it shows that due to the growing competition in the market of IT-products and IT-services is necessary to strengthen attention to the analysis of the specifics of the competition in various sectors of the economy.
It is shown that, without diminishing the vital role of large IT corporations, a major role in the industry of IT products and IT services are able to play at the university and started their small IT companies.
It shows that the selection of personnel and competent organization of work with them in largely determine the competitiveness of companies in the market of IT products and IT services.
It shows that integration processes have an enormous impact on the transformation of the regional labor market, which leads to the need to bring the Republic of Karelia Petrozavodsk State University for advanced training.
shown that the integration of the universities close by the organization to the integration processes implemented corporations. The integration of universities is the result of deliberate government policy. States use these processes for the development of their economies and social spheres.
it was suggested that when creating intellectual property in the field of artificial intelligence, Russian scientists, developers and manufacturers do not pay enough attention to their patenting