List of publications on a keyword: «criminal»


Publication date: 27.04.2024
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Grigorii V. Krasnoshapka
FSBEI of HE "P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University" , Ярославская обл

«Features of the Construction of Norms on Insider Crimes in the Criminal Law of Some Foreign Countries»

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The article examines the features of the construction of norms on insider crimes in the criminal law of some foreign countries; the author analyzes the content of special features characterizing the special legal status of the subject and subject of the crime, explores the legal nature of the consequences.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 14.06.2023
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Inna O. Titenkova
Egor E. Chernov
FSBEI of HE "P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University" , Ярославская обл
Liudmila A. Reshetova
OOO "Tsentrkom" , Ярославская обл


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The article discusses the controversial aspects of the regulation of liability for illegal trafficking of insider information in the criminal law of some developed foreign countries: the USA, Great Britain, Germany, China, Japan, etc. The authors investigate the features of the delineation of the signs of the subject of the crime, the objective side, the subject, note the positive and negative aspects of the normative construction of the corpus delicti.


Publication date: 21.11.2022
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 2)
Kristina A. Biriulkina
OChU VO "Institut mezhdunarodnogo prava i ekonomiki im. A.S. Griboedova" , Москва г

«Vziatochnichestvo kak korruptsionnoe prestuplenie i mery protivodeistviia emu»

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В статье рассматриваются меры противодействия взяточничеству как коррупционному преступлению в уголовно-правовом аспекте. Показано, что Уголовный кодекс РФ (УК РФ) является действенным инструментом политики противодействия. В последнее время много сделано в сфере борьбы с коррупционными преступлениями, однако статистика показывает, что количество данных преступлений, и, прежде всего, взяточничества, продолжает увеличиваться. Это говорит о необходимости совершенствования уголовного законодательства. Автором также рассмотрена проблема взяточничества в органах внутренних дел.

Publication date: 15.08.2022
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Elizaveta A. Golubeva , bachelor of juridical sciences
Perovskaia mezhraionnaia prokuratura VAO goroda Moskvy , Москва г


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This article is devoted to the comparative-legal research of crimes committed by a special subject, the responsibility for which is provided for in the criminal law of Russia and other foreign countries. For the correct qualification of the crime, the special characteristics of the subject are important, since the persons who possess them bear increased responsibility. In the course of the research, the author reveals similarities and differences in the insight by legislators of foreign countries of a special subject of crime, in compare with the criminal legislation of Russia, and also suggests using the experience of foreign countries to improve Russian legislation in the criminal sphere.

Publication date: 27.06.2022
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Ilia R. Sysoev
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край
Aleksei V. Dashin , doctor of juridical sciences
FGBOU VO "Kubanskii gosudarstvennyi agrarnyi universitet im. I.T. Trubilina" g. Krasnodar, Krasnodarskii krai ,

«Extraordinary State Commission in the legal mechanism for bringing war criminals to justice»

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The article deals with the activities of the Extraordinary State Commission of the USSR for investigating the atrocities of the Nazi invaders and their accomplices and their prosecution as the inevitability of retribution for war crimes committed.

Publication date: 26.02.2021
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Valeria Y. Efimova , student
Aleksei M. Vasilev , doctor of historical sciences, candidate of juridical sciences , associate professor, professor
FSFEI of HE "Kuban State University" , Краснодарский край

«Mastermind as One of the Components of Complicity»

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In the present study the institution of complicity is considered, namely, the authors focus on the mastermind as one of the components of complicity. This type of complicity today has, from the point of view of the scientific community, quite a large number of debatable questions about its establishment as the “person behind the crime” and bringing it to criminal responsibility. Authors have tried to disclose the existing dispute and, accordingly, to offer a solution to the present controversial issues in the legal presentation of the national legislation. These judgments in scientific research could find a more effective incrimination of the positions proposed by the authors in practice.

Publication date: 16.04.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 5)
Elvira Z. Sakaeva , candidate of economic sciences , associate professor
Elina E. Musina , master's degree student
Sterlitamak Branch of FSBEI of HE "Bashkir State University" , Башкортостан Респ

«Concept of Plea Agreement»

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The article examines the concept of plea agreement under the clause 61, article 5 of the Russian Federation Code of Criminal Procedure. The author came to a conclusion that the analyzed term “plea agreement” doesn’t reflect the idea of the term defined, thus does not provide common understanding.

Publication date: 11.11.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Leonid A. Kulii , student
German I. Kozyr , student
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Exemption from Criminal Liability for Inappropriate Use of Public Funds with Court Fining»

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The issue of exemption from criminal liability based on specific elements of a crime is relevant to an array of crimes. The exemption with court fining is relatively new in the criminal law. Considering the peculiarity of dispositions of the articles 285.1, 285.2 of the Criminal Code of Russia the establishment of the application of the fine for specific crimes remains dubious. The present issue is not covered sufficiently in the theory of the criminal law. Based on scientific researches and case law, specific problems involved in the implementation of the article 72.2 in relation to inappropriate use of public and state non-budgetary funds are established in the present article.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 22.11.2019
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Valentina D. Shvanskaia
FSBEI of HE "Orenburg State University" , Оренбургская обл

«Criminal and legal characteristics of rape»

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In the article, the author considers the criminal law characteristics of rape, as well as analyzes the legislation in the field under study and reveals the criminal liability for these crimes. The author explores judicial practice regarding dangerous crimes against the individual.


Publication date: 09.08.2019
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Zhabrail S. Aigunov , post-degree student
FSAEI of HE "North-Caucasus Federal University" , Ставропольский край

«Criminal responsibility for suicide and incitement to suicide»

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In this article has been analyzed the criminal responsibility for suicide (Article 110 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code), the peculiarities of its objective and the subjective side, and qualification problems in the investigation of this crime. Objective: to give a general description, and find out the legal significance of the responsibility, for bringing to suicide in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Юридические науки

Publication date: 13.03.2019
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Natalia S. Bulatova
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Criminalization of Human Rights Defenders»

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This article examines current situation in the sphere of HRDs activity. Analysis, based on the case study method, showed that human rights defenders often become victims of their own successes in their work, since these achievements often cause a strong negative reaction from repressive states. At the same time, without their activities, freedom of action of the state can become unlimited and go beyond mechanisms that help society function.


Publication date: 21.12.2017
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Artur A. Avetisian
Elena V. Silchenko , candidate of juridical sciences , доцент
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Прокурорский надзор как инструмент борьбы с коррупцией»

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This article explores various aspects of prosecutors' supervision in the sphere of combating corruption and compliance with anti-corruption legislation.

Логистика, экономическая безопасность

Publication date: 05.03.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Aleksandr V. Nikishkin , candidate of juridical sciences, corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences , старший преподаватель, подполковник полиции
Igor V. Stepanov , candidate of juridical sciences , доцент, полковник полиции
FSEI of HE "Saint Petersburg University of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Methods of detection of crimes in the tax and banking sectors of the Russian economy»

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This article discusses various methods of detection and disclosure of economic crimes in the tax and banking sectors of the Russian Federation.


Publication date: 17.05.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 3)
Leonid A. Kulii , student
Aleksei A. Sukhatskii , студент
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Some problematic issues of obtaining explanations during checking the report of a crime»

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The authors of the work point out that among other ways to verify the report of a crime, obtaining explanations stands out. It has a great cognitive meaning and widely used by law enforcement. Despite the prevalence of the application, the legislative enactment of this verification act has many gaps. The relevance of this work is determined by the urgency of expanding the interpretation and giving a clearer legal regulation of obtaining explanations for use on practices. The tasks of this work: to determine the importance of obtaining explanations, as verification action, to identify the problems of its legal consolidation, their analysis and ways to solve them.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 23.06.2017
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Irina A. Koroleva
FSAEI of HE "Lobachevsky State Research University of Nizhniy Novgorod" , Нижегородская обл

«К вопросу толкования термина «уголовное преследование» в российском уголовно-процессуальном законодательстве: двойственная природа терминологического понимания»

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The article considers the notion "criminal prosecution", which is a centrifugal phenomenon. Given in conjunction with the whole range of legislative material had been analysed, the opposite point of view in respect of criminal legal category.

Юридические науки

Publication date: 01.11.2017
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Aleksandr E. Iatchuk
Nina M. Shpak , degree-seeking student , преподаватель, соискатель
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Проблемы применения мер процессуального принуждения»

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The article considers measures of criminal procedural coercion. It emphasizes the strengthening of judicial control over the bodies imposing a coercive measure, which is the guarantor of legality.

Publication date: 05.10.2017
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Kirill S. Pichuzhkin
Nina M. Shpak , degree-seeking student , преподаватель, соискатель
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Способы выявления преступлений в сфере налогообложения»

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The article considers the main ways to identify tax crimes, as well as the grounds for the release of a legal entity from criminal liability.


Publication date: 29.12.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 3)
Ivan A. Enokhov
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Уголовная ответственность»

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This article is devoted to the concept of criminal liability. It deals with its directions, functions, implementation, mandatory and structural elements.

Publication date: 27.09.2017
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Roman A. Gikalov
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Проблемы процессуального оформления доказательств по уголовному делу»

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In the article the analysis of problems procedure of registration of evidence in a criminal case

Publication date: 25.09.2017
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Kirill A. Kirienko
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«К вопросу о проблемах условного осуждения и проблемах его правоприменения»

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The author considers current issues of enforcement of conditional sentencing

Publication date: 25.09.2017
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Kirill A. Kirienko
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«К вопросу об условном осуждении»

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The author reveals the actual problems of the appointment of punishment.

Publication date: 21.02.2017
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Anna V. Serebrennikova , doctor of juridical sciences
Lomonosov Moscow State University , Москва г

«Criminal-law protection of the right to privacy and private life secret, the privacy of correspondence, post and telecommunication privacy in additional German criminal law»

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The article deals with current issues related to criminal-legal protection of the right to the inviolability and secret of private life, the right to privacy of correspondence, post and telecommunications secrecy. The author notes that the system of penal law of Germany has a complex layered structure and consists not only of appropriate codified act, but the criminal law of the land, and the so-called additional criminal laws (Nebengesetze), i.e., laws not included in the criminal code, which c

Publication date: 22.02.2017
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Evgeniia S. Tiazhkikh
FGBOU VO "Ul'ianovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Ульяновская обл

«Уголовно-процессуальные функции следователя»

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This article describes issues related to the functional purpose of the investigator. We study the theoretical views of scientists and legal regulation of criminal procedure investigator functions.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 10.12.2016
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Evgeniia S. Tiazhkikh
FGBOU VO "Ul'ianovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Ульяновская обл

«Проблемы наказания в виде лишения свободы на длительный срок»

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This article describes issues related to the punishment of imprisonment. We investigate the legal regulation, as well as analysis of theoretical views on the sentence of imprisonment for the long term

[19.00.00] Психологические науки

Publication date: 24.04.2017
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Artur B. Davydov
Institute of Law Enforcement FSBEI of HE "Saratov State Academy of Law" , Саратовская обл

«Determination of motive of serial invaders as a stage of serial murders investigation»

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The article discusses the existing classification of motives of serial murderers. The author provides the classification, which is based on the technique of extreme meanings offered by D.A. Leontyev.