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Prospects for import substitution in the oil and gas industry

DOI: 10.21661/r-474343
Open Access
International Scientific and Practical Conference «Relevant lines of scientific research: theory and practice»
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International Scientific and Practical Conference «Relevant lines of scientific research: theory and practice»
Mustafina I. M. 1 , Larin S. N. 1 , Khrstalev O. E. 1
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Published in:
1 Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences “Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS”
For citation:
Mustafina I. M., Larin S. N., & Khrstalev O. E. (2018). Prospects for import substitution in the oil and gas industry. Relevant lines of scientific research: theory and practice, 234-238. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-474343

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The policy of import substitution in Russia was taken even before the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions by the United States, the countries of the European Union and the countries that joined them. For quite a long time, the dependence on the supply of imported equipment and components was acutely felt in many sectors of the Russian economy: the agro-industrial complex, engineering and machine-tool construction, oil and gas production, automobile and aircraft construction, electronics, space exploration, and a number of others. The imposition of sanctions restrictions only intensified the main problem and resulted in a total or partial ban on the supply of high-tech equipment and components for the implementation of complex production processes in domestic enterprises. For example, in the oil and gas industry, the overwhelming number of devices for the distillation and cracking of oil - imported. It is in the oil and gas industry that the situation continues to be the most difficu


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