в статье показана возможность создания и использования базы данных на объекты интеллектуальной собственности в целях улучшения производительности процессов горнодобывающей промышленности. Описывается опыт формирования базы данных на объекты интеллектуальной собственности для улучшения технологий дробления твердых горных пород с целью получения кубовидного щебня. Результаты патентных исследований позволили сформировать патентно-информационную базу для разработки и патентования новых решений, направленных на снижение энергоемкости процесса дробления.
проанализирована база данных на объекты интеллектуальной собственности, направленные на повышение производительности щековых дробилок для дезинтеграции горных пород.
в статье показано, что патенты, повышающие качество дробления в щековых дробилках, в основном направлены на уменьшение истирания дробимого продукта, снижение выхода кусков некондиционной формы и управление показателями дробления.
в статье описаны результаты анализа патентов на щековые дробилки, при проведении которого выявлены основные направления повышения их надежности при дезинтеграции горных пород.
в статье показаны особенности совместной работы инжиниринговой компании и университета над созданием современного производства шиберных и клиновых штампосварных задвижек многоцелевого назначения.
в статье описаны патенты на изобретения, направленные на повышение степени дезинтеграции горных пород. Рассмотрены предлагаемые модернизации применяемых щековых дробилок.
в статье приведены статистические показатели российских ученых, сгруппированных в российском индексе научного цитирования (РИНЦ) по тематике «Сельское и лесное хозяйство».
в статье рассмотрены некоторые направления исследований в сфере моделирования процессов функционирования щековых дробилок на основе анализа зарубежной научно‐технической информации.
в данной статье рассмотрены запатентованные технические решения в сфере защиты трубопроводной арматуры от коррозии. Авторы выделяют пути поиска технических решений по защите от коррозии внутренних поверхностей трубопроводной арматуры.
в статье приведены некоторые материалы, описывающие особенности подготовленной финским парламентским комитетом по энергетике и климату для Финляндии дорожной карты до 2050 года, которая будет служить руководством по стратегии на пути к достижению углеродно-нейтрального общества.
в данной работе рассмотрены вопросы выбора программного обеспечения, обеспечивающего исследования и проектирование изделий для машиностроительных предприятий лесного и атомного машиностроения.
в статье показано, что совместная интеграционная деятельность университета, промышленного предприятия и инжиниринговой компании эффективно влияет на повышение уровня образовательной деятельности в университете, повышение качества знаний и компетенций преподавателей и студентов, повышение готовности студентов к практической деятельности.
в данной статье показано, что для повышения качества щебня для строительства лесовозных дорог и, соответственно, для повышения эффективности лесотранспортных работ целесообразно использовать современные методы математического моделирования.
в данной статье рассмотрены некоторые результаты прогноза использования машин на гусеничной и колесной базе на лесосечных работах в 1996 году, приведенные в работах Карельского НИИ лесной промышленности (КарНИИЛПа) в рамках проведения исследований и разработки рекомендаций по совершенствованию параметров и технологии работы машин Онежского тракторного завода (ОТЗ).
автор сообщает, что в Петрозаводском государственном университете проводится широкий спектр исследований в сфере изучения состояния и перспектив использования финских инноваций. Исследователь указывает, что Финляндия, продемонстрировавшая высочайшие достижения образования, привлекательна для изучения ее опыта в области образовательных инноваций.
для принятия эффективных и своевременных решений по выбору направления развития регионов требуется полный спектр данных описывающих его экономическое и социальное состояние, а также соседних к нему регионов. Данные о развитости транспортной, энергетической, социально и других инфраструктур, а также ресурсной базе региона предлагается комплектовать в комплексной географической информационной системе.
в статье рассмотрены некоторые подходы к построению системы математических моделей для описания процессов функционирования дробильных технологических систем для производства строительного щебня.
в данной статье приведены некоторые направления уменьшения выбросов парниковых газов, предлагаемые финским парламентским комитетом по энергетике и климату.
в данной работе на основе анализа процессов функционирования дробильных технологических систем для производства строительного щебня авторами предложены подходы к обоснованию конструкции экспериментальной установки.
в данной статье на основе анализа процессов функционирования дробильных технологических систем для производства строительного щебня авторами предложен перспективный вариант щековой дробилки.
в данной статье авторами предложена конструкция щековой дробилки, интенсифицирующей дробление дробимых материалов, а также снижающей простои по причине необходимости прочистки камеры дробления из‐за закупоривания выходной щели продуктами дробления.
в статье предложен способ дробления материалов, в котором дополнительное к сжимающему усилию циклически‐ударное воздействие со стороны бойков будет осуществляться в момент сжатия дробимых кусков горной породы, что позволит увеличить производительность процесса дробления.
в данной статье авторы поднимают актуальную проблему управления процессами освоения лесных и горно-минеральных ресурсов. Приведены подходы к формированию информационной системы, включающей базу данных и картографическую информацию об объектах лесопромышленного и горнопромышленного комплексов Республики Карелия.
в данной статье авторы поднимают актуальную проблему недостаточного использования современных систем мониторинга за работой автомобильного транспорта леса. Приведены некоторые результаты эксплуатации систем gps‐мониторига на лесовозах ОАО «Лендерский ЛПХ» в первом квартале 2006 года.
в данной статье автор рассматривает проблему повышения инновационной привлекательности природных ресурсов Республики Карелия. В Карелии на базе ГИС-технологий разрабатывается комплексная электронная база данных, совмещающая в себе лесные, минерально-сырьевые ресурсы и математические модели, позволяющие осуществлять анализ их расположения относительно транспортных путей.
в статье рассмотрены направления совершенствования щековых дробилок. Особое внимание уделено способу, в котором дополнительное к сжимающему усилию циклически-ударное воздействие бойков будет осуществляться в момент сжатия дробимых кусков горной породы.
авторами отмечается, что в связи с ростом конкуренции на рынке атомной энергетики растут требования к проектированию сложных и ответственных изделий, работающих в условиях больших температур. К таким изделиям относится и трубопроводная арматура.
в данной статье приведены особенности показателей публикационной активности ученых, сгруппированных в Российском индексе научного цитирования по тематике «Сельское и лесное хозяйство».
авторами осуществлена проверка обратных затворов магистральных трубопроводов на патентную чистоту. В работе показано, что новые технические решения, разработанные при проектировании обратных затворов и их составных частей, следует защитить: запатентовать или распространить на них «ноу-хау».
when creating new types of equipment, experiments that can be performed on the equipment, the production in full size on the fine-scale models of physical and engineering systems using numerical analysis.
It showed the need for an intensification of the use of natural resources of the Republic of Karelia, first of all, forest and mineral. Intensification should be aimed at increasing the use of their resources, economic, monetary, social and so on.
It shows that to ensure the effective functioning of large timber structures requires extensive transportation network, which will provide transportation with minimal cost of significant volumes of timber cargo, as well as meet the transport needs of other sectors.
The problems of ensuring regional energy geographically distributed local energy resources, including wood and peat resources. The prospects of using foreign experience in this.
It is shown that the characteristics of corrosion resistance of metals, as well as a protective coating capacity and effectiveness of the chosen means of protection from the external environment is important to choose the right corrosion performance.
the features of the transition from the workpiece Pneumatic shalt explosion to mechanized harvesting in 70 years. It is shown that in this period the Karelian Research Institute of the timber industry was established manipulator Rooter stumps with vibration winch head.
describes an approach to the creation of multi-functional equipment for performing a wide range of works on the cutting area. Its advantage is the use of a single base - crawler tractor.
for the use of commercial software on the market that have great opportunities for sound engineering analysis of structures and processes need to train highly qualified professionals.
are some of the areas of work of the Petrozavodsk State University in the study of processes of disintegration of rocks with the development of new intellectual property.
scientometric indicators shows the dynamics of Russian scientists grouped in the Russian Science Citation Index for category "Geology" April 2015 by May 2016.
scientometric indicators shows the dynamics of Russian scientists grouped in the Russian Science Citation Index for category "Mining" April 2015 by May 2016.
are some of the findings of Petrozavodsk State University, aimed at improving the efficiency of the disintegration of rocks in the preparation of building rubble.
shows the main directions of improving the efficiency of these processes: the development of the theoretical foundations of disintegration; development of new methods of disintegration, based on the use of different energy effects on the rocks for preliminary softening structural links, and development on their basis of new designs of crushing equipment.
It shows the need for a particular type of rock to identify characteristics that predict size distribution of the crushed product, depending on its strength characteristics, size and disintegration parameters.
considered a comprehensive approach to building machinery for harvesting and forest regeneration. The approach is based on the formation of the intellectual property, flexible technologies and the creation of the basic chassis with a set of multi-process equipment.
are the features of the organization of patent search in the creation of valves for nuclear power, thermal power and oil and gas industry for the development of new intellectual property.
proposed an innovative housing transport and packaging container for transportation and storage of spent nuclear fuel is fixedly attached to the molded case circuit due to shrinkage of ductile iron melt during its crystallization in the manufacture of body casting.
It shows the need for the development of mathematical models to predict the feasibility of indicators and substantiation of optimal combination of technical solutions for the disintegration of rocks in order to minimize the energy consumption for the realization of a given process.
simulation based on the probabilistic nature of the properties of rocks allows us to describe the crushing and technological system and the interaction of its elements in a wide range of conditions.
Some results of research of technologies of disintegration of overburden and enclosing rocks of various genetic types for obtaining building crushed stone are given.
it is shown the need to develop an intelligent system for controlling the operation of disintegration facilities by computer analysis of graphical data on the incoming feed stream and the outflow of the result of disintegration.
the prospects of production in ecologically safe transport packaging containers for transportation and storage of nuclear fuel waste are considered in Petrozavodsk. For this purpose, new technological and technical solutions have been patented.
it is necessary to formulate systematized scientific bases for the creation of competitive equipment for transportation and storage of spent nuclear fuel with resource-saving and environmentally friendly parameters and modes of end-to-end manufacturing technologies, including the processes of foundry and mechano-assembly production.
to ensure the efficient transportation of forest and mineral resources, data are needed on the current state of the railway and road infrastructure. This will allow developing long-term plans for its development
for setting and solving the task of developing and optimizing transport of forest and mineral-raw materials, a regional transport-oriented integrated geographic information system has been developed for the conditions of the Republic of Karelia
the method of forming a regional transport-oriented integrated geographic information system developed for the conditions of the Republic of Karelia is considered.
on the basis of patent search, technological and technical solutions in the field of using ultrasonic extraction for isolation of biologically active substances from plant raw materials are considered.
on the basis of patent search, technological and technical solutions in the field of extraction processes using a magnetic field in the food industry are considered.
it is shown that the improvement of the processes of liquid extraction for the food industry is aimed at justifying their rational regimes, accelerating processes, and automating them.
on the basis of the analysis of scientific and technical information given in the following article safety and monitoring of food and food ingredients in this field.
when forming the knowledge base on the basis of patent search, the directions of developing new technical solutions in the field of creating functional food products are considered.
fast food products are innovative, their production is developed abroad and is developing in Russia. It is necessary to increase the attention to the quality and safety of such products.
the directions of research carried out by Petrozavodsk University on the development of end-to-end technologies for the production of functional products that enhance food security in the Northern regions of Russia.
the prospects of research on the development of end-to-end technologies for the production of functional food products for improving food security in the northern territories of Russia are shown.
in the framework of the Petrozavodsk University's research together with the Trade Fair "Yarmarka" in the food industry, a brief analysis of the possibilities of using microwave energy for the extraction of nutraceuticals from plants.
in the production of functional products, it is necessary to take into account that industrial production technologies, food in conditions of shortage of time and use of deep processing products can lead to inadequate human nutrition components.
on the example of the organization of interaction between Petrozavodsk State University and the Trade House "Yarmarka", the prospects for the formation and implementation of large investment projects on the principles of public-private partnership are shown.
Petrozavodsk State University and Trade House "Yarmarka" on the principles of public-private partnership with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are implementing a major investment project in the food industry. Some data are given and the progress of this project.
a brief analysis of the methods and devices used for the extraction of plant raw materials used and patented for the production of food products is given.
studies are being conducted aimed at forming a knowledge base for the creation of an end-to-end technology for the production of functional food products for the population of the northern regions of Russia and their introduction to the market.
the experience of setting up and executing applied research to create a through technology for the production of functional food products for the population of the northern regions of Russia was reviewed.
in the framework of the implementation of tasks to develop technical and technological solutions for import-substituting production of enriched food products for the population of the Northern Territories of Russia, a set of scientific and research and applied works is carried out.
Russian scientists and inventors are actively researching the development of new methods of inhibiting food production. The interest of foreign companies to enter the Russian market with their own developments was revealed. The developments patented for inhibition are given.
A version of a modernized extruder with an input device for fluid components is proposed. The extruder includes a container for placing the component, a pneumatic compressor, a pipeline connecting them, a pipeline for introducing components connecting the internal space of the container with the internal working space of the extruder. A non-return valve is installed in the pipeline for the input of components, which ensures the free movement of the fluid component to the side of the extruder's internal working space and prevents its reverse movement.
the most important function of packaging for food products is to preserve their quality from the moment of packing and packaging of products to the final consumer, so that the product packaged in consumer packaging comes to the consumer with the least possible deviations of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators from what was just produced.
the main regulatory documents regulating the use of consumer and transport packaging of vegetable raw materials in the Russian Federation and Europe are considered.
it is shown that the processes of formation of import-substituting end-to-end technologies for the harvesting of food raw materials and its production of functional foods from it, along with the development of the agro-industrial sector in the regions of the European North, are the most important factors for improving the food security of the population living in these regions.
The most important factor in providing people with the required volumes and quality of food in the formation of effective systems of end-to-end technologies for the harvesting of food raw materials and the production of functional foods. The role of transport in these systems is considered.
An optimal choice of the best options from the types of transport or their combinations for the transportation of food raw materials and functional foods is required. It is necessary to comply with the requirements that ensure cost-effective and environmentally safe delivery for their processing and use by the population.
an optimal choice of the best options from the types of transport or their combinations for the transportation of food raw materials and functional food products is necessary, taking into account the need to comply with the requirements that ensure cost-effective and environmentally safe delivery for their processing and use by the population.
considered the advantages and disadvantages of air transport of food. Air transportation increases the share in the total volume of freight traffic due to lower costs in the implementation of the process.
economic efficiency and variety of food products show the promise of food fortification technologies. Promising the use of extrusion technology for the production of enriched finished products or instant products.
most important factors affecting the choice of suppliers of agricultural raw materials for the production of functional food products are: the availability of the necessary arable land by types of food raw materials and regions of the country; agricultural productivity and quality, the availability of reliable suppliers of food raw materials.
food raw materials and food products are one of the most important and at the same time complex cargoes, the transportation of which is a difficult technological process. Reducing the final price of food is possible due to lower transport costs.
processes of formation of import-substituting end-to-end technologies for the preparation of food raw materials and their production of functional functional food products from it, along with the development of agriculture in the regions of the European North, are the most important factors in ensuring food security for the population of these regions.
the most important factors affecting the choice of suppliers of agricultural raw materials for the production of functional food products are: the availability of the necessary arable land by types of food raw materials and regions of the country; agricultural productivity and quality, the availability of reliable suppliers of food raw materials.
theoretical and experimental studies are in demand in the agricultural sector and the food industry in the development and implementation of investment projects to create new and improve existing production of functional food products.
theoretical and experimental studies are in demand in the agricultural sector and the food industry in the development and implementation of investment projects to create new and improve existing production of functional food products.
the experimental setup was created to test the feasibility of extracting functional ingredients from plant materials and assess the feasibility of their use for the manufacture of functional foods.
the experimental setup was created to find the optimal drying regimes for various food raw materials, at which good product quality, maximum productivity, minimum energy and labor costs will be achieved.
the experimental setup was created to test canned recipes and the production of small batches of canned foods, to clarify the rational parameters of sterilization processes.
the system approach implemented by Petrozavsk State University in the formation of end-to-end processes of procurement - transportation of food raw materials and production of functional food products is considered.
в статье рассмотрена специфика питания населения севера России. Выявлены положительные и негативные стороны питания населения севера. Авторами определена необходимость изучения специфики питания народов Крайнего Севера.
Experimental plant is designed to check canned food formulations and produce small batches of canned products, to clarify rational parameters of sterilization processes
Features of testing of experimental plants for extraction of functional food ingredients, production of functional food: quickly recoverable products, monoproducts; Preserved products.
as part of the search for ways to improve the quality of existing and create promising food products, Petrozavsk State University is developing a knowledge base for the development of food enrichment processes. New solutions for the production of enriched functional food products are being developed.
taking into account the peculiarities of through processes of food raw materials procurement and food products production, problems and some ways of their solution are considered.
technologies of food products preservation are shown to have an important role in food industry in realization of end-to-end processes of functional food products production.
to ensure food security, it is necessary to improve the organization of food for various groups of the population of the North of Russia, contributing to an increase in their effective life.
the methodology of researching the specifics of nutrition provided for the formation of a knowledge base on the basis of materials accumulated by researchers of universities and scientific organizations that studied the transformation of the organization of nutrition of various groups of the population of the North of Russia.
issues of selection of rational end-to-end processes of production of functional food products for the population of the North of Russia, development of new formulations, promising equipment and technological processes for their production are considered.
Issues of selection of rational end-to-end processes of production of functional food products for the population of the North of Russia, development of new formulations, promising equipment and technological processes for their production are considered.
Production of an experimental plant for dosing functional food ingredients is caused by the need to study the specifics of dosing functional food ingredients.
in justifying the efficiency of innovative processes of food production, it is necessary to ensure the rational use of material and financial resources and to take into account the importance of these production for the food security of the population
issues of methods of formation of through technologies for preparation of agricultural raw materials and production of functional food products are considered. Some results of such assessment are given.
some results of performing applied and research and experimental work on the development of end-to-end technologies for the production of functional food products for the population living in the northern territories of the Russian Federation are given.