International academic journal
Issue 1 (2)
Editor-in-chief: | Tatyana V. Yakovleva, chief editor, general director of the LLC "Scientific Cooperation Centre “Interactive plus” |
Deputy editor-in-chief: | Svetlana Y. Semenova, выпускающий редактор Центра научного сотрудничества «Интерактив плюс» |
Chairman of Editorial Board: | Gennady V. Baranov, д-р филос. наук, профессор, академик РАЕН, профессор ФГОБУ ВО «Финансовый университет при правительстве Российской Федерации» (Финуниверситет), Financial University |
Editorial Board: | Lyudmila A. Abramova, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the Department of Pedagogics and Education Development at FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” Lyudmila V. Antonova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the Department of Foreign Languages at CCheboksary Polytechnical Institute of FSBEI HE «Moscow State Engineering University (MSEU)» Galina S. Dulina, канд. псих. наук, доцент ФГБОУ ВО «Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова» Aleksandr Y. Efremov, Сandidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural History, associate professor at the Central Branch of FSBEI of HE "Russian State University of Justice" Anna N. Zakharova, канд. псих. наук, доцент ФГБОУ ВО «Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова» Iskra T. Petkova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of “Social and Pharmaceutical Support” Department at the Medical University – Pleven, the Republic of Bulgaria Stanislav P. Russkov, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the Spiritual and Moral Development Center, Chuvash Republican Institute of Education of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia Nikolay E. Simonovich, д-р психол. наук, профессор ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный гуманитарный университет», действительный член РАЕН Sergey S. Solovyov, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor at FSBEI of HE "Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy"
Igor N. Chistyukhin, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Directing and Actors Training at FSBEI of HE "Orel State Institute of Arts and Culture" |
Designer: | Nadezhda V. Firsova |
Executive Secretary: | Natalia A. Mitryuhina, выпускающий редактор ООО «Центр научного сотрудничества «Интерактив плюс» |
Humanitarian. – № 1 (2). – p. 60. – ISSN 2500-1337. – DOI 10.21661/a-331. |
p-ISSN 2500-1337 (print)
e-ISSN 2500-1329 (online)
DOI 10.21661/a-331
Current problems of humanities are covered in a quarterly international scientific and practical journal. Its correspondents are both famous scientists and young authors.
Cheboksary , 2017
Table of contents
- [09.00.00] Философские науки
- Gennady V. Baranov Problem specifics of paradigms of materialism and idealism in philosophy 4-5
- [13.00.00] Педагогические науки
- Irina M. Aleksandrova, Marina V. Koltunova, Elizaveta A. Khakimova “Why does a bunny have long ears” – an integrated logopedic lesson plan 6-8
- Nadezhda S. Vinogradova The key features of military-patriotic education of Cossack youth 9-15
- Natalia V. Vist Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the preventions of deviant behavior among adolescents 16-23
- Yulia M. Denisova “College – students – parents – employers” – the mechanism of interaction 24-25
- Elena V. Kazantseva Actualization of the ideas of narrative pedagogy in the conditions of personality-oriented education of higher school 26-28
- Vladinir V. Kovrov Students’ understanding of a hero and heroic: to the problem of scarcity and quality of education in modern educational practice 29-34
- Svetlana V. Levshina Socio-cultural factors of updating the content of school education 35-36
- Natalia V. Polyashova, Alina Y. Kvashnina Non-traditional techniques of drawing as a mean of creative imagination development of elder preschoolers 38-40
- Svetlana A. Sorokina, Elena V. Maksimova Children aesthetic development and education in kindergarten according to FSES of preschool education 41-42
- Galina I. Shamaeva Teenagers’ engaging to sports as a psychological and pedagogical issue 43-45
- Albina T. Shikhova Criteria and indicators of the effective application of problem-based learning technologies in teaching at college 46-48
- [19.00.00] Психологические науки
- Julia V. Berchatova The link between aggression and hazing in the military team 49-50
- Irina S. Voskanova Adaptation to frustration situations by young schoolchildren with musculoskeletal disorders 51-54
- Natalia G. Nasonova The peculiarities of imagination of children on the autism spectrum disorders 55-57
- Mikhail A. Shumkov Transpersonal psychology. The experience of transpersonal development and consciousness 58-59