List of publications on a keyword: «rape»

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 22.11.2019
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Valentina D. Shvanskaia
FSBEI of HE "Orenburg State University" , Оренбургская обл

«Criminal and legal characteristics of rape»

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In the article, the author considers the criminal law characteristics of rape, as well as analyzes the legislation in the field under study and reveals the criminal liability for these crimes. The author explores judicial practice regarding dangerous crimes against the individual.

Theme of number

Publication date: 11.06.2019
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Irina V. Dubatova , candidate of medical sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл
Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл

«Tell me your IP address, and I will tell who you are. Issues of diagnosis of Internet addiction: illness, disorder, or fiction?»

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This article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of the problem of Internet addiction, which includes the following issues: the boundaries of diagnosis, diagnostic criteria, clinical manifestations, epidemiology data, neurobiological studies, comorbidity, existing approaches to therapy. In the past of two decades, there was an increase in publications devoted to the phenomenon of Internet addiction. Despite the existing disagreements in the professional environment about the validity of the very concept of «Internet addiction», every year there was several studies in the field of neurobiology, psychology, clinical psychiatry, proving that Internet addiction is a particular variant of behavioral addictive disorders. In the recent years, Internet addiction has gained special significance in a number of Asian countries (China, South Korea), where this type of pathology is becoming a national problem among young people.


Publication date: 20.12.2017
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Gulshat I. Gimaeva
Dmitrii A. Kravtsov , candidate of juridical sciences
FSGOEI of HE “Moscow academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation”, , Москва г

«К вопросу о разграничении добровольного отказа и покушения при квалификации преступлений против половой свободы и половой неприкосновенности»

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The article examined the issue of delineation of voluntary refusal and assassination attempt in cases of rape. The purpose of this study is to analyze the criminal-legal problem related to the composition of Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in order to identify the contentious issues of qualifications, a distinction must be made between the adjacent articles of the crime.

Подготовка и переподготовка специалистов в области психологии

Publication date: 16.03.2018
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Aleksandr L. Ivanov , candidate of psychological sciences
FGBOU DPO "Rossiiskaia meditsinskaia akademiia nepreryvnogo professional'nogo obrazovaniia" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia Rossiiskoi Federatsii , Москва г
Olga A. Kabinova
GAPOU "Sterlitamakskii mnogoprofil'nyi professional'nyi kolledzh" , Башкортостан Респ


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The article reveals the peculiarities of building a system of advanced training of psychotherapists and clinical psychologists working as part of interdisciplinary psychotherapeutic teams that carry out a brigade approach to the complex medical and psychological rehabilitation of patients with various diseases and injuries in modern multidisciplinary rehabilitation centers.

Инновационные принципы и подходы организации учебной деятельности

Publication date: 20.06.2017
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Elena V. Kurganova
Daria O. Chernikova
FSFEI of HE "Kemerovo State University " , Кемеровская обл

«Внедрение базовых шагов фитнеса в процесс обучения физической культуре студентов нефизкультурных факультетов»

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В данной статье представлена оценка эффективности экспериментальной программы по физическому воспитанию для студентов нефизкультурных факультетов на основании внедрения в процесс обучения фитнес шагов. В ходе исследования применялись такие методы, как педагогический эксперимент, статистический анализ и обобщение научно-методической литературы.

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 04.07.2017
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Natalia A. Kondrashova
SBEI of HE "Orenburg State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation , Оренбургская обл

«Ректальный путь как альтернативный способ введения лекарственных веществ»

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The rectal way can be used to produce both local and systemic effect. When rectally administered medications are entered through nijneangarsk of the mucous membrane of the rectum, where the rectal venous (internal hemorrhoidal) plexus. The bioavailability with this route of administration is quite high, due to the abundant blood supply of the rectum, structure of the veins of this region, the so-called glomeruli or cavernous bodies, position them around the diameter, the presence of anastomoses between the cavernous bodies, the outflow of venous blood bypassing the liver that increases the rate of achievement of maximum concentration of LP in the blood. The advantages of this method are: the rapid development of therapeutic effect (5-15 min), high rate of absorption of LV, comparable to intramuscular way of introduction, the absence of irritating action of medicinal substances on the gastric mucosa, the possibility of application in psychiatric practice, patients in an unconscious state, in Pediatrics and geriatrics. The limited introduction of drugs with a complex structure, due to the lack of enzymes in the rectum, the small size of the suction surface and the short contact time of the drug with the mucosa are the main disadvantages of this method.


Publication date: 01.11.2017
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Andrei Y. Tikhomirov , candidate of medical sciences
Olga V. Minyaeva , candidate of medical sciences
Roman A. Tikhomirov
FSBEI HE "Bashkir State Medical University" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation , Башкортостан Респ

«Therapeutic and prophylactic value of corrective gymnastics in children with impaired posture engaged in asymmetric sports»

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The article provides the study that was conducted among young female athletes engaged in table tennis and having a violation of posture, with an assessment of metric and strength indicators. In the experimental group in parallel training a course of corrective gymnastics was conducted. The high efficiency of a combination of regular sports training and corrective gymnastics is established with a leveling of negative influence on the posture of asymmetrical sports.

Технические науки

Publication date: 07.07.2017
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Jahangir A. Shafizadeh
Tariel M. Panahov , doctor of engineering sciences
Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Viticulture and Viniculture , Azerbaijan

«Analysis of the research designed to explore factors, forming quality»

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The article deals with the study, classification of phenol compounds involved in the formation of the main quality, taste and color of wine, the influence of external factors on the polyphenol composition of grapes and wine.

Сельскохозяйственные науки

Publication date: 29.09.2016
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Andrey V. Bezgodov , candidate of agricultural sciences
FSBMI "the Ural Research Agricultural Institute" , Свердловская обл
Alexey N. Kovalev
"Agross" LLC , Свердловская обл
Ilya N. Kokovin
"Start" LLC , Свердловская обл

«Field information of spring-planted rape herbicidal defense with preparations of Ltd. "FMRus" in LLC "Start»

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In field experiments it was tasked to pick an effective system oto protect of spring rape crops from weeds, allowing to receive stable high productivity from commodity rapeseeds. Evaluation of productivity and suitability for the cultivation of oilseeds on commodity and seeds in the region of the Middle Urals in nine cases of intensification of the use of plant protection products in order to evaluate and use in a production environment. It was found that the studied drugs have unequal impact on the growth and development of plants and yield formation.

Publication date: 21.09.2016
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Andrey V. Bezgodov , candidate of agricultural sciences
Anastasia D. Yalunina
FSBMI "the Ural Research Agricultural Institute" , Свердловская обл

«Сultivation of spring vetch crops in binary wiki for the purpose of seed production for forage production needs of the Middle Urals»

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Field experiments sorts were sown and the research was carried out on the cultivation of spring vetch on seeds in binary sowings with spring rape and white mustard. The authors evaluated their productivity and suitability for cultivation in the Middle Ural region with the aim of develop recommendations for manufacturing.

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 23.01.2016
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Tatiana I. Nikolaeva , doctor of medical sciences, professor
Michil E. Andreev
Ekaterina A. Kononova
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Терапевтический лекарственный мониторинг вальпроатов в практике неврологов г. Якутска»

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A retrospective study of TDM AEDs was conducted in Yakutsk. Materials for the study were the results of TDM valproate patients with epilepsy, conducted at the Center for Personalized Medicine of Republican Hospital №3 for 2014-2015. The results of this study suggest the importance of the use of TDM AEDs in patients with epilepsy.