrial processing of spent nuclear fuel, patented in the Russian Federation in 2018-2019, was performed.
Russian universities with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are actively involved in the development of innovations and their commercialization. All this necessitates the intensification of the processes of formation and patenting of the results of intellectual activity in the performance of grants and the conduct of prospecting.
it is shown that with end-to-end technology, the transportation of goods between geographically distributed suppliers and consumers of products requires the formation of a knowledge base to improve the processes of tractor and motor transport of food raw materials and food products.
the analysis of patenting in 2011-2019 of the results of intellectual activity of universities, included in 2019 in the Top 10 best universities in Russia, is given.
a functional food product of plant composition has been proposed for the balanced nutrition of residents of the Northern latitudes, taking into account their high energy consumption and regular stress associated with uncomfortable climatic conditions.
an assessment was made of functional food products of plant composition from the point of view of a balanced diet for residents of the Northern latitudes, taking into account their high energy consumption and regular stress associated with uncomfortable climatic conditions.
shows the indicators of publication and inventive activity of scientists of the National Research Technological University "MISIS", who ranked first among the best universities in Russia according to the Forbes rating.
shows the indicators of publication and inventive activity of scientists of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), ranked third among the best universities in Russia according to the Forbes rating.
shows the indicators of publication and inventive activity of scientists of the National Research Nuclear University "NRNU MEPhI", ranked fourth according to the rating "Forbes" among the best universities in Russia.
the indicators of publication and inventive activity of scientists of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), who ranked seventh among the best universities in Russia according to the Forbes rating, are given.
the indicators of the publication and inventive activity of scientists of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after THEM. Gubkin, ranked according to the rating of "Forbes" the twelfth place among the best universities in Russia.
the indicators of the publication and inventive activity of scientists from the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, who ranked ninth among the best universities in Russia according to the Forbes rating, are presented.
according to the knowledge base of the Russian Science Citation Index, some assessments of the publication activity of scientists in the forest and woodworking industry are given.
scientometric knowledge bases allow a wide range of research indicators of scientists and universities. When assessing the scientometric indicators of Russian scientists, it is necessary to take into account that they differ significantly in the context of the topics of the Russian Science Citation Index.
using the knowledge bases of the Russian Science Citation Index and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, the characteristics of the publication and inventive activity of scientists of the Kuban State Technological University are given.
It is shown that the scientometric indicators of scientists of Petrozavodsk State University differ significantly in the context of topics of the Russian Science Citation Index.
according to the knowledge base of the Russian Science Citation Index, some assessments of the publication and inventive activity of scientists from Petrozavodsk State University are given.
the indicators of publication and inventive activity of scientists of St. Petersburg Mining University are given, which, according to the Forbes rating, ranked fourteenth among the best universities in Russia.
according to the knowledge base of the Russian scientific citation index, some estimates of the publication activity of scientists in the field of physical culture and sports.
according to the knowledge base of the Russian scientific citation index, some estimates of the publication activity of scientists of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism/
according to the knowledge base of the Russian scientific citation index, some estimates of the publication activity of scientists of the Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.
according to the knowledge base of the Russian scientific citation index, some estimates of the publication activity of scientists of the Ural State University of Physical Culture.
according to the knowledge base of the Russian index of scientific citation, some estimates of the publication activity of scientists of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft
according to the knowledge base of the Russian scientific citation index, some estimates of the publication activity of scientists of the Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture.
according to the knowledge base of the Russian scientific citation index, some estimates of the publication activity of scientists of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.
the indicators of publication and inventive activity of scientists of the Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN" are given, which ranked 53 among the best universities in Russia according to the Forbes rating.
the indicators of publication and inventive activity of scientists of the Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) are given, which ranked 31st among the best universities in Russia according to the Forbes rating.
the indicators of publication and inventive activity of scientists of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics are given, which, according to the Forbes rating, ranked 27th among the best universities in Russia.
the considered way of extruding of vegetable raw materials includes giving of a free-flowing component in the work area of screw space of an extruder under pressure. In the pipeline of giving of a component on section from the giving device to the place of interface to the case of the screw camera of an extruder carry out stabilization of pressure.
questions of sambo training in the Republic of Karelia are considered. Based on the analysis of the development of sambo in the region, proposals are given for intensifying the development of sambo in Karelia.
the experimental setup was created to test the feasibility of extracting functional ingredients from plant materials and assess the feasibility of their use for the manufacture of functional foods.
the experimental setup was created to find the optimal drying regimes for various food raw materials, at which good product quality, maximum productivity, minimum energy and labor costs will be achieved.
в статье разработано техническое решение по совершенствованию конструкции дозатора весового, включающего взвешивающий орган, тензодатчик, вибролоток, электронный управляющий блок. Повышается эффективность дозирования комкующихся материалов, производительность и точность дозирования
Within the framework of the project carried out by Petrozavsk State University together with the trade house "Fair," the importance of research into the end-to-end technology of production of functional food products to ensure food security of the northern territories of Russia was considered.
modernized laboratory extractor is characterized in that the mixing device is made in the form of a disk having blind holes with internal thread and geometric axis oriented parallel to the geometric axis of rotation of the drive shaft. Hollow capsules with perforated holes are installed in blind holes. Membrane is installed between disk and cover, space between membrane and cover is connected with compressed air injection device.
a brief overview of the state of development of the national sport - sambo in Russia and in the world has been given. The view was expressed that there were some areas for improving the methodology of end-to-end sambo training technology.
process of dispensing loose materials in a weighing dispenser is improved by making a weighing member from two trays. This ensures non-stop operation of the dispenser delivery mechanism, while the previous dose is poured out of one tray, the next dose is prepared in the other tray.
approaches to formation of knowledge base on physical effects for selection of design and technological solutions for improvement and creation of new types of equipment and technologies used for preservation of food products are considered.
the option of upgrading a container for storing and transporting spent nuclear fuel was considered. The container is characterized in that the channels for accommodating neutron protection are decorated with metal pipes. Between the side surfaces of the metal pipes are installed inserts of neutron-protective material.
a solution to the problem of developing an inexpensive and easily mounted on trailers and semi-trailers forestry road trains without interfering with the working brake system of the vehicle, a device that allows the driver of the road train to signal the movement with a locked wheel, is an urgent task. Based on the foregoing, the authors proposed and patented a technical solution to the formulated problem.
in Russia and CIS countries I operate road trains consisting of old trailers and semi-trailers not equipped with ABS systems, the development of inexpensive and easily mounted on trailers and semi-trailers of various designs of the device, which allows to signal the driver of the road train about movement with a blocked wheel, seems to be a pressing task.
within the framework of the organization of involvement of schoolchildren in admission to engineering specialties of universities active agitation is necessary. An element of work to draw the attention of potential university applicants to the expediency of passing a single state examination on the subject "Physics" may be the preparation of campaign posters.
protection of forests from fires is necessary for preservation and development of forest-industrial regions of Russia. Despite years of research, the problem of detection, prevention and extinguishing of forest fires has worsened in many countries of the world. Using the methodology, patentable solutions have been developed to prevent and extinguish forest fires by cutting wood-shrub vegetation while continuously moving basic forest machines.
it is shown that expansion of functional capabilities of forest machines is the most important factor in increasing efficiency of the complex of works on the forest. Based on functional and technological analysis new technical solutions are proposed.
the method of exploring ways of solving inventive problems in the field of solving the problem of improving food security of the population of the Far North and the Arctic is considered.
it is shown that in order to increase food security of the territories of the Far North and the Arctic it is necessary to form new intellectual property objects - functional food products for the population living/working in difficult natural and industrial conditions.
a brief review of scientific research has been carried out and it has been shown that quality food is the most important factor in the system of healthy and saving technologies for the conditions of the North and the Arctic.
It is shown that food enrichment is necessary for the realization of healthy-saving technologies of different target population groups living/working in the Arctic and the Far North.
в статье показано, что для Крайнего Севера и Арктики перспективно производство функциональных продуктов с повышенной калорийностью, пищевой ценностью, усвояемостью для различных целевых групп: пожилых людей, спортсменов, туристов, людей, ведущих здоровый образ жизни, больных, детей и др.
Inventions patented in Russia and useful models on the design of fire engines and equipment for operation in the Far North and the Arctic are considered.
сonsideration is given to intellectual property objects patented in Russia for monitoring and control in the Arctic and the Far North based on the use of artificial intelligence.
in known studies, insufficient attention is paid to the problems of logistics relevant for the forest and agro-industrial complex, linking the territories - producers of raw materials and the territories - producers of final products.
methodology of formation of logistics-linked end-to-end technological processes of procurement, transportation of raw materials and production of final products is proposed.
It is hypothesized that for the formation of knowledge bases about specific sectors of the economy, scientific publications and research by scientists can be used. The formation of the knowledge base is carried out on the example of the timber industry of Russia.
The analysis of the research directions of scientists from the city of Kazan in the field of forestry and woodworking industry was carried out using knowledge bases of the Russian Science Citation Index and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property.
it was suggested that when creating intellectual property in the field of artificial intelligence, Russian scientists, developers and manufacturers do not pay enough attention to their patenting
it is shown that hydrothermal treatment is the main process for the preparation of food raw materials in the production of rapidly recovering functional food products.
based on the analysis of patent information, the features of processing methods of food raw materials in the production of quick-recovery functional products are shown.
a brief review of patents made on the basis of a patent search is provided for the production of fast-recovering functional food products using hydrothermal treatment.
a brief review of patents aimed at improving technological properties and improving the quality of functional food products based on a patent search is presented.
a brief overview of new technical solutions patented in Russia for the conditions of the territories of the North and the Arctic of the country, made on the basis of a patent search, is presented.
in order to increase food security of the territories of the Far North and the Arctic, it is necessary to form new intellectual property objects - functional food products for the population living/working in difficult natural and industrial conditions.
it is shown that the development of new intellectual property objects - functional food products is an important factor in improving food security of the population living and working in difficult natural and production conditions of the territories of the Far North and the Arctic
method of forming a knowledge base in the field of patenting Russian inventions and useful models in the field of production of functional food products is implemented using the knowledge base of FIPS.
in order to identify promising directions of patenting functional meat products and by-products, patents patented in Russia in recent years in this field have been considered.