The analysis of academic papers dedicated to teaching Rusian in Sweden 29.04.2016 фонетика русский язык грамматика морфология ... Annotation We reviewed some of the work dedicated to training phonetics, phonology, pronunciation, grammar and morphology of Russian language in Sweden. more
Исследования лексикологии, семантики и текстологии русского языка в Швеции 29.04.2016 семантика русский язык russian semantics ... Annotation It shows the attention of researchers of the Russian language in Sweden studying the issue of its lexicology and semantics, textual. more
Еще раз о русском языке в Швеции 10.05.2016 обучение русский язык training Russian language ... Annotation based on domestic and foreign sources of some aspects related to the study of the Russian language in Sweden. more
Анализ интернет-ресурсов, представляющих особенности населения финно-угорской группы 24.05.2016 население интернет-портал финно-угорская группа Internet portal ... Annotation Petrozavodsk State University to study economics and social sphere of Finland. The development of this work an analysis of Internet resources, especially people representing the Finno-Ugric group. more