List of publications on a keyword: «card»


Publication date: 08.08.2024
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Natal'ia V. Tatarchukova
MBGEI "Kobyakov School" , Хакасия Респ


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The article is devoted to the use of a differentiated approach in primary school math lessons. I use multi-level tasks to teach everyone at the level of opportunity and ability, which gives each student the opportunity to get the maximum knowledge of their capabilities and realize their personal potential.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 21.01.2020
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Irina A. Chizhova
Ramazan M. Magomedov , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Information Technology in E-Commerce»

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In this paper, information technology in e-business is considered. A classification of e-commerce and features of payment systems on the Internet are presented.


Publication date: 13.11.2018
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Sergei N. Larin , candidate of engineering sciences , старший научный сотрудник
Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences “Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS” , Москва г

«Formation of a system of indicators to assess the performance of enterprises in leading sectors of the Russian economy»

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To counteract the negative impact of sanctions restrictions and increased competition, a set of sectoral import substitution strategies has been developed, the successful implementation of which will largely depend on improving the performance of enterprises in leading sectors of the Russian economy. The article proposed a system of criterion and result indicators for obtaining evaluation characteristics. This system is not exhaustive, since it does not take into account the full range of features of the functioning of enterprises in relation to each branch of the Russian economy. At the same time, it can be applied in practice in leading sectors of the Russian economy to assess the effectiveness of the activities of their enterprises.

Publication date: 30.10.2018
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Kirill D. Kuzmichev
FSBEI of HE "Tyumen Industrial University" , Тюменская обл

«Advantages and disadvantages of a balanced scorecard»

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In this article, the author explores the advantages and disadvantages of a balanced scorecard, the dependence of the effectiveness and feasibility of its application on the level of adaptation to specific conditions


Publication date: 16.04.2018
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Elena G. Sergeeva , doctor of medical sciences
Tatiana V. Ibragimova
Mihail D. Didur , профессор
FGBOU VO "Pervyi Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet im. akademika I.P. Pavlova" Minzdrava Rossii , Санкт-Петербург г

«Biofeedback and correction of cardiac rhythm variability in athletes training for endurance»

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Biofeedback is a technology of diagnosing physiological processes in real time, during which the patient receives information about the state of his own physiological parameters and conducts its self-regulation in the feedback mode organized with the help of microprocessor technology. In sports cardiology, biofeedback mostly stays in demand, aimed at cardiorespiratory synchronization of heart rate variability. The aim of the study – to create an original correcting method of heart rate variability with the use of biofeedback in athletes training for endurance. The study included 61 people (men aged 20-34 years without diseases of the cardiovascular system). The main group (n = 36) was made up of athletes who predominantly train for endurance. Initially for 30 minutes after training all athletes conducted a study of heart rate variability (HRV) according to a standard procedure. Next, by the method of random numbers athletes were divided into three equal groups (12 people each). Group 1 (main) received cardiothoracic sessions. Cardiorespiratory training was conducted daily. The course consisted of 5 sessions, each of which included 8-12 samples of 120 s each. Statistical processing of the obtained data using a single-factor dispersion analysis did not reveal significant differences in the parameters of the athletes of the study groups. It was found that the total heart rate variability after cardiorespiratory training sessions increased by an average of 33.5 ms (or 69.5% of the baseline, p = 0.002). When analyzing the HRV indices in athletes after watching motivational videos and in the athletes of the comparison group, statistically significant differences were not revealed. Thus, it was the original method of biological feedback that had a significant corrective effect on the indices of heart rate variability in athletes training for endurance.


Publication date: 31.10.2017
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Mark A. Samokhin
Svetlana V. Khamnueva
МАОУ «СОШ №2 с УИОП» , Бурятия Респ

«Банковские услуги для детей «Детская карта – мой первый финансовый документ»»

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In everyday life, more and more turnover is gaining non-cash settlement. It is very convenient, reliable. Methods of research were: - Questioning of students to find out whether there are holders of children's cards among the respondents - study of literature, Internet resources about this banking service, collection and systematization of the collected material, - practical implementation of the project (registration of a child card in PAO SBERBANK 8601/0200).


Publication date: 17.08.2017
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Sergey S. Solovyov , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor, professor, full member (academician) and Vice-President of the International Public Academy of Environmental Security and Management
FSBEI of HE "Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy" , Москва г
Natalia V. Barinova
Club of healthy lifestyle "Sozvezdie" , Московская обл

«Clubs of healthy lifestyle – the perspective form of health improvement of Russians (on an example of students of state universities taking into account results of sociological research)»

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In article questions of formation of a healthy way of life at the Russian youth in modern conditions, by means of activity of advisers for a food in clubs of a healthy way of life are considered.


Publication date: 24.11.2016
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Kristina D. Gvasaliia
Kuen K. Do
Anatoliy V. Zolotaryuk , candidate of engineering sciences
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Платежные системы России и Китая»

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В статье приводится характеристика существующих платежных систем в России и Китае, анализируются наиболее популярные из них, а также прогнозируются дальнейшие изменения.

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Vladimir N. Kurilov
SBEI of HE “Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts” , Новосибирская обл

«Novosibirsk architectural landscape in a graphic design in the end of the XX century – beginning of the XXI century based on own developments»

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The article describes the author's creative method, working in the field of graphic design and applied graphics. The basis of his work – the architectural landscape of Novosibirsk. An educated architect, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, the author has always worked at the intersection of three powerful spheres of influence: architecture, design, easel graphics. His task was to achieve harmony trinity incarnation in his art.


Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Marina M. Khabibulina , candidate of medical sciences
Anatoliiy N. Dmitriev , doctor of medical sciences
SBEI of HE "Ural State Medical University" of Healthcare Department of Russia , Свердловская обл
Natalia N. Fedorova
“Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital №1” , Свердловская обл

«Silent myocardial ischemia in women with arterial hypertension with hypestrogenism in the late fertile period with "metabolically healthy" visceral obesity»

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The article contains the results of holter ECG monitoring of 78 women with arterial hypertension of the II stage in the late fertile period with diagnosed left ventricular hypertrophy with hypoestrogenemy with "metabolically healthy" visceral obesity (MHVO) at the outpatient stage and the frequency of episodes of SMI in this category of patients. Patients with hypertension with concentric LVH have a greater potential for the development of relative coronary insufficiency, than women with its eccentric option. Limitation of coronary perfusion and reduced relaxation properties of hypertrophied myocardium in women with hypertension in late fertile period with diagnosed LVH may be a pathophysiological basis of the mechanism of myocardial ischemia, which is manifested in the form of episodes of SMI, which is significantly more often (p < 0,05) occurs in patients with metabolic "morbid"obesity.


Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Natalia N. Sidorova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Surgut State University , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО
Marina A. Uporova
Vladimir I. Drachev
MBGEI Gymnasium “Salahov Laboratory” , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Electronic textbooks adoption in modern school teaching practice: difficulties and search for solution»

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This article discusses the problem of transition to electronic textbooks and proposes ways of effectively applying electronic textbooks are pedagogical technology «quantization» text for organization of independent work of learning and applying technological card as a form of design classes according to the requirements of the system-activity approach.

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 04.02.2017
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Ekaterina A. Anokhina
Irina V. Shcherbakova
SFEI of HE "V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University" of Russian Federation Ministry of Health , Саратовская обл

«Основы баллистокардиографического метода оценки состояния сердечной мышцы»

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State of the heart muscle is important in cardiology.The author covers the basics of ballistokardiografy.

Publication date: 06.02.2017
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Rumina S. Didigova
Irina V. Shcherbakova
SFEI of HE "V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University" of Russian Federation Ministry of Health , Саратовская обл

«Основы электрокардиографии. Треугольник Эйнтховена»

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The author presents his view on the understanding of the fundamentals of electrocardiography, treats Einthoven triangle as the basis for the concept of electrocardiographic method.

Экономические науки

Publication date: 07.10.2016
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Ekaterina V. Iakubina
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«К вопросу финансирования террористической деятельности»

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In this article the author examines the current problems of financing of terrorist organizations through the use of bank cards.

Юридические науки

Publication date: 29.04.2016
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Iuliia O. Kudlaeva
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Мошенничество в сфере информационных технологий»

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In this article the author examines the main types of fraud with bank cards.

Publication date: 21.04.2016
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Kristina A. Gorodnianskaia
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Проблема предотвращения мошенничества с применением платежных карт»

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In this article the author examines the ways of solving the problem of fraud with payment cards.

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 23.01.2017
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Mindaugas R. Malinauskas
The Lithuanian University of Health , Lithuania

«Evaluation of anxiety and depression in cardiac patients after myocardial infarction»

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The purpose of the study is to evaluate anxiety and depression levels in cardiac patients after myocardial infarction. To achieve this goal the Beck's Depression Inventory and Beck's Anxiety Inventory were used in this study. The results showed that the levels of anxiety and depression were higher in women with myocardial infarction compared with men who had a myocardial infarction.

Publication date: 13.01.2017
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Mindaugas R. Malinauskas
The Lithuanian University of Health , Lithuania

«Heart patients with the feeling of coherence, recovering from myocardial infarction»

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The purpose of the study is to examine the characteristics of the sense of coherence in cardiac patients after myocardial infarction. To achieve this goal the short form of the Antonovsky’s Sense of Coherence Questionnaire was used in this study. The results showed that sense of coherence was stronger in men with myocardial infarction compared with women who had a myocardial infarction.

Publication date: 18.10.2016
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Anastasiia P. Shchetinina
ФГБОУ ВО «Сибирский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России , Томская обл
Petr P. Shchetinin , candidate of biological sciences
Биологический институт ФГАОУ ВО «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» , Томская обл

«Метаболическая перестройка миокарда в условиях циркуляторной недостаточности при ИБС»

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В настоящей работе систематизированы и тезисно представлены данные о важнейших механизмах метаболического ремоделирования миокарда, возникающего вследствие несоответствия между кровотоком и реальными потребностями органа при ишемической болезни сердца.


Publication date: 27.09.2016
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Aleksandr A. Dvornichenko , candidate of engineering sciences
Tatiana A. Zaitseva
FSSFEI of HE "South Ural State University" (NRU) , Челябинская обл
Andrei E. Shchelkonogov
Vysshaia shkola ekonomiki i upravleniia FGAOU VO "Iuzhno-Ural'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet (NIU)" , Челябинская обл

«Практика применения систем поддержки стратегического и инновационного управления предприятием в бизнес-образовании»

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The paper describes the difficulties faced by a company when implementing a balanced scorecard (BSC) in practice, the relationship of SSP with performance budgeting. Due to the fact that the methodology for implementing this strategy is continuously connected with the automation of managerial activities, the study of efficiency of development by students of specialized software products to support strategic and innovative management

Современные педагогические технологии

Publication date: 16.08.2016
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Veronica M. Vlasova , учитель начальных классов
MBEI "Comprehensive school №40" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Diagnostics of subject results on literary reading in a primary school as a tool of education quality control»

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The following article reveals a technology of pedagogical diagnostics of subject results as a basis of educational monitoring, in other words, it is the tool, more concrete fast studying, assesment, regulating and correction of the process or event, permitting the teacher with smaller losses to achieve more significant results, higher quality of literary education.

Экономические науки

Publication date: 10.02.2016
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Anastasiia A. Karpova
Igor O. Kravtsov
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University , Крым Респ

«Национальная система платёжных карт как мощный инфраструктурный фундамент для экономики Российской Федерации»

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В данной статье авторы рассматривают предпосылки и историю развития национальной системы платёжных карт России, изучают этапы реализации Стратегии развития НСПК и их реальные результаты по окончании 2015 года.

Publication date: 09.03.2016
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Guzel F. Vildanova
Iliuza I. Khamzina
Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of FSAEI of HPE "Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ

«Проблема взаимосвязи метода target-costing, бюджетирования и системы сбалансированных показателей (ССП)»

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This article focuses on the interrelationship of the target-costing method, budgeting and balanced scorecard(BSC). There are main problem of the each relationships and the use of the each management tool separately and together.

Мировая и региональная экономика

Publication date: 14.01.2016
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Iurii S. Karnaukh
Anatoliy V. Zolotaryuk , candidate of engineering sciences
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Проблемы создания национальной платежной системы»

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В статье раскрывается характеристика существующих платежных систем. Авторами обосновывается необходимость создания в условиях глобального кризиса межгосударственных отношений альтернативных платежных систем как инструмента финансовой независимости государства.

Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность

Publication date: 09.04.2016
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Natalia A. Labyntseva
Marina A. Starlychanova , старший преподаватель
South-Russian Institute of Management (branch) of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration , Ростовская обл

«Благотворное влияние физического воспитания на деятельность сердечно-сосудистой системы»

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The article discusses the role of physical activity in our body . Research will enable us to identify the main patterns and especially the influence of various physical activities and their sequence in the session on the functioning of the cardiovascular system .