List of publications on a keyword: «geography»

Теория и методика общего образования

Publication date: 22.12.2023
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Kristina A. Pavlova
Aleksandra I. Vavilova , bachelor
GAOU RK "Litsei dlia odarennykh detei" , Коми Респ

«The possibility of using the grammatical phenomenon "Article in English" in geography lessons»

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Currently, integrated lessons play an important role in the formation of interdisciplinary connections. For this purpose, exercises have been developed that can be used during a combined geography and English lesson.


Publication date: 27.12.2023
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Elena V. Korchagina
MBOU SOSh s. Blagodatnoe Khorol'skogo munitsipal'nogo okruga Primorskogo kraia , Приморский край

«Using the career guidance potential of school geography»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of the educational subject "Geography" in the professional orientation of students. The content of geography covers a variety of topics: nature, population and economy of the Earth, which opens up a wide range of professions for students and provides great opportunities for self-determination. Career guidance in geography lessons should be structured systematically and purposefully in accordance with the work program, the innovations of modern education and taking into account the demands of the labor market of your region. The purpose of the study is to consider the possibility of using geography lessons as a platform for vocational guidance activities of students in order to activate the process of professional self-determination.

Инновационные технологии как ресурс повышения качества образования

Publication date: 12.10.2023
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Alina A. Lustova
Oleg A. Kozlov , doctor of pedagogic sciences, professor
FGBOU VO "Nizhegorodskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet im. K. Minina" , Нижегородская обл


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The article discusses an innovative approach to teaching a school geography course using web maps. The authors substantiate the need to introduce new technological learning tools, such as Internet maps, which will allow students to study the material more effectively and improve their skills with maps. The article presents specific recommendations for the creation and use of web maps in the process of teaching geography, including the selection of the most appropriate platforms and soft-ware products, the development of their own maps, their integration into the curriculum and the organization of practical classes. The result of the research was the establishment of a positive impact of the use of web maps on the level of knowledge of students and their motivation to work independently on the topic.


Publication date: 04.07.2022
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Inna S. Krasnozhon
MBEI "SOSh №6" , Кемеровская обл
Alina A. Krasnozhon
FSBEI of HE "Siberian State Industrial University" , Кемеровская обл

«Effective methods of studying geography»

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As the results of the study of educational motivation show, the growth of students with a low level of school motivation from class to class... Lack of motivation to learn often leads to persistent academic failure and intellectual passivity. Therefore, each teacher should choose such teaching methods to increase the level of knowledge and interest of students in their lessons.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 24.03.2021
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Nataliia N. Kos'minina
MOBU SOSh 82 , Краснодарский край

«Development of higher mental functions in geography lessons»

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Статья содержит прием развития высших психических функций у школьников на уроке географии через использование метода интеллект-карт. Удобство и простота использования, как для педагога, так и для ученика.

Науки о Земле (геодезия, геофизика, страноведение и др.)

Publication date: 29.01.2018
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Vladimir P. Ozhgibesov , candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, associate professor
FSBEI of HPE "Perm State National Research University" , Пермский край

«Геология главного пермского бассейна седиментации в курсе лекций и полевых исследований для студентов Оксфордского университета»

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The Preural regional deflection passes three stages of development during the Permian Period of the Palaeozoic Era: sea, lagunny and continental. These stages correspond to three stages of geotectonic development. The field route from Perm to Kungur, allows to unite further in the wildlife area Cis-Urals and Ust-Kishertsky district in lectures, laboratory and field researches of the data from fundamental geological disciplines, to illustrate them on laboratory researches and to show on such natural exposures of rocks as Pervogorod, Bershet, Ergach-Sarkayevsky and Falcon, Filippovsky, Kungur Ice Cave, the Stone Yermak, dolomitic and other careers of Ust-Kishertsky district.

История и политология

Publication date: 04.04.2017
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Mamura N. Sheralieva
FSBEI of HE "P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University" , Ярославская обл

«International relations of the regions: the main directions and problems»

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This article deals with socio-cultural problems in international relations of Russia's regions. The basis of the analysis is made by the following criteria: geographical location and economic development of the region.


Publication date: 23.11.2016
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Maxim V. Matushevsky
Polina P. Panova
Sevastopol SBEI Twice Hero of the Soviet Union V.D. Lavrinenkov English Language Specialized School №43 , Севастополь г

«The images of flora and fauna forms on the bills of the countries all over the world»

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In article investigates moneys countries of the world, identified bycountries and continents and their share, on banknotes depicting the flora and fauna

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 07.07.2016
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Natalia S. Evstaphjeva
MBEI MES №26 , Московская обл

«Project method using in school geographic education»

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In this article, the author discusses the use of project method during geography lessons. The researcher notes that the submitted method contributes to the formation of universal educational actions, makes pupils more independent, self-sufficient, helps to gain self-organization skills for learning process and to evaluate their academic achievements.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 16.02.2016
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Aleksandr I. Muratov
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«География портфеля заказов российских лесопильных заводов»

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It shows the geography of export sales of Russian sawmill, which was caused by the territorial factor in the location of Russia and the relevant trade routes.