List of publications on a keyword: «oral speech»


Publication date: 09.01.2024
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Viktoriia V. Aksionova
MBOU "SOSh 46" g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл

«Norms of oral literary speech»

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The speech culture of younger schoolchildren is a significant issue and requires special attention both in Russian language lessons, reading and extracurricular activities

Publication date: 23.05.2022
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Viktoriia V. Aksionova
MBOU "SOSh 46" g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл

«Normative aspect of oral and written speech»

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The development of the skills of normative use of the adjective in oral and written speech among younger schoolchildren is based on achievements in the field of speech culture .

Publication date: 22.11.2021
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Viktoriia V. Aksionova
Nina V. Dankova
MBOU "SOSh 46" g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл

«Особенности устной и письменной речи в лингвистической литературе»

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The text of written speech can be perceived simultaneously, the perception of written speech differs in many ways from the perception of oral speech. Writing is characterized by a very complex compositional and structural organization, which must be specially mastered, and hence the special task of teaching writing at school.

Publication date: 25.05.2021
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Viktoriia V. Aksionova
MBOU "SOSh 46" g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл

«Theoretical foundations of the development of oral and written language culture skills of primary school students»

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This article examines the functioning of the Russian language in the form of oral and written speech. Both of these speech forms use the same units of language, but in different ways. Oral speech and written speech are designed for different perception and therefore differ in lexical composition and syntactic constructions.

Publication date: 18.08.2016
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Ildar I. Ibragimov , candidate of philological sciences
Andrej A. Karasev , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Oral speech teaching to students of mathematic specialties: a grammatical aspect»

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The paper considers teaching features of English speech grammar aspects. The case studies include undergraduates of mathematical specialties. The content of students’ educational activity at the final stage of language teaching is pointed out. Besides the structure of grammar section, a special didactic training unit in which framework mastering grammar phenomena used in oral speech takes place is described.