Titkova Mariia Iurevna

Place of work

ГБОУ «Школа №920»

Author's articles(2)

Социально-педагогические проблемы развития коммуникативных умений школьников

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in this article we examine the concepts of “communicative skills”, “culture of speech”, clarify the meaning of these terms, discuss linguistic problems associated with the concepts of “language”, “speech”, “regulation”, define the pedagogical problems related to development of communication skills; examine the concept of “communicative speech quality”; refine features of speech and mental development of preschool and school-age children; consider a social problem of “the purity of the Russian.

Gaming activity as a means of implementing the activity approach to the de-velopment of communicative skills of schoolchildren

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in this article we discuss the basic provisions of the pedagogical psychology and pedagogy, related to the game, show the main functions of didactic games for Russian language lessons in school, explain the link between gaming activity and speech activity, explain the need for activity approach to development of communicative skills.