List of publications on a keyword: «observations»

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 09.11.2020
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Elena N. Proskurina
Natalia V. Bolotskikh
Irina A. Filatova , воспитатель
Lola B. Sorokina
MADOU D/S 47 "Lesovichok" , Белгородская обл

«Конспект образовательной деятельности «Путешествие по экологической тропе»»

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Formation of ecological culture, which is understood as a combination of environmental consciousness, environmental feelings and environmental activities.

Нанотехнологии и новые материалы

Publication date: 09.07.2018
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Barno I. Eshmuradova , candidate of engineering sciences , кандидат технических наук
Karshinskii inzhenerno-ekonomicheskii institut , Uzbekistan

«The requirements for facilities, equipment and technical facilities in oil wells»

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This article is devoted to the equipment and measuring instruments of oil gas sphere. Safety during operation of the trigger tool.