List of publications on a keyword: «giftedness»


Publication date: 16.04.2020
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Olga P. Chugunova
Valentina A. Davydenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences , professor
FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«Innovative Forms and Methods of Teaching Giften Children in a Geneal Education School»

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The article discusses the features of teaching gifted children at secondary school. The article reveals the forms and methods of teaching gifted children.

Система дошкольного, школьного и внешкольного (дополнительного) образования

Publication date: 09.07.2018
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Aleksei V. Kostin , master of pedagogic sciences
Архангельский репетиторский центр Музыкант , Архангельская обл

«Psychological and pedagogical features of musical education within the tutoring center»

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In the course of the work the author monitored music education in the practice of tutoring centers, as well as diagnosing the musicality of children by the method of K.V. Tarasova. It is worth noting the high growth of popularization of musical tutoring in general in our country. As a rule, these are centers that engage in tutoring in an «amateur» format, providing services for additional unlicensed education. As a result of work, the author obtained a whole range of conclusions relevant to research problem. Having become acquainted with the main approaches in the study of the essence of supplementary education, its most important characteristics for children and adults should be recognized as developing creative abilities that generally satisfy their needs. Researcher came to the conclusion that the music education in the conditions of the tutoring center is characterized by the following features: the age-old composition of groups, informal assessment system, personal approach to the student, variation of forms of educational activity.


Publication date: 28.07.2016
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Gerda A. Lopushnyan , candidate of pedagogic sciences
MBOU gimnaziia 7 g. Baltiiska , Калининградская обл

«Physical giftedness of pupils development»

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This article shows the experience of detection, support an development of potentially gifted children.

Общее направление

Publication date: 06.03.2017
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Beinegul M. Shalagaeva
Azina N. Shekerbaeva
Pedagogicheskii kolledzh im. Zh. Musina , Kazakhstan

«Methods which are used at English lessons in teaching talented and gifted children»

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According to the authors one of the main areas of general education is the development of talented children. A gifted child is an ordinary child, and he does not always fit the requirements of the standard educational system. For solving some of the issues required consequent consideration of particular problems: first, what is a «genius»; second, what are the main characteristics of maturity criteria and methods for their detection; third, how is giftedness manifested and formed in English classes. The article presents the methods of work with gifted children in a foreign language class at school, with special attention to the conditions for successful development of students. It includes the responsibilities that teachers of the gifted and talented have in teaching the English language. Strategies for teaching the language in a natural and flowing way to increase intake and usage are also presented.