List of publications on a keyword: «state»
Наука и инновации в современном мире и изменения социальных ценностей
FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл
«Обоснование, теория и практика Третьей мировой революции в философской трилогии Льва Толстого»
Three kinds of life – biological, social and spiritual, – the basic items of the Author’s doctrine of human life – are considered in connection with the problem of the efficient governing by the behavior of social entities and of the human beings, using spiritual values. It’s shown that the first fundamental ideas in the field were put forward by Russian writer, philosopher and scientist Leo Tolstoy who predicted the Third World Revolution to implement the spiritual values to the humankind’s life.
Образовательная реформа современной России: социальные ожидания
Viacheslav A. Gogolin , doctor of engineering sciences
Larisa I. Efremova
FSBEI of HPE "T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass state technical university" , Кемеровская обл
«Анализ степени подготовки первокурсников к обучению математике в техническом вузе»
Analysis mathematical knowledge of Kuzbass state technical university freshmen is presented. The results of the unified state exam and testing of freshmen in the university are compared. Data monitoring of students» knowledge on general subjects in the first semester are given. Recommendations for the improvement of mathematical training of students of technical universities are offered.
Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами
FSBEI of HE "Russian State Social University" , Москва г
«Otsenka posledstvii izmeneniia nalogovogo zakonodatel'stva s ianvaria 2016 goda na predprinimatel'skuiu deiatel'nost'»
Общее направление
Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics of FSBEI of HPE "Tyumen State University" , Тюменская обл
«The process of formation of civic identity in the regulatory legal documents in the field of education»
The article pays attention to the analysis of regulatory documents in the field of education dedicated to the formation of the civil identity of schoolchildren. The topic under consideration will be of interest to deputy directors for educational work, teachers of social scientific disciplines, class teachers of secondary schools.
Natalia V. Ezhakova , candidate of economic sciences
Institut ekonomiki i upravleniia FGAOU VO "Krymskogo federal'nogo universiteta im. V.I. Vernadskogo" , Крым Респ
«Effectiveness of the implementation of programs in the field of youth policy»
Информационно-методическое сопровождение образовательного процесса ДОУ
МБДОУ «Детский сад №323 «Сказка» , Нижегородская обл
«Dukhovno-nravstvennoe vospitanie detei mladshego doshkol'nogo vozrasta sredstvami skazki»
Общее направление
KOGOAU DPO "Institut razvitiia obrazovaniia" , Кировская обл
«The preparation stage of a student's individual final project as a process of interaction between the student and the teacher»
Инвестиционный потенциал
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г
«Collective investment as a driver for public-private partnership development»
This article examines the investment mechanism as a driver for developing public-private partnership, analyzes the main ways of developing public-private partnerships, including legal, economic, organizational measures aimed at developing mutually beneficial cooperation between the state and business in providing economic support to the enterprise operating in the innovation spheres.