Monthly international scientific journal
Issue 2
Editor-in-chief: | Tatyana V. Yakovleva, general director of the LLC "Scientific Cooperation Centre “Interactive plus” |
Deputy editor-in-chief: | Svetlana Y. Semenova, выпускающий редактор Центра научного сотрудничества «Интерактив плюс» |
Chairman of Editorial Board: | Oleg N. Shirokov, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, dean of the History and Geography Department at FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University”, member of the Public Chamber of the Chuvash Republic |
Editorial Board: | Lyudmila A. Abramova, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the Department of Pedagogics and Education Development at FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” Lyudmila V. Antonova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the Department of Foreign Languages at CCheboksary Polytechnical Institute of FSBEI HE «Moscow State Engineering University (MSEU)» Rahym A. Beknazarov, Doctor of historical sciences, professor of Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov Svetlana V. Berezhnaya, д-р филос. наук, профессор, декан исторического факультета ХНПУ имени Г.С. Сковороды, Украина Fedor P. Vasilev, д-р юрид. наук, доцент ФГКОУ ВО «Академия управления МВД России», член российской академии юридических наук (РАЮН) Lyudmila I. Gerasimova, д-р мед. наук, профессор, академик, член-корреспондент Евразийской Академии Медицинских Наук, ректор автономного учреждения ГАУ ЧР ДПО «Институт усовершенствования врачей» Министерства здравоохранения Чувашской Республики Vitaly A. Grinchenko, Candidate of technical sciences, deputy dean for research activity at FSBEI of HE «Stavropol State Agrarian University» Aleksandr Y. Ivanitsky, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, dean of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Physics and Information Technologies at FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” Valery A. Kisliakov, д-р мед. наук, заведующий отделением гнойной хирургии ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница им. А.К. Ерамишанцева Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы», Член Европейской ассоциации сосудистых хирургов, Член Европейской Академии Естествознания, заслуженный деятель науки и образования РАЕ. Baktybek K. Meimanov, doctor of economic sciences, professor, member of the Academic Board of Research Institute of Innovation Economics under the Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov, Vice-President at the International Institute of Strategic Researches, Kyrgyzstan Elina N. Riabinina, Candidate of economical sciences, professor Luybov M. Yakovleva, Doctor of biological sciences, candidate of medical sciences, professor at FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” |
Executive Secretary: | Natalia A. Mitryuhina, выпускающий редактор ООО «Центр научного сотрудничества «Интерактив плюс» |
Interactive science. – № 2. – p. 162. – ISSN 2414-9411. – DOI 10.21661/a-252. |
p-ISSN 2414-9411 (print)
e-ISSN 2500-2686 (online)
DOI 10.21661/a-252
The scientific works of famous and beginning researches are presented in a monthly international scientific journal. The articles are combined by the main theme of a modern vision for science and education development.
It is intended for the general public.
Cheboksary , 2016
Table of contents
- Тема номера
- Denis Y. Platonov Formation of a modern network of university education in Russia 9-17
- Биология
- Mihail L. Oficerov The study of acute and chronic toxicity deicing composition «Ekotrek» 18-21
- Культурология и искусствоведение
- Elena V. Kalabuhova Features of decorative art in the Stavropol region 22-24
- Galina P. Klimova, Viktor P. Klimov Portrait of the social customer in design 25-27
- Maksim V. Maloshik Key points swot-analysis of the industry's development of culture in Ulan-Ude up to 2030 28-31
- Педагогика
- Marina A. Aryamnova, Galina V. Grishina The difficulties in teaching the foreign languages in technical universities and the ways of their overcoming 32-33
- Oksana B. Afanasenko Indirect tactics of speech influence as a mean of teaching for politeness during russian language lessons 34-37
- Larisa A. Vinogradova, Irina V. Velihova Review of modern technologies of scientific communication 38-41
- Marina H. Gilyasova, Elena V. Dankeeva Method of forming correct gait and posture in students using physical exercises 42-43
- Olesya S. Ermakova Gender features of education of children of the advanced preschool age means of game activity 45-46
- Tatyana Y. Zotova Intentional structure of the pedagogical dispute in the aspect of the formation of professional communicative competence 47-49
- Tatyana P. Ivchenko, Elena G. Yuryeva, Lyudmila P. Smirnova Formation of student’s adaptation mechanisms to changing conditions of regional economy development 50-57
- Cherim H. Ingushev, Marina H. Gilyasova Prevention of sports injuries in the classroom with students in weightlifting, powerlifting and kettlebell lifting 58-59
- Antonina N. Novoselova Some problems of legal regulation in the management of preschool educational organization 60-62
- Marina S. Smirnova Case-study method in the educational process from school to graduate 63-65
- Anna S. Sopova, Natalya I. Nikolaeva The pecularities of future military pilots aviation language teaching as a language for special purposes 65-67
- Anastasiya P. Surkova Training of students-philologists comic genres of professional speech 68-71
- Nina V. Turkovskaya, Gulnara F. Abdrahmanova Methodical aspects of organization of computer testing as a form of pedagogical control (on the example of the mathematical block of disciplines) 72-78
- Inessa Y. Filatova Comparison Test in Russian and German universities 79-81
- Elena V. Yushchik The use of innovative teaching methods subject in training of bachelor «Standardization and metrology» 82-84
- Психология
- Galina N. Evtushenko, Elena A. Belova Arcidiocesi and the role of art therapy in the harmonious development of the child with problems 85-87
- Gulzada B. Kapbasova, Torgyn A. Abitaeva, Dybys A. Zhanserikova Features of the image of the future at men – representatives of the title nation of Kazakhstan and emigrants the Georgian 89-92
- Сельское хозяйство
- Sergey F. Demidov, Lidiya F. Pelevina, Nadezhda N. Gashnikova The study of drying kinetics of wheat germ by infrared radiation of selected wavelength in an oscillating mode 93-96
- Технические науки
- Darya S. Galchuk Comparative analysis of the main sections of the Russian university home pages in their English-language version 97-100
- Sergey V. Kapustin The use of ultrasonic cavitation in the food industry 101-103
- Aleksey V. Maksimov Calculation of the department rating 104-109
- Физика
- Ivan V. Kulik, Viktor I. Kulik About the forces working on a heavenly body, and oscillatory movement of the body moving on an orbit, in solar system 110-123
- Филология
- Nataliya M. Merkuryeva Features of the structure of the dictionary entry of the dictionary of synonyms composites of russian 124-126
- Irina N. Yalovleva Specifics of translation of emotive vocabulary 127-129
- Философия
- Nurmira K. Karasheva Determination of the laws of social events conditions of existence and development company 130-132
- Экономика
- Ekaterina A. Buryak Mechanism of management of competitiveness of production of agrarian and industrial complex 133-138
- Nadezhda O. Dzhabbarova Development of competitive strategy of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex 139-142
- Tatevik S. Kagramanyan Estimation parameter regression model by least squares in Excel 143-146
- Aleksandr V. Kravec The impact and role of innovative business development for economic growth 147-150
- Nadezhda Y. Cvetkova Problems of monitoring of the state of transport infrastructure 151-154
- Danil S. Shatalov Strategy development marketing commercial enterprise 155-157
- Svetlana P. Yamkova Development of innovative potential of the region as a way to increase Russian economy competitiveness in today's realities 158-160