fermat's Last Theorem has been proved on the basis of school Physics, Mathematics, analytical Geometry. The main conceptions of the proof one can write on a math toy in the form of a wooden cube for children. Six faces of the cube are enough to deliver the main ideas of proof.
the article is about the fact that the extraordinary beauty and conciseness of the formulation of Fermat's Last Theorem make us look for its visual solution. Let's try to consider Fermat's theorem from the eyes of physicist. Perhaps from this positions Pierre de Fermat found a solution whose main ideas would fit schematically in the fairly wide margins of the book, in a few drawings. Skeptics continue to believe that Pierre de Fermat was probably mistaken. Meanwhile, consistent application of the basic principles of physics, geometry, and engineering make us think differently.
в статье рассматривается проблема изучения науки в России. В десятилетие науки и техники необходимо стимулировать интерес школьников и студентов к точным наукам. «Открытие по плечу каждому студенту и старшекласснику!» – именно этот посыл стремится донести автор до любознательной молодежи и дерзких российских ученых. Там, где Американской науке потребовалось 140 стр. на поиск доказательства Великой теоремы Ферма, за что Эндрю Уайлсу присудили Абелевскую премию в 2016 году – Российской науке оказывается достаточно лишь полстраницы либо шести граней деревянного кубика для творческого развития реб...
in this publication, the author proposes to find an elementary proof of Fermat's Last Theorem from the point of view of an engineering approach. As a model, a construction of three concentrically nested n-cubes or spheres with a common centre and integer edges or radii, a, b, c, is studied, provided that each point/unit cube of a small sphere corresponds to another point/unit cube of this subset of layers between the middle and the large sphere enclosed spheres. An insoluble conflict between the symmetric form and the content of the construction is studied for the case when n is greater than...
in 1637, Pierre de Fermat wrote at the margins of Diophantus’ Arithmetica that he had found a truly wonderful proof of the insolvability of the Diophantine equation a^n + b^n = c^n, where n > 2, but the narrow margins of the books did not allow him to give the full proof. Is there a short and easy way to prove Fermat's Last Theorem? The following ABC conjecture states that for three co-prime numbers A, B, and C which satisfy A + B = C, the product of the prime factors of ABC is usually not much less than C. Both theorems are formulated very simply, but are extremely difficult to prove. Hundred...
in 1637, Pierre de Fermat wrote at the margins of Diophantus’ Arithmetica that he had found a truly wonderful proof of the insolvability of the Diophantine equation a^n + b^n = c^n, where n > 2, but the narrow margins of the books did not allow him to give the full proof. Is there a short and easy way to prove Fermat's Last Theorem? The following ABC conjecture states that for three co-prime numbers A, B, and C which satisfy A + B = C, the product of the prime factors of ABC is usually not much less than C. Both theorems are formulated very simply, but are extremely difficult to prove. Hundred...
in 1637, Pierre de Fermat wrote at the margins of Diophantus’ Arithmetica that he had found a truly wonderful proof of the insolvability of the Diophantine equation a^n + b^n = c^n, where n > 2, but the narrow margins of the books did not allow him to give the full proof. Is there a short and easy way to prove Fermat's Last Theorem? The following ABC conjecture states that for three co-prime numbers A, B, and C which satisfy A + B = C, the product of the prime factors of ABC is usually not much less than C. Both theorems are formulated very simply, but are extremely difficult to prove. Hundred...
The ABC conjecture states that for three mutually prime numbers A, B, and C satisfying the relation A + B = C, the product of the prime divisors A, B, and C is usually not much less than C. The theorem is very simple to formulate, but extremely difficult to prove. Some five hundred pages have been spent by some of the most eminent mathematicians in the Western world trying to find a proof - but the result is anything but ambiguous and difficult to verify. Meanwhile, any student with advanced training in the exact sciences can understand and prove the ABC hypothesis, relying on creative imagina...