List of publications on a keyword: «option»


Publication date: 20.04.2017
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Kristina A. Naumenko
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Правовые последствия отмены усыновления (удочерения) детей»

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In this work, reveals the legal consequences of cancellation of adoption of children. There are groups of circumstances which are grounds for cancellation of the adoption. Defines the circle of persons that may be required on cancellation of adoption.

Publication date: 20.04.2017
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Zaur K. Pshemurzov
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Роль органов опеки и попечительства в процессе усыновления (удочерения) детей иностранными гражданами»

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The article considers the theoretical aspects of adoption (adoption) of Russian children by foreign citizens, as well as the immediate practical activity of bodies of guardianship and guardianship in the Russian Federation in the field of adoption of children.


Publication date: 05.12.2016
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Stanislav A. Kozlov , candidate of biological sciences
Elizaveta L. Liberman , candidate of biological sciences
FSFIS «Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station of Ural branch of the Russian Acad-emy of Sciences» , Тюменская обл

«Population density of oribatid in agrocenoses under the influence of different doses of mineral fertilizers»

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The article describes the results of studies on the influence of different doses of mineral fertilizers on armored mites – oribatid mites. It is found that the increase in population density of oribatid mites is in direct relation to the volume of the crops root system. According to the changes in the numbers of oribatid mites under the influence of different doses of mineral fertilizers and comparing population density of these areas with the controlled ones, it was noted by the authors that mineral fertilizers applied to the agricultural crops, have a positive effect on armored mites – oribatid mites.


Publication date: 27.05.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Natalia P. Miorzlaia
FSBEI of HE "Saint-Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy" of Russian Ministry of Health , Санкт-Петербург г

«Образ андрогина в раннехристианском гностицизме как принцип идентичности человека»

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The article is devoted to philosophical understanding of the idea of the androgyne in Christian Gnosticism. Used the hypothesis about the existence of two versions of Christianity in the first centuries of our era. It is concluded that the ancient authors considered androgyny as a condition of belonging to the Kingdom of God. The androgyne acted as a kind of model of identity involves the removal of social tension and the transition to the new way of social organization.


Publication date: 09.08.2016
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Ivan V. Malyshev , candidate of psychological sciences
FSBEI of HE "N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State Research Institute" , Саратовская обл

«Characteristics of socio-psychological parameters of adaptation preparedness and coping strategies among stressful professions representatives»

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The article analyzes the problem of adaptation readiness of individual in the form of his basic social and psychological components in professions of varying stress degrees. An analysis of adaptive parameters characteristics of a personality and coping strategies from kindergarten teachers and teachers of secondary schools shows their distinctive adaptation in confronting long-term stress and the choice of appropriate strategies for overcoming behavior.

Экономические науки

Publication date: 26.03.2016
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Ainur A. Akhmetzianov
Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of FSAEI of HPE "Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ

«Роль и исторические аспекты производных финансовых инструментов в становлении современной рыночной экономики»

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В статье рассматривается проблема развития в изучении сделок с производными финансовыми инструментами. В работе показано огромное значение, которое имеют сделки с производными финансовыми инструментами в современной экономике мира. Автором доказано, что данная проблема все еще остается актуальной и до конца не исследованной в научном мире.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 04.05.2016
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«Изучение факультативного курса «Образ России в русской словесности» в современной школе»

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What is new, you can learn about our country, about ourselves, if we consider all this through the prism of Russian literature? The school in the study of the elective course "The image of Russia in the Russian literature" under the guidance of the teacher, each student will be able to realize Project- research on a given topic, on the results of which are held regional and national competition "Homeland: near and far."

Филология и лингвистика

Publication date: 22.03.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 3)
Larisa V. Meshcheriakova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Sergei S. Melenberg
FSBEI of HE "Dostoevsky Omsk State University" , Омская обл

«Авиационная терминология французского языка»

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The article reviews linguistic borrowing aspects of French technical lexis into Russian language. The major attention is focused on methods of adoption and localization of French origin aviation terminology in Russian language term system