List of publications on a keyword: «flexibility»


Publication date: 10.04.2024
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Elizaveta A. Solodova
FSBEI of HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” , Москва г

«New System of State Program Management in the Russian Federation»

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The paper analyzes a new system for managing government programs in the Russian Federation. The topic is relevant, since government programs were previously implemented with imprecise goals, management was not fast and effective enough, and flexibility was low. The new system eliminated these problems. The final result of the article is not only an analysis of the new system, but also another proposed change that will further improve the new system, which was the goal of the study. The following research methods were used: description, analysis, synthesis.

Технические науки

Publication date: 14.06.2018
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Bakhrom S. Otahanov , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
Gaybulla K. Pajziev
Shukurullo G. Fajziev
Botirjon B. Toshpulatov
Namangan Engineering and Construction Institute , Uzbekistan

«Determination of the thickness of the beater blade when interacting with the rods of top-removing conveyor»

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The paper considers the question of determining the thickness of the beater blade when interacting with the rods of a top-removing conveyor and the conclusion about the expediency of applying a new working organ for separating potato tubers from the tops.


Publication date: 24.12.2016
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Larisa F. Natalevich
FSBEI of HE “Irkutsk National Research Technical University” , Иркутская обл
Vera A. Zverkova
Fiziko-tekhnicheskii institut FGBOU VO "Irkutskii natsional'nyi issledovatel'skii tekhnicheskii universitet" , Иркутская обл

«Характеристика гибкости у студентов технического вуза на разных курсах обучения»

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The data of monitoring the formation of flexibility in the students of VUZ (Institute of Higher Education) are cited. Is established, the absence of the reliable difference in the indices of flexibility between the functional groups. There is a positive dynamics in the indices s 1 on 2 the course of instruction.

Методическая работа в ДОУ

Publication date: 05.10.2016
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Marina S. Smoleva
MAPEI "K/g №382 of CT" , Татарстан Респ

«Organization of hobby group activities for children preparation for school groups in preschool (to "entertaining experience in the natural sciences' study circle Example Plan)»

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Preschool age is an important period for the development of the cognitive needs of the child which finds expression in search activities aimed at "opening" of the new productive forms that develop thinking. Algorithms will help teachers to approach creatively to the development of the orienting-investigative activity in the course of acquaintance with the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, as well as the teaching of ecological culture. They are built on the principle of developing education, collaborative practice of mentor and child.

Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами

Publication date: 15.03.2016
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Vadim I. Baiura , candidate of economic sciences
GO VPO "Donetskii natsional'nyi universitet ekonomiki i torgovli im. Mikhaila Tugan-Baranovskogo" , Ukraine

«Формирование маркетинговой конкурентной стратегии предприятия»

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В нестабильное время становления и развития предприятия достичь преимущества на рынке может только детально продуманная и логически выстроенная эффективная маркетинговая конкурентная стратегия фирмы, предприятия, компании. Успех определяется также способностью и умением её разработки и реализации каждым менеджером по маркетингу. В статье рассматриваются особенно важные и значимые точки составления некоего плана действий по формированию конкурентной стратегии любого современного предприятия.

Экономическая теория

Publication date: 10.05.2016
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Olga V. Starova , candidate of economic sciences
Engineering and Building Institute of FSAEI of HE "Siberian Federal University" , Красноярский край
Tatyana V. Alexeeva
Dmitry S. Maximuk
FSAEI of HE "Siberian Federal University" , Красноярский край

«Unemployment theory and their evolution»

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The article investigates the theory of unemployment. It describes the actuality of problems investigation of unemployment theory in modern society. The authors define the creators and followers of the theory, reveal general thoughts and provisions of the theory and find out the main changes between unemployment theories.