List of publications on a keyword: «professional orientation»


Publication date: 14.02.2024
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Rusudan V. Makieva
FGKOU "Severo-Kavkazskoe suvorovskoe voennoe uchilishche Ministerstva oborony Rossiiskoi Federatsii" , Северная Осетия - Алания Респ

«Binarnyi urok kak odna iz form proektnoi deiatel'nosti obuchaiushchikhsia»

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The article considers effective methods and techniques that enable to implement the project technology at binary lessons. The project technology presupposes the presence of a problem that requires an application of integrated knowledge to its solution. Binary lessons are one of the forms of implementing interdisciplinary connections. Such lessons make it possible to integrate knowledge from different fields to solve one problem.

Publication date: 27.12.2023
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Elena V. Korchagina
MBOU SOSh s. Blagodatnoe Khorol'skogo munitsipal'nogo okruga Primorskogo kraia , Приморский край

«Using the career guidance potential of school geography»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of the educational subject "Geography" in the professional orientation of students. The content of geography covers a variety of topics: nature, population and economy of the Earth, which opens up a wide range of professions for students and provides great opportunities for self-determination. Career guidance in geography lessons should be structured systematically and purposefully in accordance with the work program, the innovations of modern education and taking into account the demands of the labor market of your region. The purpose of the study is to consider the possibility of using geography lessons as a platform for vocational guidance activities of students in order to activate the process of professional self-determination.

Publication date: 25.09.2020
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Iuliia V. Striukova
Maksim P. Vasilenko
FSMEE «Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School» of the RF Defence Ministry , Краснодарский край

«Sistema voenno-professional'noi orientatsii obuchaiushchikhsia kadetskikh uchilishch»

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В кадетских училищах военно-профессиональная ориентация является непрерывным процессом и осуществляется целенаправленно на всех возрастных этапах. Статья посвящена система военно-профессиональной ориентации воспитанников, являющейся составной частью учебно-воспитательного процесса. Военно-профессиональная направленность воспитанников является объектом работы воспитателя, всего педагогического коллектива училища в процессе выбора обучающимся офицерской специальности и профиля вуза в период обучения.


Publication date: 08.08.2019
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Viktoriya V. Podprugina , candidate of psychological sciences , assistant professor
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Linguistic University" , Москва г

«Features of the emotional sphere as a criterion of professional orientation»

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The article presents the analysis of trends in the research of emotions and phenomena associated with emotional manifestations. The article defines the role of emotions and their importance in professional activities, the relevance of the study of emotional components in the diagnosis of professional suitability, competence. The set of the emotional profile diagnostics methods taking into account levels of emotional manifestation is defined. Significant differences in the emotional profile of students of the acting department in comparison with representatives of the technical orientation are revealed. The problem of development, formation of emotional competence, namely understanding and demonstration of emotional behavior depending on the orientation, specialization in training is put forward.


Publication date: 03.05.2017
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Svetlana V. Ilyuhina , candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
Ivan A. Izgagin
FSBEI of HE "Ural State University of Economics" , Свердловская обл

«Motivation for students in the labor market»

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This article presents the results of socio-economic studies of University students at various levels of training. This study aims at identifying the economic motives of choice of youth in the labour market, the trends in career guidance and expectations of adaptation of students to the contemporary trends in the labour market.

Педагогика профессиональной школы и СПО

Publication date: 12.09.2016
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Ramisa M. Mutuskhanova
FSBEI of HE "Chechen State Pedagogical University" , Чеченская Респ

«Formation of students' socialization in adequate correspondence to their specialty teaching»

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The article describes deep, meaningful and functional peculiarities of socialization of technical college students in learning the Russian language, taking into account the positive educational potential of bilingual educational environment.

Современные подходы в образовании и подготовка кадров

Publication date: 03.08.2016
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Anastasia Y. Prokuronova
Marina A. Fofanova
FBPEI of MD "V.A. Kazakov Aviation Engineering College" , Московская обл

«Creation of continious aviation professional education cluster- "school- aviation college- aviation enterprise»

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The article is devoted to an actual problem of continuous professional process creation, ranging from school-based cluster "school - aviation College - aviation enterprise" as an example FBPEI of MD "V.A. Kazakov Aviation Engineering College". The paper put forward a hypothesis and suggests the main tasks of the research in this area over the next few years.


Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Nataliya V. Shinkovskaya , candidate of historical sciences
Evgeniy O. Golyankin
FSBEI of HPE "Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service" , Приморский край

«The problem of professional orientation of young people in the context of economic and social transformation in modern Russia»

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This article analyzes the methods, ways of working in terms of professional orientation, as well as challenges faced by universities in this area of work. For example, a number of universities shows what work is conducted in the direction of a professional orientation of young people. With a simple comparison provides a great opportunity to see how versatile and flexible can be a process of professional orientation of young people in the universities of our country. Also in the article, there is an estimate of scholars and practitioners involved in these areas a large number of years. This article reveals the concept proforintatsionnoy activities of universities and that the directions of the activity itself, which in turn makes a sufficient explanation, and shows the value of this area of work.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 20.04.2016
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Pavel S. Suetin
FSFEI of HE "Ural State Pedagogical University" , Свердловская обл

«Актуальность контентного дизайна мероприятий ВФСК ГТО в формировании профессиональной направленности студентов педагогических вузов»

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The article deals with the definition of "content design of ARSC GTO eventsand considered the potential impact of this kind of activity on the formation and development of the professional characteristics of students of pedagogical universities.

Теория и методика профессионального образования

Publication date: 05.02.2016
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Anastasiia I. Fomina
Marina V. Uniushkina
Larisa N. Lobanova
ГБОУ СПО «Свердловский областной медицинский колледж» , Свердловская обл

«Исследование эффективности профориентации молодежи как фактор повышения квалификации кадров здравоохранения»

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Questions of increase of efficiency of vocational guidance for youth in the formation of the contingent of pupils of secondary special medical educational institutions.

Publication date: 08.02.2016
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Iuliia A. Soloveva , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Siberian State Industrial University" , Кемеровская обл

«Профессиональное самоопределение старшеклассников в системе довузовской подготовки регионального вуза»

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The article deals with the effective use of resources of the regional college preparatory training in the course of professional self-determination of youth.

Психологические науки

Publication date: 29.06.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Veronika S. Simonova
Natalya N. Egorova , candidate of psychological sciences
FSEI of HE "Ural Juridical Institute of MIA of Russia" , Свердловская обл

«Preconditions of professional identity crisis of students of educational institutions of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs»

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Considers the problems of manifestation of crisis phenomena of professional identity of students of universities of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, analyses the means and methods for the determination of crisis of professional identity. Offers possible solutions to the problems of overcoming the crisis of professional formation of students of universities Russian interior Ministry.

История и обществознание

Publication date: 08.08.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: -6 (Всего: 4)
Vladlena V. Sevastyanova
MBEI gymnasium №7 , Калининградская обл
Gerda A. Lopushnyan , candidate of pedagogic sciences
MBOU gimnaziia 7 g. Baltiiska , Калининградская обл

«My future profession: "engineering in medico-biological practice»

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The present article discusses the question of career choice. It also represents the criteria to rely on while choosing future profession. Moreover the authors input the model "my role in my future profession"