List of publications on a keyword: «интерактивные средства обучения»
Irina I. Maslovskaia
Svetlana I. Vitaleva
MBDOU D/S 4 g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл
«Interaktivnye sredstva obucheniia v razvivaiushchei srede DOO dlia vsestoronnego razvitiia doshkol'nikov»
Технические средства обучения
MAOU "Gimnaziia 1" , Коми Респ
«Ispol'zovanie interaktivnogo kompleksa "Interaktivnaia fizika" dlia podgotovki k OGE»
Сдача экзамена по физике учащимися 9 классов средних образовательных учреждений обуславливает необходимость формирования у обучаемых фундаментальных знаний, умений и навыков по решению физических задач. В статье рассмотрена проблема необходимости качественной и эффективной подготовки учащихся к государственной итоговой аттестации.
Дошкольная педагогика
МБДОУ "Детский сад общеразвивающего вида №6" "Жемчужинка" Чистопольского муниципального района РТ , Татарстан Респ
«Sovremennye metody obucheniia detei tatarskomu iazyku»
FSBEI of HE "Vyatka State University" , Кировская обл
«Использование интерактивной доски на уроках русского языка»
Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
FSBEI of HE "Vyatka State University" , Кировская обл
«Использование интерактивных средств в обучении младших школьников»
[13.00.00] Педагогические науки
Belgorod Institute of Education Development"Belgorod Institute of Education Development"Belgorod Institute of Education Development"Belgorod Institute of Education Development"Belgorod Institute of Education Development" , Белгородская обл
MArina P. Sevrukova
MBPEI "K/g Sretensky" , Белгородская обл
«System of orthodox spiritual-moral education in kindergarten, built on the basis of application in the classroom of interactive learning tools «Web board – a window to the world of spirituality»»
This article presents a model of the Orthodox spiritual and moral education in the kindergarten through the use of interactive learning tools in the classroom. The paper describes in detail the advantages of using these tools in preschool education, as well as the opportunity of solutions of a number of educational problems using interactive learning tools.
Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)
FSBEI of HPE "Ufa State Oil Technical University" , Башкортостан Респ
Larisa M. Bilalova , candidate of philosophical sciences
FSBEI HE "Bashkir State University" , Башкортостан Респ
Evgeny A. Guriev , candidate of juridical sciences
Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Bashkortostan , Башкортостан Респ
«Anthropocentrism as a principle of the polycultural and multilingual modern educational space»
The paper is devoted to investigation of priorities in the Russian educational space, which in today's globalized world is becoming an integral part of the world educational society. The authors examine the problem in the aspect of social philosophy, which determines the identification of the most common patterns in the development of being, thinking and society. In this aspect of the logic of research is an extrapolation of democracy, humanism, anthropocentricity principles on the processes of education development in a polycultural and multilingual space. Globalization involves a high level of mobility of professionals across the globe, involving into the orbit of the polycultural and multilingual education representatives of different nations, folks and social layers. Education as a process can not be realized without appropriate methodological tools, in function of which we consider teaching technologies and their integration with information and communication technologies. Technologies of inclusive education, health preservation, information and communication are the most relevant for the Russian education today. The methodological research base is represented by social and philosophical principles of systemacy, anthropocentrism, humanism, socio-cultural identity, universality and functionality.
Общее направление
SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г