Osipova Inna Alekseevna

Author's articles(4)

Phraseology from the perspective of national-cultural specificity (based on English language material)

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within the scope of the current study, linguistic units of English phraseology are perceived from the point of view of the national-cultural identity of English-speaking ethnos. National and stylistic peculiarities have always drawn attention of linguists because of a high cultural potential hidden in nature of phraseological units. This article was created for specialists of philological direction and mainstream audience.

On the role of phraseological units in nowadays English periodicals

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the current study is aimed at functional analysis of phraseological units in today’s English periodicals. An everlasting interest of contemporary researches to the above mentioned object of studies stems from the thesis that phraseological units are a potent linguistic means to convey emotional potential and vivid images of texts belonging to the publicistic genre.

Английская фразеология как объект лингвистических исследований

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в статье предпринята попытка анализа теоретических трудов, объектом исследования которых выступает фразеологический фонд английского языка. Проведенный анализ подтверждает характеристику фразеологизма как явления прежде всего семантического, ярко проявляющегося в современной английской прессе.