в статье рассматривается проблема формирования информационной грамотности школьников. Определены четыре основные группы информационных умений, развивающихся при обучении биологии. Каждая группа имеет определенный набор формируемых учебных действий и их личную значимость для учащегося. На реальных примерах показаны способы развития логических информационных учебных действий, способствующих формированию информационной грамотности учащихся.
The article deals with the issue of enhancing students' cognitive activity in biology lessons. The level of activity in the cognitive activity of students depends largely on the correctly chosen methods and methods of teaching. Some methods of activating cognitive activity, which simultaneously develop the creative potential of schoolchildren, are given.
The article discusses the problem of the formation of the ecological culture of students in biology education. The level of development of environmental thinking largely depends on correctly selected organizational forms and teaching methods in accordance with the age characteristics of students. Examples of environmental research work for students in grades 9-10 are given.
The article deals with the problem of formation of ecological thinking of young people. The level of development of the ecological culture of society depends largely on the goals of school education, the structure and content of each subject of the natural science cycle of secondary schools.