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Publication date: 18.08.2016
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Elena D. Mokroguz
SBVEI "N.A. Nekrasov Pedagogical College №1" , Санкт-Петербург г

«University of the third age as a form of socio-pedagogical work with elder generation»

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The article analyses innovative forms of social work with older people - the universities of the third age. It describes the socio-psychological characteristics of the older generation and addresses the subject methods, the importance of education work with the representatives of this age group.

Publication date: 16.08.2016
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Mukaddas K. Egamberdieva , candidate of pedagogic sciences, candidate of pedagogic sciences
Khojend State University named after academican B. Gafurov , Tajikistan

«Tolerant relations actualization in coditions of social life globalization»

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The paper is devoted to the problem of tolerancy in social life nowadays. The author deals with the problems connected with the necessity of tolerant personality with deep outlook culture formation. Tolerancy and civicism are discussed in whole, in their interaction as a totality of cultural-historical and spiritulal-moral competences of a personality.

Publication date: 16.08.2016
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Aleksandr I. Salov , candidate of pedagogic sciences
SBEI of HE "Academy of Public Administration" , Москва г

««Ценности ценностей» как ядро этического мировоззрения учителя»

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В статье ставится проблема содержательного ядра этического мировоззрения учителя. Показывается, что красота, истина и правда не просто находят свое выражение в добре, но, совпадая в своем высшем выражении в добре, определяют образ мышления педагога. Выявляется роль этических рационализаций этического сознания учителя в мировоззренческом осмыслении действительности, картины мира. Показывается, что «ценности ценностей», в качестве которых выступают базовые ценности, образуют содержательное ядро этического мировоззрения учителя.

Publication date: 15.08.2016
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Aleksandr Y. Efremov , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
Central Branch of FSBEI of HE "Russian State University of Justice" , Воронежская обл

«Концепция формирования исследовательских компетенций в интерактивном обучении»

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Как отмечает автор данной статьи, реализация компетентностного подхода требует своеобразной педагогической технологии. Именно технологический характер формирования исследовательских (познавательных) компетенций как общекультурных позволяет обозначить концептуальные признаки самоорганизуемой (внеучебной) научно-исследовательской работы студентов.

Publication date: 15.08.2016
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Nikita E. Burdyko , master of pedagogic sciences
CEM "Byelorussian-speaking gymnasium №2 of Borisov town" , Belarus

«Reflexive students' activity as an important component of professional training of future specialist»

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The concept of 'reflective activity of students', its structure and levels are described in the article. The author defines pedagogical conditions of optimization of students' reflexive activity, the importance of the organization of reflexive activity of students in learning process.

Publication date: 14.07.2016
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Aitalina I. Vasileva
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
Tamara N. Lukina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Pedagogical Institute of FSAEI of HPE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Формирование готовности учащихся к обучению в вузе»

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To prepare students for further study in higher education is very relevant at this time. Basic training is being held at the school and that the teacher should prepare the student for further study in higher education. In this article we will look at what needs to be taken into account for the formation of readiness of students to training in high school.

Publication date: 02.06.2016
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Rashidbek U. Buriev
Bakhrom M. Dumanov
Andijan state universitu named after Z. M. Babur , Uzbekistan

«Independent tasks of practical content impact on efficiency rising of chemisty teaching at school»

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The present article determines the role of chemistry subject at comprehensive schools and development of negative relation to chemical compounds and products of chemical manufacturing. The authors offer independent practical tasks serving to prevent negative relation to the subject development.