Filiukova Ekaterina Sergeevna

Place of work

FSBEI of HE "Tolyatti State University"

Author's articles(2)

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of teachers' readiness to work with TRIZ technology

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One of the promising and effective technologies is TRIZ. The theory of solving inventive problems is a unique tool for the search for non-standard ideas, the development of creative and strong thinking, the formation of a creative personality and teams. Access to the innovative level of pedagogical activity, personal understanding of the transition to a systemic, higher professional level by a teacher, will allow him to see the integrity of the picture of general patterns in the pedagogical process when implementing TRIZ technology.

Use of modern innovative technologies in DOO

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In the modern world, teachers are actively introducing innovative technologies into their work. That is why the main task of teachers is the choice of methods and forms of organizing work with children, optimal innovative pedagogical technologies that meet the stated goal of the personal development of pupils.