в статье рассмотрены особенности внедрения норм ГТО в дошкольное учреждение. Авторами подчеркивается необходимость физического воспитания дошкольников, предложены методы физкультурно-оздоровительной работы.
the issue of psychological problems in children who enter kindergarten is growing more urgent. If you visit the kindergarten in summer during the period of newcomers’ adaptation, you will usually see the following scene: the parent consigns their child to the kindergarten, but the child is struggling to get used to the new conditions: he/she cries for hours, doesn't want to listen and follow the teacher, detaches from other kids, constantly asks the teacher to bring the mother back etc. Even if parents strictly follow the adaptation rules, for example, leaving the child with the teacher only f...