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Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность

Publication date: 28.09.2016
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Nikolay G. Moskvin , candidate of pedagogic sciences, professor , профессор
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (branch) of FSAEI of HE "Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ
Vladimir V. Sergeev
МАОУ ДО «Яр Чаллы» , Татарстан Респ
Zinaida I. Avdeeva
МАОУ ДО ДЮСШ №12 , Татарстан Респ

«Спортивная деятельность школьника на примере легкой атлетики»

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В данной статье рассматривается проблема изучения школьниками основ легкой атлетики, помогающей им приобрести полезные знания о значении распорядка и режима дня. Авторы анализируют необходимость знаний о правильном питании и здоровом образе жизни.

Publication date: 19.10.2016
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Maksim V. Solodunov
MBOU "Nikitovskaia SOSh" , Белгородская обл

«Использование здоровьесберегающих технологий на уроках физической культуры»

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В данной статье рассмотрены вопросы сохранения здоровья учащихся. Автором отмечается важность формирования здорового образа жизни именно на уроках физической культуры.

Publication date: 20.10.2016
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Lilia B. Andrushenko , doctor of pedagogic sciences
Sergtei Y. Vitko
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Global trends of health-forming lifestyle in educational institutions system»

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The article analyzes the formation of readiness of students to health-lifestyle. In the twenty-first century educational organizations of different countries, regions and territories are becoming increasingly interconnected, so the learning environment requires a global approach. It is the "willingness" of educational process may make the integration factor of the organizational-didactic component of the educational process.

Publication date: 21.10.2016
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Sergey Y. Nikitchenko , candidate of agricultural sciences , доцент
FSBEI of HE "Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy" , Москва г

«Education of moral and volitional and physical qualities of students-athletes, aimed at achieving high results in training and competitive process»

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Training process requires education of moral and volitional qualities, as well as psychological training and development of physical qualities. This article contains information confirming the relevance and the need for a scientific approach in the process of training and preparation of students-athletes to compete.

Publication date: 19.10.2016
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Victoria V. Shpet
MEBI Comprehensive school №25 , Краснодарский край

«Individually-differentiable approach to work with students, exempt from physical stress on physical training lessons»

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This article presentes individually differentiable approach to students, temporarily liberated from the physical activity at lessons of physical training, contributing to the formation of situational and physical skills, ability to analyze and evaluate their physical activity. The author reviewed the training material for physical education, which greatly improves both the physical, educational and awareness-the ability of the responsible students.

Publication date: 12.10.2016
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Galina L. Volkova , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HPE "Stankin Moscow State Technological University" , Москва г

«Physical education as a means of personal formation of students in higher education»

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This article describes an approach to the formation and development of personal qualities of students in higher education. The author defined personality, formed in the process of physical education, as well as provides results of testing carried out on the basis of the students of the second and third year.

Publication date: 21.10.2016
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Aleksey A. Sorokin
Pavel V. Chistov
Anastasia Y. Tutukina
FSBEI of HE "Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy SFPS of EMERCOM of Russia" , Ивановская обл

«Effect of anabolics, steroids and doping and hormones on human health and the attitude of society towards him»

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This article describes the concept and types of performance enhancing drugs, the influence of doping on the human body, society's attitude to drugs having an anabolic effect

Publication date: 11.10.2016
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Alevtina Y. Gorbunova
MBOU "Mnogoprofil'naia shkola 181" Sovetskogo raiona g. Kazani , Татарстан Респ

«The game as a means of development of social competence of pupils»

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This article is devoted to the study of the concept of "competence", as well as the study of methods of teaching physical education, contributing to the development of communication skills of students.

Publication date: 13.10.2016
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Tatiana N. Shutova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Физкультурно-оздоровительные технологии как средство подготовки студентов индустрии спорта и туризма к выполнению комплекса ГТО»

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Данная статья выполнена в рамках научно-исследовательской работы и внутреннего гранта ФГБОУ ВО «РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова», на тему «Разработка методики применения инновационных образовательных технологий в процессе подготовки кадров для индустрии спорта и туризма с учетом требований профессиональных стандартов (на примере высшего образования)». В статье представлены теоретические основы и научные предпосылки возрождения комплекса ГТО, а также педагогический опыт в проведении и оценке комплекса со студенческим возрастом. Физкультурно-оздоровительные технологии предлагаются как средство подготовки к выполнению комплекса ГТО, а именно такие виды как атлетическая гимнастика, плавание, аэробика, общая физическая подготовка, бильярд и другие.

Publication date: 12.10.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Inna S. Krasnozhon
MBEI "SOSh №6" , Кемеровская обл

«Баскетбол и его роль в воспитании и становлении личности»

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This article was written in order to increase the level of popularization of the section in basketball in the upbringing of the younger generation. Key words: Basketball, education, moral and volitional qualities, personality, function of the educational system.