Larin Sergei Nikolaevich

Place of work

Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences “Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS”
старший научный сотрудник
candidate of engineering sciences

Author's articles(26)

Закономерности и принципы формирования современных образовательных технологий

1 2 3 4 5


в статье проведено комплексное исследование процесса информатизации сферы образования. На основе системного подхода выполнен анализ ключевых закономерностей и выявлены основные принципы создания и практического внедрения современных образовательных технологий (СОТ).

Analiz zarubezhnogo opyta effektivnogo ispol'zovaniia kosmicheskikh tekhnologii dvoinogo naznacheniia dlia okhrany okruzhaiushchei sredy

1 2 3 4 5


сохранение в современной экономике производств прежних технологических укладов несет существенные угрозы для экологической безопасности всей планеты. Решением этой проблемы за рубежом на межгосударственном уровне занимаются более тридцати лет. Однако реальных результатов, кроме принятия ряда основополагающих документов, получить пока не удалось. При этом во многих европейских странах и США предпринимаются серьезные усилия для организации экологического мониторинга и исследования возможных последствий изменения климата при помощи космических технологий двойного назначения. В данной статье раскр...

Tekhnologii adaptivnogo testirovaniia: osobennosti i preimushchestva, razrabotka tipovogo algoritma

1 2 3 4 5


в современных условиях как никогда растет потребность в подготовке квалифицированных специалистов. Внедрение современных информационных технологий значительно ускоряет этот процесс. Вместе с тем возрастает значимость контроля уровня знаний обучаемых. Применение информационных технологий для достижения этих целей способствовало развитию методологии компьютерного адаптивного тестирования, которая сегодня обладает наиболее совершенным инструментарием для контроля и оценки уровня знаний обучаемых. Авторами статьи изложены основные особенности и преимущества применения методологии адаптивного тести...

The value of evaluating the performance of enterprises in leading sectors of the Russian economy to choose the direction of their effective development

1 2 3 4 5


Most enterprises of the leading sectors of the Russian economy today are forced to carry out their production activities under conditions of a rapid change in the impact of environmental factors, the negative impact of sanctions restrictions, and the intensification of competition. Considering the presence of numerous features of the organization of production at industrial enterprises of leading sectors of the Russian economy, the main goal of this study is a generalized approach to evaluating the performance of enterprises in leading sectors of the Russian economy. The article substantiates...

Problems and forecasts of the strategic development of enterprises in the context of sanctions restrictions

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A brief analysis of the impact of sanctions restrictions on the development of industrial enterprises has been carried out. Sources of intra-corporate strategic development of industrial enterprises as independent economic entities are proposed, taking into account the peculiarities of the impact of sanctions restrictions and other factors of external instability.

New features of the concept of competitiveness in the face of the negative impact of sanctions restrictions

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The main objective of this study is to clarify the economic essence of the concept of competitiveness, as well as its components in relation to the activities of economic entities and the modern realities of the development of the Russian economy, taking into account the negative impact of sanctions restrictions. To achieve this goal, the study used methods for the synthesis and analysis of economic information. As a result of the study, the concept of competitiveness was clarified in relation to the activities of economic entities in the context of sanctions restrictions.

Approaches to structuring the global, national and regional space markets

1 2 3 4 5


The structuring of the global and national markets for space services is based on the use of two main approaches, the difference between which consists in using structuring by customer categories and by type of product (service).

Formation of a system of indicators to assess the performance of enterprises in leading sectors of the Russian economy

1 2 3 4 5


To counteract the negative impact of sanctions restrictions and increased competition, a set of sectoral import substitution strategies has been developed, the successful implementation of which will largely depend on improving the performance of enterprises in leading sectors of the Russian economy. The article proposed a system of criterion and result indicators for obtaining evaluation characteristics. This system is not exhaustive, since it does not take into account the full range of features of the functioning of enterprises in relation to each branch of the Russian economy. At the same...

Marketing tools for developing strategies for enterprise development

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The impact of sanctions restrictions on the development of the country's economy, as well as the problems encountered in the activities of industrial enterprises. Recommendations on the adaptation of economic entities to new economic conditions that can be used in the development of a development strategy based on the use of marketing tools are presented.

The benefits of using dual-use space technology

1 2 3 4 5


Under the conditions of sanctions restrictions, the practice of increasing the cost of creating a new generation of dual-use space technologies is unacceptable for the budget of our country. As the experience of developed countries shows, a successful solution to this problem can be achieved through the extension of dual-use technologies to other spheres of public life. Some of the promising areas of such use of space technology are shown in this article. In addition, it substantiates some approaches to assess the benefits of the use of dual-use space technologies in certain areas of social de...

Impact of sanctions restrictions on the competitiveness of enterprises

1 2 3 4 5


Sanctions restrictions had a negative impact on the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, because they put them in obviously unfavorable conditions. Therefore, the concept of competitiveness has acquired a new economic essence in relation to the conduct by Russian enterprises of competitive struggle in international markets. As a result of the study, the notion of enterprise competitiveness in the context of sanctions restrictions was clarified, and the expediency of taking into account their impact on the competitiveness of individual enterprises in the context of their implementation of p...

Features of the use of the results of space activities in the Russian economy

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Rocket-space activity in Russia is based on the research and production potential of the country's economy. For its further development, it is necessary to industrialize it, organize the introduction of innovative technologies, create a modern ground infrastructure, reorient the provision of services and production to domestic producers.

Justification of the need to improve the skills and professional competencies of staff in the conditions of action sanction restrictions

1 2 3 4 5


In the conditions of aggravated competition, an important factor in supporting the competitiveness of Russian enterprises is the enhancement of the qualifications and professional competencies of personnel. Under the conditions of the negative impact of sanctions restrictions, the personnel of enterprises becomes one of the key resources to ensure ongoing activities and the strategic development of production. Successful implementation of sectoral import substitution strategies will largely depend on the attitude of enterprise management to staff development. These circumstances indicate the h...

Process innovations in the field of housing and utilities

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As the object of research, the activity of economic subjects of the housing and utilities sector in the implementation and practical use of process innovations in the field of energy saving and mutual settlements was chosen. The subject of the study identified innovative technologies and developments, as well as their functional features, depending on the specific areas of use. The examples given in the article clearly demonstrate the indisputable advantages of using innovative technologies and developing innovative mechanisms to increase the activity of economic entities in the housing and ut...

Information technology of modernization and development modern high-tech industries

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Modernization and innovative development of the domestic high-tech industrial complex requires the intensification of the processes of its structural adjustment, which is impossible without the use of modern information technologies, which significantly increase the efficiency, efficiency and accuracy of management decisions.

Trends and scenarios for the development of the domestic rocket and space industry

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The analysis of the structure of the global space market has been carried out, the main trends and trends of its development have been identified, and factors affecting the state of the domestic rocket and space industry have been analyzed. Based on the data obtained, scenarios for the development of the industry have been developed and the probability of their implementation has been determined.

Predictive method of forming the strategy of innovation progress (on the example of the rocket and space industry)

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In this paper, a factor analysis of the state of the external and internal environment of the complex of enterprises of the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy was carried out, on the basis of which probable scenarios for its development were developed. Developed proposals for the formation of strategies for innovative development, taking into account the likely changes in the external environment.

Features of modeling of industry subsystems in the housing and utilities sector

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The main objective of this study is to present the sphere of housing and communal services as a system for modeling the activities of industry subsystems. The object of this study is the sphere of housing and communal services, and as a subject the features of the approach to modeling the activity of sectoral subsystems are determined. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the basic principles of the theory of operations research and the methods of economic and mathematical modeling. As a result of the research, theoretical rationale was obtained for the formation of models of...

The purpose and objectives of a unified planning system of high-tech industrial complex

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The variety of types and trends of modern high-tech progress requires a legislative link between the mechanism of economic support of a high-tech industrial complex and the budget process. The authors substantiated the goal of creating and further improving the unified planning system of the complex and formulated the tasks that should be solved to achieve the goal.

Prospects for import substitution in the oil and gas industry

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The policy of import substitution in Russia was taken even before the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions by the United States, the countries of the European Union and the countries that joined them. For quite a long time, the dependence on the supply of imported equipment and components was acutely felt in many sectors of the Russian economy: the agro-industrial complex, engineering and machine-tool construction, oil and gas production, automobile and aircraft construction, electronics, space exploration, and a number of others. The imposition of sanctions restrictions only intensified the...

Evaluation of the quality of innovative software products in the economy

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The article defines the composition of quality indicators and presents their main characteristics that have a direct impact on the quality of innovative software products used in the economic sphere. Quantitative values ​​of these characteristics can be obtained using appropriate mathematical tools. Therefore, to assess the quality of innovative software products, it is proposed to use a multi-criteria expert system and mathematical tools using weighting coefficients of indicators and scoring their variable characteristics.

Solutions to the problems of import substitution in the Russian IT industry

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The article describes the development of the Russian IT industry in the context of sanctions restrictions. The main goal of this work is to determine the specifics of the development and implementation of import substitution programs aimed at overcoming the technological dependence of the Russian IT industry on the procurement of imported equipment, components, technologies and services. As prospects for the implementation of import substitution programs, the development of unique information products, systems and technologies for managing them based on the availability of their own component...

Instrumental'nye metody upravleniia riskom pri sozdanii naukoemkoi i vysokotekhnologichnoi produktsii

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проблемы выявления, оценки и нейтрализации рисков невыполнения долгосрочных планов создания наукоемкой и высокотехнологичной продукции различного назначения представляются актуальными, значимыми и требуют точного решения. В статье предложены и математически обоснованы априорный и эмпирический инструментальные методы, позволяющие повысить вероятность успешной практической реализации научно-технического плана, включающего несколько инновационных проектов.

Expert methods for assessing the level of innovation of high-tech and knowledge-intensive enterprises

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современные высокотехнологичные и наукоемкие предприятия разрабатывают и промышленно производят инновационную и конкурентоспособную продукцию, практически реализуя результаты научных исследований. В статье предложен экономико-математический инструментарий, учитывающий уровень знаний в конкретной предметной области, качество используемых на них информационных систем и предназначенный для оценки уровня выполняемых предприятиями научно-практических разработок.