List of publications on a keyword: «сопоставительный анализ»


Publication date: 17.02.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Ksenia A. Seliverstova
Olga A. Parfenova
FSBEI of HE "Tolyatti State University" , Самарская обл

«Translation of the Grimms’ fairytale «Rotkäppchen» from German into Russian and English languages from the translation criticism perspectives»

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The article deals with understudied methodology of translation criticism and its developing methods; conducts critical translation analysis of the fairytale written by brothers Grimm – «Rotkäppchen». The object of this research is a text of the fairytale. The comparative method and the method of linguostylistic analysis allow to conduct critical translation analysis and give detailed description of lexical, grammatical stylistic means which are supposed to be the article subject. The article results are of great help for courses on linguistics, stylistics of English, German and Russian languages, intercultural communication, contrastive and text linguistics.

Тема номера

Publication date: 26.01.2017
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Vladimir G. Lyadsky
Lomonosov Moscow State University , Москва г

«From soldier to marshal: the origin of the ranks of the French army»

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This article discusses one of the fragments of the lexical system of the French language – the origin of terms denoting military ranks in the armed forces of France. The etymological analysis is carried out in close connection with the concrete historical situation which gave rise to the need of such language units. The author outlines the practical basis of the comparative study of the ways of lexical designation of ranks in the major European languages, including Russian.


Publication date: 09.12.2016
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Elena A. Kazantseva , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HPE "Ufa State Oil Technical University" , Башкортостан Респ

«Cognitive comparative analysis of «civilization» and «culture» concepts in Russian and English languages»

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The article considers content-based links between the concepts of «civilization» and «culture» in the Russian and English languages. The purpose of the study is comparing their content-based components in the lexical semantic fields of verbalization of the concepts under consideration in the Russian and English languages. The research employs the method of cognitive comparative analysis. The analysis of lexical and semantic composition reveals similarities and differences in their structuring in the English and Russian languages. According to the author the result of comparison suggests implications that the concepts under study are perceived differently by the representatives of the Russian and English cultures and contributes to the revelation of national peculiarity of conceptualization of cognate phenomena in the mentality of different peoples.


Publication date: 20.07.2015
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Olga A. Trotskaia
БПОУ «Омский техникум высоких технологий машиностроения» , Омская обл

«Конструирование содержания образования в системе среднего профессионального образования»

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В статье рассматриваются интеграционные процессы, происходящие в системе профессионального образования связанные с появлением профессиональных стандартов. Представлена работа коллектива по работе анализу сопоставлению профессиональных и образовательных стандартов на примере специальности «Технология машиностроения».

Филология и лингвистика

Publication date: 17.07.2014
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Margarita N. Lazareva , candidate of philological sciences
ГБОУ ВО «Пермская государственная фармацевтическая академия» Минздрава России , Пермский край

«О соотношении универсального и лингвоспецифичного в научной картине мира растений»

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Сопоставительный анализ мотивировочных признаков номинации растений, функционирующих в латинской и русской ботанических номенклатурах, выявил наличие универсальных черт и лингвоспецифичных особенностей, обусловленных ролью национально–культурных факторов на формирование научной картины мира на русском языке.