List of publications on a keyword: «орбита»

Естественные науки

Publication date: 20.06.2024
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Anatolii F. Trutnev , candidate of agricultural sciences
net , Самарская обл

«The Mysteries of Antigravity»

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The proposed article is a study of the problem of the equilibrium of the forces of attraction and repulsion, the dominant basis of all physical processes of the universe. The research was carried out using a model of the interaction of matter with space. As a result of their implementation, logically justified explanations of the equilibrium of attraction and repulsion of electric charges are given on the example of the hydrogen atom. logically justified answers of the hydrogen atom and stable stability are given. The mechanism of stable stability of the position in the orbit of the planet Earth during its orbit around the Sun is presented in a new way. The reasons for slowing down the speed of spacecraft when they leave the solar system are revealed.


Publication date: 01.02.2024
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Ol'ga V. Bessarabova
Ekaterina V. Maltseva
SGEI of Vladimir Region "Malyshevo Special Comprehensive Boarding School" , Владимирская обл

«Mezhpredmetnye sviazi na urokakh matematiki v formirovanii novogo, integrirovannogo sposoba myshleniia, kharakternogo i neobkhodimogo dlia sovremennogo cheloveka»

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Практика работы в коррекционной школе показывает, что реализация общеобразовательных, коррекционно-развивающих и воспитательных задач возможна лишь при осуществлении тесной связи преподавания математики с другими учебными предметами и окружающим миром. Авторы стремятся проследить связь математики, природоведения, астрономии. Использование знаний о космосе помогает закрепить не только математические представления, но и приобщить детей к активной умственной деятельности, умению выделять главные свойства предметов и явлений, развить активность, наблюдательность, смекалку, делать умозаключения, строить высказывания, суждения, сформировать быстроту реакции. Авторы делают вывод о том, что использование материала других предметов на уроке математики показывает важность ее изучения как учебного предмета.

Тема номера

Publication date: 20.06.2023
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Adilson pedro Olivio
FSAEI of HE «Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia» , Москва г

«Overview of spacecraft maneuvers in near-circular orbits»

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This paper presents comprehensive information about spacecraft (SC) maneuvers in the vicinity of a circular orbit. The implementation of SC maneuvers in the vicinity of circular orbits makes it possible to solve many research and applied problems. Typical examples are the problems of rendezvous and docking of SC moving in near-circular orbits, the implementation of a group flight of several SC in a given configuration, the deployment and maintenance of low-orbit systems to solve the problems of providing communications and remote sensing of the Earth. Practical examples of SC maneuvers are given.

Технические науки

Publication date: 29.10.2019
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Lev B. Velgas , inventor-innovator, research expert
, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г

«Global Warming: The Bottom View»

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In this paper, the authors theorize that all planets rotate about their axis due to their satellites. The planet and its satellite are interconnected by a shared gravity, which moves along the surface of the planet as the result of the satellite moving in an orbit. The discussed movement of gravity applies to all planets and the Sun. The shared gravity is at its maximum on the Earth and Sun surface. Based on this theory, the paper discusses causes for global warming. The hypothesis of the Earth’s crust being a cause for global warming is analyzed. In addition, an analysis of Friedmann’s theory in terms of possible galactic velocities is presented in the article.

Науки о Земле (геодезия, геофизика, страноведение и др.)

Publication date: 02.12.2019
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Kirill I. Borodin
FSAEI of HE "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin" , Свердловская обл

«Ekologicheskie problemy v osvoenii kosmosa»

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На основании исследований выделены важнейшие экологические проблемы, связанные с освоением космоса Россией, США, Китаем и другими странами. Рассмотрен ряд нарушений документов международного природоохранительного права и некоторые другие экологические аспекты.

Технические науки

Publication date: 08.08.2019
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Lev B. Velgas , inventor-innovator, research expert
, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г

«Clearing up the mysteries»

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The question concerning the existence of the gravitational force of Galaxies is put in doubt by the authors of the article. The article deals with the fact that gravity is mutual magnitude, if the mass of one of the bodies is close to zero, and the force of gravity common to the two bodies tends to zero. One body does not have gravity. Also, in the article, the authors attempt to prove that the Sun and Jupiter have a huge force, since they are massive bodies in themselves and they also move at low speeds. The authors come to the conclusion that if the Galaxy had gravity, all its stars would have been knocked together long ago. The authors also prove that friction forces always exist. And the frictional forces prevent even rectilinear motion by inertia, the body will stop, continuing to rotate around its axis, if the body has satellites. The authors emphasize that if the body moves, it means that there is someone who moves now, or there is, or was someone who moved before, and it, those-lo, moves by inertia.

Тема номера

Publication date: 14.03.2019
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Viktor I. Kulik , candidate of engineering sciences
Ivan V. Kulik , candidate of economic sciences
FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«Inertia: scientific and world outlook aspects»

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Сomprehension of the concepts: «inertial condition of a body» and «inertial force» is the main aim of the article. Authors consider an inertial condition of a body or a system, as independent, autonomous, self-retaining and only internally dialectically changeable condition of the system living under the internal laws.

Технические науки

Publication date: 27.04.2018
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Oleg K. Dudarev
FSBEI of HE "Siberian State Aerospace University" , Красноярский край

«Issledovanie predel'nykh po bystrodeistviiu kharakteristik perevoda kosmicheskogo apparata na krugovoi orbite»

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В данной статье приводятся результаты численного исследования задачи перевода космического аппарата на круговой орбите. Получено множество компромисса между расходом топлива и временем быстродействия, зависимости времени быстродействия от различных начальных отклонений по углу, эксцентриситету и периоду обращения. Автором сделана попытка вывода простых зависимостей на основе результатов расчетов.

Publication date: 09.07.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 1)
Lev B. Velgas , inventor-innovator, research expert
, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г

«Supposed concept: rotation – the method of the universe existence»

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In this concept, authors seek to prove that all planets revolve around their axes because of the impact of their satellites. The rotation of the joint gravitational force is similar for all planets and for the Sun. The Sun and each planet can have several satellites. The joint gravitational force of each pair – the satellite of the planet and the planet itself, the satellite of the Sun and the Sun itself, if the joint force of gravity, moves due to the motion of the satellite in orbit, rotates the planet or the Sun. The article proves that the joint gravity of the Moon and the Earth, which moves around the Earth due to the Moon's rotation around the Earth, rotates the Earth around its axis. And that the joint gravity of the Moon and Earth holds the Moon so that the side of the Moon with a larger mass is located in the direction of Earth. All satellites (there are more than 150 of them) are in the same rigid stable position – depending on their planets. And all the satellite planets in the solar system in rotation around their axes depend on their satellites. The Earth and the Moon in this matter are not original. Researchers provide evidence of the absence of a thermonuclear reaction on stars and the fact that the energy of solar radiation is electrical energy, not thermonuclear. In addition, the existence of dark matter is questioned in the work. The authors also prove that it is necessary to exclude the term "synchronization", which has no right to exist due to the absence of satellites rotation of the planets around their axes.

Publication date: 06.06.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Lev B. Velgas , inventor-innovator, research expert
, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г

«Three step proofs of theory: the rotation is the method of the universe existence. Spots on the sun – are not magnetic fields»

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In their conception the authors seek to prove that all planets revolve around their axes because of their satellites influence. In the article, in detail, gradually by the points (by logical steps), it is proved that the Moon rotates the Earth around its own axis, and that the Earth keeps the Moon strictly in such state, not allowing it to turn to us by other side (All satellites, more than 150, are in the same rigid stable state – are dependent on their planets.) And all the satellites in the Solar System are spinning around their axes from their satellites. The Earth and the Moon in this matter are not original. Researchers give evidence of a lack of a thermonuclear reaction to the stars. And they prove that the energy of solar radiation is electrical energy, not thermonuclear. And sunspots are not magnetic fields.

Тема номера

Publication date: 08.06.2016
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Viktor I. Kulik , candidate of engineering sciences
Ivan V. Kulik , candidate of economic sciences
FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«On the oscillatory motion of a celestial body, time, speed, and the forces acting on a body moving along the solar system orbit»

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The article aims to consider the reason why a celestial body moves along the solar system orbit and the features of this movement. Moreover, the paper discovers those potential energy systems, which manage the movement of a celestial body. Critical parameters’ changes of a celestial body rotating around the Center are graphically represented. All the parameters in algebraic expressions are considered to be dependent from each other and, primarily, from the proximity of «radius-vector» of a celestial body place and the focus of an elliptic orbit.


Publication date: 06.05.2016
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Viktor I. Kulik , candidate of engineering sciences
Ivan V. Kulik , candidate of economic sciences
FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«Structural organization of planetary systems in multi-mass solar system»

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Solar system research should start from observing the Earth and the surrounding space. Such relevant parameters as mass (of the Earth and the Moon), average distance (between the Earth and the Moon, between the Sun and planetary system “Earth”) and the period of rotation (of the planetary systems “Moon – Earth” and “Earth – Sun”) are the base for our research. Thus, we can put interdependent key parameters values of all planetary systems in order, taking the Earth parameters as a zero point.

Publication date: 12.04.2016
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Ivan V. Kulik , candidate of economic sciences
Viktor I. Kulik , candidate of engineering sciences
FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«About the forces working on a heavenly body, and oscillatory movement of the body moving on an orbit, in solar system»

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It is important to describe not movement of a heavenly body on an orbit, and to understand the reasons of its movement and those power potential systems and forces which operate this movement, that not always allow to make the differential equations simply. It is important to represent also graphically changes of key parameters of any heavenly body addressing around of the Center. Centrifugal and centripetal forces – the main forces of one order working on a heavenly body, addressing around of the Center. Present article also is devoted to this, and, all parameters in algebraic expressions are considered dependent not only from in regular intervals current time, but also from each other, or, for example, from «radius – vector» – positions of a heavenly body from focus of an elliptic orbit.

Тема номера

Publication date: 16.03.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Viktor I. Kulik , candidate of engineering sciences
Ivan V. Kulik , candidate of economic sciences
FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«Technique of definition of eccentricity of an orbit of the planet»

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The technique of definition eccentricity orbits only by measurement of angular position of a planet is offered.

Технические науки (электромеханика, приборостроение, машиностроение, металлургия и др.)

Publication date: 22.01.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Anna I. Makfuzova
Denis D. Travin
Aleksandra A. Filimonova
FSSFEI of HE "South Ural State University" (NRU) , Челябинская обл

«Термоэлементы как дополнительные источники энергии на орбитальной станции»

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В статье исследуется Эффект Зеебека, который заключается в том, что возникающий в электрической цепи ток зависит от разности температур. Установлены зависимости ЭДС, силы тока и мощности термоэлементов от разности температур. Рассматриваются также перспективы создания термоэлектрических батарей из новых материалов и использование их на орбитальной станции в качестве дополнительного источника энергии.

Организация воспитательно-образовательного процесса в ДОУ

Publication date: 16.01.2015
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Olga A. Starostina
Tatiana L. Chivlikli
МБДОУ «Д/С ОВ «Снегурочка» , Ямало-Ненецкий АО

«Если звезды зажигают, значит, это кому-нибудь нужно…»

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В данной статье представлен опыт работы, направленный на формирование у дошкольников первоначальных астрологических представлений. В статье предлагается возможный вариант оформления пространственно-познавательной развивающей среды ДОУ, проект «Путешествие во Вселенную», картотека игр на неделю.

Физика и астрономия

Publication date: 03.03.2015
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 50)
Dmitrii N. Malakha
Irina B. Kriuchkova
MBOU "Litsei 57" , Самарская обл

«Измерение космических расстояний»

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Статья посвящена обзору научных исследований в области измерения рас-стояний между космическими объектами. Сформирована таблица расстояний между планетами Солнечной системы.

Естественные науки

Publication date: 25.07.2014
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Marianna A. Komarova
Maksim V. Bolshakov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Nataliia D. Kundikova , doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
FSSFEI of HE "South Ural State University" (NRU) , Челябинская обл

«Инновационный метод использования орбитального момента фотона для передачи информации через многомодовое оптическое волокно»

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В данной работе предлагается новый метод передачи информационного сигнала через многомодовое оптическое волокно, в основе которого лежит определение набора орбитальных моментов светового поля на приемнике, при условии, что на входной торец оптического волокна подается сигнал с заданными параметрами (кодированный информационный сигнал). Кодирование осуществляется с использованием орбитального момента фотона.