List of publications on a keyword: «sound»

Теория и методика дошкольного образования

Publication date: 22.12.2023
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Iuliia E. Aleksandrova
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State University of Education" , Москва г

«Theoretical analysis of experimental activity with sound as a means of forming cognitive activity in older preschool children»

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To date, the most important for the formation of musical creativity in older preschool age is the use of musical improvisation, as well as the formation of cognitive activity for musical creativity, therefore , theoretical aspects of experimental activity in elementary music making of older preschoolers for the formation of cognitive activity are necessary for both novice researchers, students, and practitioners of teachers, which contributes to the expansion and to deepen knowledge about children's music playing in an experiment with sound.

Тема номера

Publication date: 19.07.2023
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA


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The purpose of this study is to develop the description principles for lexicographic terminology in word-formation (WF) synthesis of Russian verbs. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the terminological system for WF synthesis of verbs is presented as the object of lexicographic description and enhanced with inter-active web-based elements. As a result, it has been proven that this terminological dictionary can serve not only as an informational and methodological instrument, but it also can become an effective teaching tool for studying Russian verb synthesis. The main macro-structure of the designed dictionary features the departure from the traditional alphabetic organization of the material, utilizing instead the principle of zoning by synthesis levels (the root and the word formation levels). Each lexicographic entry is augmented with interactive links to digital Russian explanatory dictionaries and to the Russian National Corpus (RNC) database.


Publication date: 28.06.2022
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 4)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA


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The purpose of the study is to present the terminology of word-formation synthesis as an organized system and identify the stages of development of its relevant terms. The scientific novelty of the study resides in the fact that a structured corpus of word-formation synthesis terms with elements of definitional analysis is introduced into scientific usage. As a result, it has been proven that the terminology of word-formation synthesis is a multilevel, hierarchically organized system, and the inventory of units within it changes at different stages of research. The system of modification synthesis terms is examined and tested with and through several proprietary novel web scraping algorithms that allow extracting the verbs of sound from digital databases of contemporary dictionaries and the National Corpus of the Russian language.

Cover article

Publication date: 13.07.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 3)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«Potential Units of Verb Synthesis: Properties and Possibilities (on the Material of the Russian Verbs of Sound)»

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The study identifies features of potential modifications and lacuna-forming modifiers involved in word-formation synthesis in the process of generating new verbs. The scientific novelty of this study is in the differentiated representation of lexical-semantic and morphological means (verbal modifiers) that are capable, on the one hand, of synthesizing a desired meaning (verbal modification) and, on the other hand, of producing lexical gaps (lacunae). As a result of analyzing the specific modifiers and modifications with respect to the lexical-semantic group of verbs of sound, the new products of synthesis (potential modifications) have been identified. The conditions for the appearance of lacunae and the role of the lacunae-forming modifiers are demonstrated. Through a special project at the Missouri S&T (USA) using the data from the Russian National Corpus, for the first time in lexicographic practice, novel modifications, previously considered non-existent, are introduced.


Publication date: 04.08.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«Semantic Peculiarities of Lacunae – Modifications. The Concept of Lacunae Dictionary Creation (A Case Study of Russian Verbs of Sound)»

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The article examines the insufficiently explored phenomenon in word-formation synthesis – the intra-linguistic affixal lacunae i.e. lexical gaps. The nature of lacunar units is described as a unique type of semantic modifications that display a similar structure, semantics, and characteristics. From the standpoint of derivative codification, the major lacunae groups are identified, analyzed, and mapped out based on their lexicographic properties. The glossary selection criteria for the experimental Lacunae – Modifications Dictionary are determined. Relying on the data from the Russian National Corpus, nearly 5,000 lacunae and sound verb modifications, combined, were researched using a web-scraping algorithm from a special project at Missouri S&T. The results of this study may serve as a foundational platform for this novel dictionary of affixal lexical gaps in the Russian language.


Publication date: 24.12.2019
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Aia Kunnei R. Lebedeva , student
Elena A. Larina , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
Pedagogical Institute of FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«Features of Spoken Speech in Bilingual Children in Yakut-Russian Dialect: Interference in the Sound-Pronouncing and Prosodic Side of Speech»

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This article examines the features of speech in preschool children who speak two languages on the example of Yakut and Russian languages. The study is specifically concerned with the sound-pronouncing and prosodic side of speech. Speech peculiarities at the present stage of development are considered. In conclusion, the solutions to overcome speech disorders are briefly examined.


Publication date: 13.06.2019
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«The role of implicit semantic components during the synthesis of russian verbal modifications (a case study for the verbs of mechanical phonation)»

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The article examines the implicit components in the meaning of semantically modified derivatives. Using the methods of componential analysis of definitions from various Russian explanatory and aspectual dictionaries, the implicit components in the sound verbs’ meanings are inventoried. The impact of the relevant implicit components on the synthesis process is examined; the dichotomy of the implicit components of meaning and corresponding synthesizing prefixes is identified. The productivity and typical colloquial usage of synthesized derivatives is demonstrated using data from the Russian National Corpus.


Publication date: 13.03.2019
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 1)
Raikan A. Ysmailova , candidate of philosophical sciences , associate professor
Dinara A. Salieva
Akbar kyzy Erkaiym
Tolkunbek kyzy Asel
Osh State University , Kyrgyzstan

«English in the modern world and pronunciation problems»

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This article examines the role of the English language in modern communication between people and how the problem of pronunciation affects perception. The author investigates the functions of intonation, describes the pronunciation peculiarities, offers methods on its effective mastering and renders difficulties that are usually faced by learners.

Publication date: 08.06.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 7)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«Russian zoophonic verbs modifications’ domain. Peculiarity of synthesis»

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The article examines capabilities of Russian zoophonic verbs (those describing sounds produced by animals) to create semantic modifications. Using the appending inventory of zoophonic verbal modifications from novel sources, previously unused in lexicographic practices, the open (infinite) nature of semantic modifications’ domain, its composition and the fluidity of its lacuna zones are shown. The structure of zoophonic verbal modifications is examined; verbal modifiers, non-typical for this lexical-semantic group of verbs, are inventoried. The obstacles to successful production of semantically modified derivatives during different stages of synthesis are classified by several criteria: denotative, semantic, and distributive. The research findings demonstrate the peculiarities of Russian zoophonic verbs’ behavior as well as map out their modification capabilities during the process of synthesis.

Педагогика профессиональной школы: среднего профессионального и высшего образования

Publication date: 13.07.2018
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Galina A. Sokolova , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Linguistic University" , Москва г

«The role of the game element in the introductory-phonetic course in the study of foreign languages»

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This article discusses some aspects of teaching a foreign language at initial stages, the importance of using the game element when working on the introductory-phonetic course is emphasized.

[10.00.00] Филологические науки

Publication date: 13.06.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«The sound source as an indicator of sound verbs’ semantic behavior during the synthesis process»

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The article examines the predictability of Russian verbal modifications during the process of word formation synthesis. The main reasons for modifiers’ combinatorial irregularity with respect to semantically connected sound verbs are identified. For the first time ever, the sound source, as the primary factor in determining the word formation synthesis’ results, is described from three perspectives: semantic, lexicographic, and denotative. Using various parameters relevant for both sound source and semantic modifiers, the sound verbs are subjected to combinatorial testing. The nature of dynamic dependency between the results of word formation synthesis, the distinguishing characteristics of modifiers, and the semantic range of verbs is analyzed.


Publication date: 11.01.2018
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Mikhail M. Patrakeev
NCEI of HPE "St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Sound metaphor in the artistic practice of symbolism»

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The purpose of this article is to examine the phenomenon of sound metaphor manifested in the best way in poetic texts and the most consciously used within symbolism as an art movement; and to identify the semiotic structure of the poem «Langueur» by P. Verlaine as well. In order to achieve this purpose, a linguo-semiotic analysis is undertaken which solves the following tasks: identification of the semiotic techniques used by the poet, and the subsequent interpretation of the poem.

[10.00.00] Филологические науки

Publication date: 23.12.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 3)
Nataliya M. Merkuryeva , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«The possibility of lexicographical descriptions of adverbial modifications»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of lexicography establishment of complex synthesis units of Russian verb. The variants of the submission of verbal modifiers and modifications within the experimental explanatory and word-formation dictionary developed by Associate Professor of I.V. Ivlievoy Science and Technology University of Missouri have been discussed. We sketched the range of problems which appear while trying to describe all complex semantic increments of synthesized sound verbs. Both undoubtedly positive results of the author's research – a real opportunity to codify the units of verbal synthesis according to developed models of entries and contentious issues, according to specified meaning it is not possible to synthesize all the verbs of sound semantic, are confirmed and reasoned.

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 23.05.2016
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Elizaveta N. Shipitsyna
MOBU "Gonzhinskaia SOSh" , Амурская обл

«Использование песенного материала в обучении английскому языку как средство развития звуковой культуры речи детей старшего дошкольного возраста»

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The article deals with the problem of using of songs in the process of foreign language teaching as one of the methods of development of sound speech of pre-school children.


Publication date: 02.06.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 3)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«The semantics of «lacuna modifications» (a case study for the verbs of sound)»

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The article examines the insufficiently explored domain of Russian verbal word formation synthesis – the lacuna (gap) field. For the first time ever, the term «lacuna (gap) modification» is being introduced into linguistic usage. This new term is defined, the well-grounded classification of lacuna types is presented, and the methods for creating an adequate lexicographic index of lacunas (gaps) is provided. Using the methods of componential analysis and synthesis, the lacuna charts and diagrams for the verbs of sound are constructed. Data obtained from the Russian native speakers’ questionnaire is used for clarification purposes. The results of the research set forward the identification methodology and consistent description techniques for lacunas (gaps) with respect to their future codification in various dictionaries, e.g., thesaurus, word-formation, etc.

Технические науки

Publication date: 07.04.2016
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Sergey V. Kapustin
Olga N. Krasulya , doctor of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Razumovskiy Moscow State University of Technology and Management" , Москва г

«The use of ultrasonic cavitation in the food industry»

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This article describes the benefits of using the effect of ultrasonic treatment on the nutritional environment in comparison with other types of commonly used processing methods – cutting, heat treatment, mixing. Particular attention is paid to the use sonochemical effects when emulsified liquid food media. The concrete examples and shows promising use of this type of actions to ensure the stability of food emulsions.

Общее направление

Publication date: 29.06.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 1)
Olga A. Novikova
Marina V. Papina , candidate of pedagogic sciences , доцент
FSBEI of HE "Shukshin Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University" , Алтайский край

«Theatre activities as a means of educating the sound of speech of the senior preschool children»

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Object of the study: the educational process aimed at the education of the sound culture of the speech of older preschool children. The subject of the research: the process of education of the sound culture of speech of older preschool children in theatrical activity. The aim of the work is to determine the effectiveness of the theatrical activity in the education of the sound culture of speech of children of senior preschool age. In the process of performing the work, the problem of education of the sound culture of speech in the process of the theatrical activity of senior preschoolers is theoretically substantiated, and the level of development of the sound culture of speech of older preschool children is revealed. The complex of measures in the theatrical activity, uncontrolled for the education of the sound culture of the speech of senior preschool children, and implemented in the educational process of the pre-school institution was developed and tested for efficiency.