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Проблемы повышения качества образования в современных условиях

Publication date: 25.07.2016
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Igor S. Drobot , doctor of pedagogic sciences
Военно-научный комитет ВС РФ , Москва г

«Современные методы и средства контроля и оценки формирования готовности специалистов к профессиональной деятельности»

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Учитывая существующие затруднения в достоверной оценке результатов обучения в вузе, автор предлагает при оценке сформированности профессиональных компетенций обучающихся использовать современные психолого-акмеологические методы и средства контроля и оценки состояния обучающихся с применением аппаратно-программных комплексов мониторинга адаптационных возможностей организма.

Publication date: 22.07.2016
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Anna P. Butenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences
MBOU "Litsei 36" , Калужская обл

«Application of score-rating system evaluating student's achievements at discipline "Foreign language" at non-linguistic speciality "Psychological and pedagogical education»

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In this article, the author emphasizes the importance of the use of score-rating system (BSR) to evaluate the achievements of students, due to the need to improve the efficiency of the educational process. The presented results of 1st course students survey suggest that the BRC - the development of a rating of competition, promotion of systematic work, tracking the dynamics of individual trajectory of student development in the context of technological cards estimating the achievements of students, as well as independent work teach students self-education throughout his life.

Publication date: 03.08.2016
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Svetlana V. Tetina
SBI of APE "Chelyabinsk Institute of Retraining and Raising the Level of Skills of Teachers and Education Personnel" , Челябинская обл

«training for the subject olympiad of pupils as a means of divergent thinking senior pupils development»

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The work is devoted to the development of divergent thinking of senior pupils. The author considers preparation of pupils for subject olympiad as a tool of divergent thinking development among senior pupils. A researcher draws attention to the olympaid stages and objectives of each stage, which should be addressed while preparation for the olympaid. The paper identified the most important olympaid stage in the process of preparation, which generates divergent abilities such as creativity, cognitive activity and motivational activity, necessary for the development of divergent thinking among high school students and the results of empirical experiment are also shown.

Publication date: 03.08.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Iurii A. Poliakov , candidate of engineering sciences
FAEI of HE "National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" , Москва г

«Усиление роли текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации студентов в повышении качества обучения по технической механике»

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Автор статьи отмечает, что систематическая оценка качества образования в виде представительного массива результатов контроля является звеном обратной связи между преподавателями и студентами, которая позволяет зафиксировать не только степень освоения технической механики конкретным студентом на текущий момент, но и определить адекватность методики преподавания современным требованиям, а также выявить тенденции развития процесса обучения.

Publication date: 02.08.2016
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Liliana V. Naidenova , candidate of economic sciences
Irkutsk branch of FSBEI of PE "S. A. Gerasimov all-russian State Cinematography Institute" , Иркутская обл

«Pupils' knowledge control method allowing to neutralize the main disadvantages of testing method while saving its virtues»

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The author compares advantages and disadvantages of the classical examination method and of the testing examination method, then she proposes her original approved methodics of students' testing which allows to take into account and to implement the advantages of both methods in practice.