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Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 09.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 2)
Semen S. Pushkin , student
Tatiana V. Pavlovich , candidate of engineering sciences , senior lecturer
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Tendencies of the Russian and International Markets of Corporate Information Systems»

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В работе рассмотрены понятие и виды корпоративных информационных систем, проблемы использования и тенденции развития КИС на российских и международных рынках. Автором подчеркивается актуальность представленной темы в реалиях современной экономической ситуации с учетом растущего количества информации в мире и увеличения уровня автоматизации и компьютеризации работы компаний.

Publication date: 06.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Semen S. Pushkin , student
Tatiana V. Pavlovich , candidate of engineering sciences , senior lecturer
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Tendencies of the Russian and International Markets of Corporate Information Systems»

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The paper provides a definition and describes the types of corporate information systems, problems of using systems and development trends of CIS in the Russian and international markets. The relevance of choosing this topic for the research is due to the current economic situation, taking into account today’s tendencies of the growing amount of information in the world and the levels of automatization and computer use in companies.

Publication date: 18.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Ekaterina S. Garina , student
Tatiana V. Pavlovich , candidate of engineering sciences , senior lecturer
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Information Technology: Current and Future Trends for Airlines»

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This paper analyzes current state of information technology in airline industry and demonstrates future tendencies of IT used by airlines.

Publication date: 21.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Al'bert A. Gabdulkhakov
Artiom D. Khazimullin , студент
FSBEI of HE "Ural State University of Railway Transport" , Свердловская обл

«Rol' transportno-logisticheskogo podkhoda v sisteme upravleniia passazhirskimi perevozkami»

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В статье рассматривается система городского пассажирского транспорта. Авторами проанализированы внешние и внутренние факторы, влияющие на систему городского пассажирского транспорта.

Publication date: 21.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Artiom D. Khazimullin , студент
Al'bert A. Gabdulkhakov
FSBEI of HE "Ural State University of Railway Transport" , Свердловская обл

«Rol' logisticheskogo podkhoda v formirovanii urovnia transportnogo obsazhivaniia»

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В статье рассматривается опыт отечественных учёных в области уровня транспортного сервиса, а также его в формировании современной транспортной услуги.

Publication date: 14.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Andrei M. Krupko , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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Special features of research in the field of agricultural raw materials procurement and production of functional food products for residents of the North of Russia are considered.

Publication date: 13.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
Andrei M. Krupko , candidate of engineering sciences
Iurii V. Sukhanov , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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Issues of methods of formation of through technologies for preparation of agricultural raw materials and production of functional food products are considered. Some results of such assessment are given.

Publication date: 10.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Andrei S. Abramov
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Analysis of Housing Prices in Moscow»

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В статье представлен анализ цен на жилье в г. Москва. Базой данных послужили данные о цене и предложении жилья по состоянию на 01.01.2018.

Publication date: 10.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Petr V. Lopata , student
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Trends and Problems of the Insurance Market in Russia»

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В статье рассмотрены аспекты страхования в России. Автором проанализированы тенденции и проблемы рынка страхования.

Publication date: 18.07.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Mariia O. Bazhanova , student
Tatiana V. Pavlovich , candidate of engineering sciences , teacher
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Overview of ERP Technologies Development in Recent Years»

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The article reviews some trends in developing ERP technologies for the last several years. It includes definition of Enterprise resource planning (ERP), a small history of ERP and primary trends in the field. Moreover, this article provides a brief understanding of each of the specified ERP technologies and their benefits. In this article Mobile ERP, Cloud ERP, Social ERP and Two-tier ERP are demonstrated.