List of publications on a keyword: «researchers»


Publication date: 31.05.2018
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Gennadii I. Beliaev , corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, candidate of pedagogic sciences , старший научный сотрудник, член-корреспондент Академии педагогических и социальных наук (АПСН)
Tsentr strategii i teorii razvitiia lichnosti FGBNU "Institut strategii razvitiia obrazovaniia RAO" , Москва г

«British educators and philosophers of education about the features and trends of modern comparative education science»

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Abstract. The article is devoted to analysis of core functions and the leading trends in modern education comparative studies (comparative pedagogy), presented in the writings of the most authoritative representatives of pedagogical thought in the United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Against the background of the brief scientific essays portraits of several British scientists, it highlights the main ideas of scientific creativity, sketches of articles showing how their contents serve comparative literature in Britain as a whole (as an approach, method and the study per se). As a result of this comparative analysis, the author outlines the most important functions of the educational comparative science and the approaches on which it is based, that can be useful for the Russian education.

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Publication date: 21.04.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 3)
Ilia P. Mikhnev , Honored Worker of Science and Education, candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor , associate professor
Svetlana V. Mikhneva , candidate of juridical sciences, master of psychological sciences, associate professor Russian Academy of Sciences , associate professor
Volgograd Institute of Management, branch of FSBEI of HE "Russian Presiden-tial Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (The Presidential Academy, RANEPA)" , Волгоградская обл

«Invaluable role of the teacher and educator Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev in the history of the peoples of the Volga region»

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In the article the role of the outstanding teacher and researcher, researcher of languages, ethnography and culture of peoples of the Volga region I.Ya. Yakovleva. He was an ardent supporter of friendship between nations and made an invaluable contribution to bringing the peoples of the Volga and the Urals to the achievements of world civilization.


Publication date: 11.02.2017
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Valeriy N. Grigoryev , candidate of economic sciences , старший преподаватель
Irina V. Peshkova , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Динамика наукометрических показателей ученых по тематике «Патентное дело. Изобретательство. Рационализаторство»»

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It shows the evolution of scientometric indicators of scientists from Petrozavodsk State University on the subject of "patent case. Invention. Innovation"

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Publication date: 27.06.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Larisa M. Dautmergen
Markha T. Tataeva
FSBEI of HE "Chechen State University" , Чеченская Респ

«К вопросу о формировании установок на потребление алкоголя у молодежи»

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This article examines the features and major factors of socio-cultural settings young people in the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the modern world.