List of publications on a keyword: «хронология»
Elena N. Mazur , candidate of biological sciences
A branch of the FSAEI of HE "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov" in Severodvinsk , Архангельская обл
«Usloviia formirovaniia znanii o khronologii na urokakh-puteshestviiakh u detei 10-11 let»
Филология и лингвистика (русская литература, фольклористика, журналистика, языкознание, прикладная лингвистика и др)
Mikhail A. Ganzha
, Москва г
«O "Khronologicheskoi kanve zhizni i tvorchestva A.A. Bloka" (nauchno-issledovatel'skii proekt 17-04-00489-a). Stat'ia 3»
Представленный в данной статье проект «Хронологическая канва жизни и творчества А.А. Блока», поддержанный РФФИ (Отделением гуманитарных и общественных наук ОГиОН), направлен на создание систематического свода сведений о жизни и творчестве великого русского поэта Александра Александровича Блока (1880–1921) в форме биографической хроники (летописи жизни и творчества). Результатом реализации проекта должен явиться капитальный, многотомный историко-биографический и библиографический труд. Данная статья рассматривает биографию старшего современника Александра Блока – А.И. Лященко (1871–1931) и освещает его работу над изданием творческого наследия русского поэта Алексея Васильевича Кольцова (1809–1842).
Филология и лингвистика
Mikhail A. Ganzha
, Москва г
«Khronologicheskaia kanva zhizni i tvorchestva A.A. Bloka (nauchno-issledovatel'skii proekt 17-04-00489-a). Stat'ia 2»
Представленный в данной статье проект «Хронологическая канва жизни и творчества А.А. Блока», поддержанный РФФИ (Отделением гуманитарных и общественных наук), направлен на создание систематического свода сведений о жизни и творчестве великого русского поэта Александра Александровича Блока (1880–1921) в форме биографической хроники (летописи жизни и творчества). Результатом реализации проекта должен явиться капитальный, многотомный историко-биографический и библиографический труд. Настоящая статья посвящена биографии старшего современника Александра Блока – А.И. Кирпичникову.
Науки о Земле (геодезия, геофизика, страноведение и др.)
FSBEI of HPE "Perm State National Research University" , Пермский край
Summary: between the general stratigraphic scale of a phanerozoic eonothem and the general geochronologic scale there is one-to-one correspondence (bijection). For demonstration of bijection the piece of a stratigraphic scale, to the corresponding Phanerozoic is chosen. Expansion of a scale to the Archean inclusive is possible. Bijective scales are united in a geocontinuum which forms with Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, etc. The scale of a new type is made by association of three scales: stratigraphic, geochronologic, geocontinuum scales. The scale of new type possesses wider didactic, etc. opportunities.
FSBEI of HPE "Perm State National Research University" , Пермский край
Summary: between the general stratigraphy scale of the Permian system and the general geochronologic scale of the Permian there is one-to-one correspondence (so-called "bijection" by the theory of the Cantor). Couples of such divisions are considered: System – Period, Series – Epoch, Stage – Age. For demonstration of bijections the piece of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart corresponding to the Perm system is chosen. Divisions which volume and content are proved by a biostratigraphic method treat the straton possessing property of bijection. The Permian system, its departments, tiers treat such divisions.
Науки о Земле
FSBEI of HPE "Perm State National Research University" , Пермский край
«PERMIAN PERIOD –– a regional brand with the international priority: origin, development, prospects»
Summary: idea of the Perm system of rocks as independent and special part of the general international stratigraphic scale entered geological science in 1841, thanks to opening of the Scottish scientist R.I. Murchison. Murchison called a new system of the general stratigraphic scale (and, respectively, the Permian Period of a geochronologic scale) on the Perm province. The short valid name of these divisions – perm. This name was included forever into geological science and practice as outstanding achievement, according to the academician B. S. Sokolov, "a heroic era" of great discovery in geology. It is an absolute geological and historical priority of Perm and Perm Krai. Most the concept "Permian Period" which is now used not only in geology was widely adopted, but also is a widespread brand. The "Permian Period" brand is used in tourist and nature protection subject, in cultural science, in scenic activity of various creative groups and performers of music and songs, in educational
Филология и лингвистика
Mikhail A. Ganzha
, Москва г
«On the Chronological outline of the life and work of A.A. Block»
The project “Chronological outline of the life and creativity of A. A. Block”, supported by RFBR (Department of Humanities and social Sciences). The project aims to create a systematic collection of information about the life and work of the great Russian poet Alexander Alexandrovich Block (1880 – 1921) in the form of biographical Chronicles (the Chronicles of life and creativity). The result of the project should be a thorough, multi-volume historical-biographical and bibliographic w
Педагогические науки
Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University , Волгоградская обл
«Методика изучения представлений об историческом времени у старших школьников с легкой степенью нарушения интеллекта»
История и политология
FSFEI of HE "Rostov State University of Economics" , Ростовская обл